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Everything posted by Yonaguni

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHkucr1jJpQ&feature=related
  2. Mete-a para lavar! Cheira mal que se trasanda! (palavras tuas)
  3. Se tiver companhia para ir sou bem capaz de aparecer
  4. Maiia - Sacred Knowledge Of Ancient Civilizations" In the ancient world there are many mysteries, but none as perplexing as those found in the Mayan culture.The Maya were noted as well for elaborate and highly decorated ceremonial architecture, including temple-pyramids, palaces and observatories, all built without metal tools.They are regarded as the inventors of many aspects of Meso-American cultures including the first calendar and hieroglyphic writing in the Western hemisphere. Unlocking the Secrets of a Lost Civilization, Maiia's album Sacred Knowledge of Ancient Civilizations' will transport you straight out in the middle of a magical forest of emerald.This is also an ode to Shamans which makes rites of passage to carry the sacral knowledge, keeping the continuum between civilizations.This way the study on the ancient rituals of the initiation of Mayans enables better understanding of cultures that maintain harmonic relations with the natural environment, their value system and logic of the relations with the world of nature.The use of their experience by our modern civilization would help to create more harmonic and internallyunified culture, overcome the negative experience of the consuming society.Ritual trance journeys have been a vital part of shamanic and eastern dance cultures for thousands of years. Our contemporary approach to Trance Dance brings together the richness of these ancient rituals with some startlingly effective modern techniques. The end result is access into the deeper realms of our self and the universe... a glimpse into the mystical world that lies beneath our normal perceptions ofreality 1. Mantra MAIIA 2. Autumn Hope MAIIA 3. Waves of cosmic inspiration (Instrumental mix) MAIIA 4. Arabian Nights MAIIA 5. Ancient Tribe (Instrumental mix) MAIIA 6. Spanish Kiss MAIIA 7. 3D Dreams MAIIA 8. Deep Magic (2011 mix) MAIIA 9. Secrets of the old castle MAIIA 10. Riddlefish (Maiia rmx) YGGDRASIL Samples here
  5. É o que a droga faz às pessoas...
  6. Eu também! Estou no Bulls a bullir
  7. pareces um papagaio daqueles que só sabe dizer OLÁ!!
  8. Yonaguni

    Séries A Ver!

    Boa serie sem dúvida! Já viste a Raising Hope? Tenho gravado os 1ºs episódios na box mas ainda não vi nenhum. Já dei umas boas gargalhadas à pala dessa serie. Que familia marada
  9. mandem mais areia para os olhos... lololol CORRUPTOS!!!! As escutas provam tudo! Grandes tótós! Até os juizes venderam a alma para ir à bola! Vocês são tão ridiculos quantos esses textos que apregoam!
  10. O Euro Festival é uma farsa. sempre foi... LUTEM MAIS CAMARADAS!!!
  11. Já tinha ouvido no soundcloud! Muita bom!!!
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Lii0lDGGbI&feature=related O PPD é um partido Farsola cheio de gente farsola
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7JV7-nJu1w&feature=related
  14. Acho ridículo o video feito para eles. Só podia ter vindo de Cascais
  15. Yonaguni

    Séries A Ver!

    Boa serie sem dúvida! Já viste a Raising Hope?
  16. Sem dúvida! Que classe!
  17. Só mesmo o bimbo do nick normal