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Everything posted by Brainscan

  2. apresenta : GENESIS MAINFLOOR: BIOGENESIS ( Nutek rec.) - México - www.myspace.com/biomusic - SPECIAL SET Buzzwak ( Bio-Studios ) - México - www.myspace.com/buzzwak - SPECIAL OPENING SET ( Psybreaks|Dubstep|Electro ) Ignition ( Materia Records | Hypergate ) - Portugal - www.myspace.com/ignitionzone - LIVE ACT Sinful Reactions ( 3D Vision Rec. | MMD Rec ) - Portugal - www.myspace.com/sinfulreactions - LIVE ACT Killer Monsters ( Samaveda (Kafar vs Mad Mike) ) - Portugal - DJ SET MINIMAL AREA: Mindsprinters (Brainscan prod.) - www.myspace.com/mindsprinters Mesk (Dubtek rec.) - www.myspace.com/meskline Dj Demon Madness (Brainscan prod.|looping sounds|space toon org) - www.myspace.com/djdemonmadness Dj Mad Boy (Dubtek rec.) - www.myspace.com/meskline Promoção: Bebe 3 pague 2 log in: 10Genes
  3. VAMOSS!!!!! SPAZZZ VS KAFAR ..... VAMOS VER A BOMBA K VEM AI!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Brainscan apresenta: ISRALIFT 9OUTUBRO DE 2010 - PORTORIO Dance floor: Dj Spazzz (G.B.M.rec) ISRAEL LAB (no comment|Devíl´s Mind|Q4G) Apresentação do novo album Dj Spazzz (G.B.M.rec) VS Kafar (Samaveda) M3l3k TAUS (Brainscan prod) VS UNVOLVED live VS live Area alternativa: Triple X Nygouik Hidroxid Deco: Visual Lab Log in: 10 lifts Promoção: Bebe 3 pague 2
  5. é já este sabado ppl....
  6. SOUND BLAST 2.0 Mainroom: KHOPAT (Spectral Rec/Hypergate) www.myspace.com/khopatmusic BUNKER JACK (Samaveda/AjnaGroove/D-Djance) www.myspace.com/bunkerjack ABSOUNDED (Samaveda) www.myspace.com/absoundedproductions DEMON MADNESS (Looping Sounds) www.myspace.com/djdemonmadness UpperDeck: MENTAL G(Brainscan) DUFFEIN (Cinética) Decor by: VISUAL LAB www.myspace.com/visual_lab1 Oferta: Em cada 3 bebidas consumidas pagas 2 Local: Barco Gandufe (PORTO RIO) Login: 5 Sounds
  7. Amigos, para quem não sabe, existe uma fonte lá em Boivão com água potável que está a disposição de todos! Fiquem bem, e até breve.....
  8. Força allien!!!!!!!hehehe Boa sorte amigo!!
  9. Mais um festão....hehehehe Já falta poukinhu.............
  10. É já este sabado pessoal...aparexam...abraço
  11. Já faltou mais MAD.....hrehehe
  12. E Nanuk tmb parte bem,.....hehehe
  13. hehehehe..Mais uma grande festa, da nossa grande SAMAVEDA... abraço ppl
  14. Grandes FOTOS... tens jeito pa coisa....
  15. á pois vem, velhinhu rejuvenecido...hehehe
  16. Mesmo..aí está mais uma no nosso conhecido barco...
  17. Promoção: A 3ª bebida, é de borla....seja qual for a bebida...
  18. Fika prometido por parte da org. k vams fazer de tudo, para tornar esta festa unica. Kem ká vier vai fikar surpreendido pela positiva... Boas surpresas vos esperam.... Até lá....
  19. Lá estarei pa dar a força do costume...
  20. Ex-Gen is born in Barcelona, formed by three members: Manuel Martí Valls (3D Vision Rec) also known as dj Nanuk, Germán Martínez García ( Aum Project ) and Xavier Baques Rafols ( dj Bakers ). Although they band is only about 2 years old, their members has a long experience in the psy-trance scene. Nanuk has been playing dj sets for more than 10 years, German Martinez aka Aum Project is one of the most active live acts in Spain and he has been producing electronic music from so far and Xavier, dj Bakers, is an excellent guitarrist player and also a very good experienced dj. Their sound is defined as hitech or night psytrance, powerful leads, fat basslines and a well-accurated production are some of the reasons why Absolum invites Ex-Gen to join on 3D Vision Recordings in 2008. They play in places like: Japan, Switzerland, Malaga, Barcelona.... They release in labels like: 3D Vision Recordings, Timecode Records, Dropland Recordings, Ultravision Rec, As Records, Evil rec... And they work in collaboration tracks with: Absolum, Lost & Found, Smashed, Compressor, Domi Pastor. Actually, they are working on new tracks harder and stronger than ever for their debut album.
  21. aí vem o homem.....WAIO....Vai ser mt bom...Conta cmg amigo...
  22. SHIVA JOERG Shiva Space Japan MYSPACE DARK SHIVA Shiva Space Japan MYSPACE KHOPAT Spectral rec. SINFUL REACTIONS 3D Vision A-MUSH 3D Vision * Crystal Matrix * Blissful IGNITION Materia BUNKER JACK Samaveda / D djance INTRUDER Samaveda DJ'S KAFAR Samaveda / Quest4Goa TIMSZARAS Prothom tribe ABSOUNDED Samaveda MENTAL G Brainscan MORE INFO SOON