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Everything posted by Juggler

  1. Grande iniciativa, devia de ser já hoje
  2. parvo---->ser humano que não vá hoje ver Wrecked Machines
  3. Esse é o convidado especial da festinha ihihih Tamos lá
  4. Terças feiras - Março Bar Amas do Cardeal - Évora 00:00-3:00 Dia 8 . Kastrik (Infected Island Prod.) . Juggler (Chaishop.com/GoaMoon) Dia 15 . Maze (Union productions/Plur prod.) . Juggler (Chaishop.com/GoaMoon) Dia 22 . Sahid (MoonChild) . Juggler (Chaishop.com/GoaMoon) Dia 29 . Fluxo (Quest4Goa) . Juggler (Chaishop.com/GoaMoon)
  5. Promotional Thread It’s a compilation by Molly Kulator, one of top psy Sweden dj's. The cd contains 10 previously unreleased tracks from top psy full on artists and some new talents as well. The CD open up with an amazing collaboration between Safi and Liquid phase, it's a full on psy-rock guitar project like nothing you ever heard before, continues with tracks from Hux Flux another bomb from Mekkanikka, Japanese Theoreme, Dozer Aka Blt and 40%, Tube (Chemical crew), Sixsense and great promise from Israeli trance Chemical Drive. Tracklist 1. Sounds like Bazoom / SAFI AND LIQUID PHASE 2. Equivalent Equations / HUX FLUX 3. Resurection / MEKKANIKKA 4. Asagao / THEOREME 5. S.P.O. / DOZER AND 40% 6. Secrets of life / TUBE 7. Going down / DALI 8. Spiritual sense / SIXSENSE 9. Mushroom jack / CHEMICAL DRIVE 10. Awakening of dawn / SAFI CONNECTION AND IBOJIMA Review I know that this one is a bit too late but I just got the cd at 2 weeks ago... Track 1 is done by Safi and Liquid Phase and it calls “Sound like Bazoom”; it seems a bit to the experimental side of trance (like Safi usually work), it has some guitar reefs but always very loud…some psychedelic tunes can be listen too… Hux Flux brings us more one track completely Hux Flux style!!! It has his characteristic psychedelic sounds, good melodies that doing me remember India…all well constructed…but a bit boring till the end (it can be a bit smaller). Track 3 by Mekkanikka (Resurection) doesn’t seem like a Mekkanikka track, it is more psychedelic and more aggressive then the other ones…it has some psychedelic sounds all track long that give it power and velocity… Track 4 by Theoreme (Asagao) continues exploring the psychedelic territories opened in Hux Flux track…all the track has psychedelic melodies and sounds, powerful kick, and a good guitar reef that sounds like it’s playing live… Dozer & 40 % presents us S.P.O., a bit more pacific and quiet then the other tracks…it has a nice groove, nice morning melodies, a negative point is a long and long stop in the music (about 2 minutes), more negative because when it starts again we think that it was 2 minutes expecting anything that didn’t come. Tube’s Secrets of Life take us into some type of spatial dreams; it has a groovy and power bassline, quiet but open melodies all track long and in the final part this melodies come more and more luminous, like if we have catch the treasure at the end of the tunnel Track 7 by Dali (Going Down) it’s definitely not my taste, it has much vocals and all similar, saying Dali all track long…it’s just one more track in the trance music, nothing except this… Track 8 by Sixsense, called “Spiritual Sense”, takes the compilation to a more pacific atmosphere again, all the music is invaded by a great groove, the kickbass is strong, melodies from morning appears and goes away taken you with it… Mushroom Jack by Chemical Drive is my favourite here; it has a progressing feeling, much grooveeeee, and some nice and progressing bassline…all with mellow and spiral melodies. In ten and last position we have Safi Connection & Ibojima with “Awakening of Dawn“, is a well chosen track to finish this compilation…it has bright and luminous melodies, a warm feeling associated with it, ideal to finish a party! Speaking in general, Propaganda is good but it can be better, in my opinion the present compilation of Spliff Music (Roppongi Dreams) is doing much better his job My favourites here are Tube, Sixsense and Chemical Drive; I give it 6/10. Pedro Gaspar aka Juggler
  6. Promotional Thread After the success of our first compilation» Perception” we had the need to move forward and rise up the quality of tunning. This is a fine selection including some of the biggest names in this scene and a few new and upper coming ones. For your maximum pleasure we have co-operated with Avi Algranati (Spacecat /Israel) who is responsible for the mastering of this top notch cd. The production is better than ever. Do not miss this new high-level production, a must have for every single one of you. Tracklist 1. Tristan - No Boundaries 2. Ion - E-Tom 3. Anax - Libria 4. Wizzy Noise - 10’o Clock 5. Tikal - The World Is Yours 6. Ion - Industry 7. Overlap - Sunglasses 8. Polaris - A.I. 9. Unison - Porno Trance Review After the great Perception compilation, I’m glad and anxious to hear the last comp. by Harmonia… Track 1, by Tristan, starts the compilation well, slowly, progressing from second to second, always with the psychedelic deep feeling well known by Tristan…but the negative part of the track is that it has too the “less creative” feeling of Tristan and it turns a bit repetitive… Track 2 by Ion (the new artist from Harmonia that has released is first album called Ionized) has a spatial feeling and has some melodies that doing remember goa