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Everything posted by Juggler

  1. Parabeeennsss zurgilhoo e q a festa esteja mm linda como tu mereces ihihih
  2. Vai aos dois ou então não faças isso
  3. Parabééénsss miguinha mts e bonsssssss
  4. Tá explicado ihihih Ficamos á espera da próxima
  5. Mt boa sorte para a festa e parabéns ao Templvm bar, tem mm as condições todas lá
  6. Mtsss parabééénnnssssss compadri
  7. Lineup mm soberbo, tamos lá de certezinhaaaaa
  8. E hoje para iniciarmos a noite temos mais um dj convidado: PREM (Crystal Matrix / Elements Trance) Apareçam
  9. Vcs digam-nos lá quem é o resto do lineup senão morro de ansiedadeee
  10. Mesmo para acabarmos o verão em grande, boa sorte
  11. Mtss parabénss zurginha, continua a rebentar com os dancefloors como tens feito até agora que é o que nós gostamos e já sabes onde é a comemoração ihihiih abraços
  12. 4 de Março ainda falta mt, a festa é já hoje no Link ihihih
  13. É uma questão de escolher as melhores
  14. Até custa a acreditar neste lineup ihihihihih tamos lá
  15. Grande escolha Perplex, vêmo-nos lá
  16. O flyer tá mm lindo, mts parabénssss
  17. Na minha opinião a festa foi na geral excelente, quero deixar aqui os meus mais sinceros parabéns á GooDTrance por todo o profissionalismo e por todas as condições que nos deram A deco estava linda mm, o som (apesar do sistema quadrifónico não ser dos meus preferidos) tava com mt boa qualidade tb, bom ambiente, mts amigos, tudo 5 estrelas Em relação ao meu set peço desculpa por não ter corrido bem mas havia umas questões psicológicas por resolver e não deu para conjugar as duas coisas mas isso é passado e o que interessa é o presente Mais uma vez um grande obrigado a todo o "staff" da GooDTrance pela festa e fico ansiosamente á espera da próxima PS: podem ver na www.chaishop.com um review completo da festa, assim que tiver pronto deixo aqui o link PS2: pelo que percebi Alternative Control tava mm confirmadissimo, falei com o Tiago sexta feira ás 20:00 e eles ainda tavam a fazer os possiveis para conseguir trazêlos, não foi falta de trabalho mas sim azar
  18. Z Machine - Man Made Machine Pukka Music Promotional Thread Paul Marks a.k.a. Z Machine is making the psychedelic underground scene move and fly in Israel since 1997. Born in South Africa (1975) and living in Israel since 83 has given him many gifts, like participating and assisting, since the beginning, the evolution and 'tranceformation' of this trance power that keep us 'Fully Alive' and the opportunity of sharing knowledge and studio time with the great masters from digital sound design. His journey started when he was 16 years old, in the same way as many of us, in the forest with the first psychedelic experimentation, the one that changed life for good. Up to 97 he was very busy dancing the global beat with full dedication while discovering the psyconautica navigation in the Other Realms. Then he started to play as a Dj, first in small and soon in all types of parties either in the commercial or in the underground scene giving him the opportunity at the time to buy some equipment and start experimenting himself starting towards the next level where he is today: producing his first album 'Man made machine'. He's also released tracks on various record labels like Tip World, Arcadia, Phantasm, Procyon, Phonokol, Proton and have spread some of his tunes throughout the planet. Paul Marks describes his music as 'full on Goa psychedelic, suiting perfectly for sunrise and full on morning' 'From the deepest to the highest' Track list: 1 Man made machine 2 Let yourself go 3 East generation 4 Angelic light 5 Floating in the void 6 Energize 7 Another simulation 8 Inner mind * 9 Golden city 10 XI - 3rd Dimension - Z Machine rmx Review: After many good tracks in compilations, here is the first album... Track 1 starts with a concise bass and with some psy sounds that give us some night ambience...also there is a vocal sample that appears sometimes showing us the album name, “Man made machine”. In “Let Yourself Go”, we have a groovy bass acomplished by an intense kick that together makes the track sounds energetic...the sample used is the well recognized “This should be played at high valium...” and has too very psy and hipnotic melodies. Track 3 brings a nice groovy bass with very changes and some pacific melodies...it has too a great rhythm all track long and a great construction of all elements in general. “Angelic light” is a bit more slow than the others (143bpm) and has some mellow and nice goa melodies that with a groovy and intense kick bass line takes us to a morning party full of sun and happy people This one has a great electronic and digital feeling, apart from being released at some time ago it’s for sure one of the best Z Machine tracks...nice deep vocal samples, some psychedelic sounds that takes you on a science fiction mood. Track 6 – Energize – is a bit like the name – full energizing goa melodies, mixed with a groovy and power kick bass line, the only bad thing here is that the melody starts to be a bit boring because it’s very similar. “Another Simulation” has a nice rhythm, something like a groovy bass line and some beautiful morning melodies that takes you to a very relaxed and pacific sunshine. Track 8 has another groovy bass (like Z Machine always use), good and well constructed break in the middle, a deep and light melodie mixed with some kind of a bell...relaxed for home listening but good too for morning dancefloors. Track 9 – rhythmic kick bass line, nice effects on the hihats, psy melodies coming in and out, not my favourite but very dancable. The last one is the remix of the well known “3rd Dimension” by Xerox & Illumination and it was previously released on the va “Revelations” by Digital Oracle...in my opinion is a bit better than the original, the style is the same – killer bassline, nice morning melodies, amazing rhythm, good for any dancefloor I think that Z Machine have done a nice album, the style is always the same but the tracks are very different, ones more for morning, others for night...all tracks have powerful and groovy bass lines, great samples, and all with a great production, nice one 7/10 Pedro Gaspar aka Juggler
  19. LINK – Quintas feiras de Fevereiro Jardim do Tabaco - Lisboa Free party 00:00-6:00 Lineup: Dia 2 . X_Tigma (Quest4Goa) . Darak’Na (Other Weeds) Dia 9 Live PA – Atary (Union Prod.) Dj’s: . Mixtech (Crystal Matrix) . Juggler (Chaishop.com/Quark Agency) Dia 16 . Viruse Diggitale (Respecta/Psyfriends) . Spaceruption vs. Braska Dia 23 . Elf Link (Mystic Prod.) . Mei - Fel Apareçam