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Colin OOOD

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About Colin OOOD

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  • Origem
    Bristol, UK

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  1. Hey All four of us in OOOD are very excited to be playing live at Boom, as our first performance in Portugal! We can't believe our luck... thanks to Ana @ Passion Fruit and the Boom team for making it possible. This will be the first time we've put our music to visuals, and Anita's short film has been great to work with. We've got a lot of work to do yet but it's looking good so far! With any luck we'll have a VJ for the second half of our set, and we've also been making a special remix of one of our tracks just for the soundtrack, so I hope you will come to the Dance Temple and help us kick Sunday evening off in style. Here's a short clip, from the first half of the film. The music is OOOD: 'Little Big Life' - and if you're thinking "but where's the psytrance?"... hehe don't worry http://vimeo.com/13517702
  2. Hey Renato, how's it going. It was good to meet you at the party Yes, that was the car. Rita, the owner of the car, says that she put it in Sa's car before she left; Sa also left but he told Miguel (the organiser, aka Trance Active) he doesn't know anything about my bag. So I don't know what to think, maybe someone took it from the car, maybe someone is lying to me. What makes it worse is that because of the way it happened (ie. I don't know exactly how it happened, no-one can give me a straight answer) and the very long time it took to get past the bullshit and get my crime report sent to me, I may not be able to claim on my insurance which means that I might have to pay over €2000 to replace everything. I have already spent over €700 to replace things that were stolen which weren't mine. I can't afford to spend this money at the beginning of the season; I have already had to pull out of some gigs because of the theft and this has the potential to fuck my entire year. I have the use of an old, slow laptop and soundcard but it limits what I can do on stage. And all for a party that I agreed to do for free before I knew there was a solid investor putting money into it. Of course the organiser has now gone back to the USA so his phone number doesn't work, and I never see him on MSN these days. Still fucking pissed off.
  3. Encontrei uma foto do meu laptop saco: http://i.ebayimg.com/06/!BRnrB+g!m...BvMQ)5g~~_1.JPG Obrigado.
  4. Hi... the links to the photos of my stolen equipment are better here: Laptop - Compal CL56, blue with OOOD sticker on lid: http://www.gearxs.com/product_images/MG03072.jpg Soundcard - Nuendo Audiolink 96 (identical to RME Multiface): http://images.fixya.com/S/Steinberg/177x150/25265484.JPG Korg PadKontrol MIDI controller: http://mos.musicradar.com/images/Computer%....pad-460-80.jpg If you can help, please contact me - O_O_O_D@yahoo.com (email/MSN) About the chillout set - wow it was cold! But I was booked to DJ there, not play live; OOOD is 4 people and we need at least 2 for a live set; I guess the flyer was wrong. I'm glad someone heard the music and enjoyed it - for the first hour of my set the only people in the chillout were me and the security guard. I am very sad, and very angry sometimes also. My bag was in Rita's car, and I have been told it was then moved into Sa's car when Rita went home while I was DJing in the chillout. Maybe it was stolen out of his car. This is what I have been told by the organiser - I didn't see it myself; all I know is that I left my bag in Rita's car to keep it safe while I played my set. If anyone has any information please contact me. -------------------------------------------------- Oi ... os links para as fotos dos meus equipamentos roubados são melhores aqui: Laptop - Compal CL56, azul com OOOD autocolante na tampa: http://www.gearxs.com/product_images/MG03072.jpg Soundcard - Nuendo Audiolink 96 (idêntico ao Multiface RME): http://images.fixya.com/S/Steinberg/177x150/25265484.JPG Korg PadKontrol controlador MIDI: http://mos.musicradar.com/images/Computer%....pad-460-80.jpg Se você puder ajudar, por favor contacte-me - O_O_O_D@yahoo.com (email / MSN) Sobre o chillout set - uau era frio! Mas estava reservado para DJ lá, não tocar ao vivo; OOOD é de 4 pessoas e precisamos de pelo menos 2 para um live set; acho que o volante estava errado. Fico feliz que alguém ouviu a música e beneficiou-lo - para a primeira hora do meu set as únicas pessoas no chillout e foram-me a guarda de segurança. Estou muito triste, e por vezes também muito zangado. Meu saco estava no carro da Rita, e tem-me sido dito que era então movido para Sa do carro quando Rita foi para casa enquanto eu estava DJing no chillout. Talvez tenha sido roubado de seu carro. Isto é o que eu tenho sido informado pelo organizador - Eu não vi isso sozinho, tudo o que sei é que eu deixei o meu saco no Rita do carro para mantê-la segura enquanto eu jogava o meu set. Se alguém tiver qualquer informação, por favor contacte-me. ------------------------------------------------------- Hooray for Google Translate