Pessoal desculpem mas está-me a dar a calanziçe não vou traduzir..só se for mesmo preciso
This was mixed in the early 2000´s using two home CD players and a numark basic mixer, recorded onto a Minidisc. I would memorize the song parts where i would push play on the second CD so things would fit in the mixing is kinda lame =)
I consider this period in time to be when psychedelic trance reached it´s finest form, you could actually make out most of the the artists that were playing just by listening.
At the time i owned all the records (CD´s) where these tracks came from, so i know all these tracks by heart. But I´m leaving the setlist up to you folks to figure out so this gets interesting, get those comments going! =D
Also feel free to share and download @ will.
Keep it psychedelic! []
EDIT: Epah esta não é a secção adequada!
Algum moderador que mova para o GERAL sff! =)