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Everything posted by Mamooshka

  1. Heyyy people! Im in need of ride to the party, please help Preciso de uma carona para a festa da Costa da Caparica, por favor me ajude! number: 91 014 69 99
  2. Olá pessoas e amigos! Aqui está a minha nova mixtape para todos vocês para ouvir!! Dj Mamooshka (One Foot Groove / Hypergate) FIN Listen .:Growling Grooves:. mixtape here U might remember Mamooshka from playing in Freaky Fiction at Europa in early summer 2010 and Free Flow Festival in Algarve Hello People and Friends! Here is my new mixtape for u all to hear!! Enjoy!! Feliz Ano Novo de 2011!!! Bookings at: djmamooshka@gmail.com Dj Mamooshka(Skype) Mamooshkamystica@hotmail.com(Windows Live Messenger) Sites: http://www.youtube.com/user/Mamooshkamusic http://www.myspace.com/Djmamooshka http://onefootgroove.co.za http://hypergate-records.com http://www.myspace.com/Zenitah http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dj-Mamoosh... Facebook: facebook.com/djmamooshka
  3. Whiiiiuu, muito obrigado pelas palavras agradáveis Theres was goood athmosphere and awesome vibes in the air!!!! Was Killeerrrrr to play there <3 Sauna it was yea, almost fainted after set :D Boooooom
  4. Festa festaaaa!!!