trance…always with a deep and quiet feeling… Anax from Serbia presents us with a more psychedelic track, all with a good and open melody, I’m thinking listen it on an open air festival in the morning after the sunshine, it sounds good! Track 4 by Wizzy Noise is a bit more progressing; it has a groovy bass line, sincerely a bit boring, all the track as calm tunes associated with it, perfect to finish a party at sunset. Track 5 by Tikal has the same groovy rhythm that Tikal always put in his tracks…from time to time appears a vocal sample but always with the kick in back…it has too a nice and quiet melody, a pacific guitar reef, truly all the track is very pacific and shanti Track 6, the second one by Ion, has the same deep and quiet feeling of track 2, but this time it has a more “final of a party” melody; it has a sample of a chanting that sounds really good, the track is a bit similar, doesn’t changes very much but it stills good… Track 7 by Overlap - Sunglasses is very calm and a bit repetitive; it has mellow melodies, natural tunes but it seems like we are listen to the same part of the track all the time…it can be more variated… Track 8 by the French man Polaris has the powerful and greatest bassline that Polaris always put in his tracks…the rest of the track is very calm, nice melodies, ideal to finish a morning set! Track 9 by Unison, the project from Pan Papason and Nectarios, is a very spatial track, it does remind the scientific fiction movies…the music is more to the progressive side of trance, but always with psychedelic sounds crashing on it…it’s a bit repetitive… Sincerely I prefer the Perception compilation, I think that this one have much repetitive tracks, I give it… …6/10 Pedro Gaspar aka Juggler
  7. Promotional Thread Optica Records presents DEN KOZLOV - DIGITAL SHAMANISM :: INCLUDES BONUS DOUBLE CD ‘LIVE’ FROM ST Cyprian’s CHURCH, LONDON: Currently the new album “DEN KOZLOV - DIGITAL SHAMANISM” is being released on an independent record label Ajuca Productions (Optica Records - release date October 2004). The style of the music is ELECTRO-INDUSTRIAL; it is a mix of the urban electro rhythms with pure ultra-modern club sound. The examples and one-minute previews are available online at the address: http://storage.golev.com/music/innervoiceproject Tracklist 1. Atman Imagination 2. The Look at You 3. Time Is Nothing 4. Tear of Thought 5. Loneliness 6. Digital Shaman 7. Heartbeat In Front Of Unknown 8. Imaginary Paradise 9. Emotional Resonance 10. Freedom from Knowledge 11. Gliding Review It's the first thing I'm going to hear anything done by Den Kozlov, I know that he is from Moscow but he is more well known just from the period when he went to London in 1999...we have too a bonus cd recording live... Track 1 has some nice percussion, expanding and futuristic break beats, some morning and quiet sounds in the back, the perfect track to alarm you that this album is going to be ideal for a great relaxing experience… Track 2 is another break beat track; it has some piano notes that sounds really good and can take you into a trippy dream state with small difficult…this track has some nice melody too, I’m anxious to listen it on a summer festival chill out stage… Track 3 “Time is nothing” is one of my favourites of “Digital Shamanism” - it has a great groovy bass and hi hats, a sample with a beautiful and melodious woman voice saying “It’s a beautiful day” that gets inside your head and skip away your problems Tear of thought is more one great piece of electronic music…it’s a bit slower (around 100 bpm) and has a more straight bass line…it has too a woman’s voice singing around the break beats around circles…some industrial sounds like in all music from Den Kozlov… Track 5 is a bit more classic and less urban; it has a so down and quiet melody that starts to be a little depressive…but we know it already from the start because of his name, I think that people suffering from lonelyness doesn’t want to hear it… Digital Shaman is the most boring and repetitive track on the album, it has some jazz feelings mixed with a drum’n’bass atmosphere, quiet good, the only bad thing is that it’s a bit equal all track long… Track 7 brings power to bpm number to 149, ‘drumming and basing’ all track long, with a quiet melody in back…this track is a bit too repetitive but the melody is so relaxing that you just don’t see the time passing up… Track 8 starts calm with a nice percussion tune and some quiet bird sounds…at the middle of the track the breakbeats comes with power and goes till the end together with a nice melody in it. Track 9 is a great down and ambient track, just relax…it has a floating melody all track long, that can put you on a beach, a desert, anything with sand and wind…at 4m30s we are taken by a magical carpet in a flying trip just around breakbeats, relaxing atmospheres, great one The last track named Gliding is more electro styled, it has a downtempo beat, some psychedelic tunes together with a melody, some times with an aggressive sounds…at 9m19s we wins a hidden track, ideal to finish the album, with a melody that goes inside your head doing remember that it is one hour in the future and it just seems that passed 10 minutes! After this hour of great music we are congratulated with one more hour, this time a live recording from St. Cyprian Church in London. 7/10 Pedro Gaspar aka Juggler
  8. Rua da Barroca, Nº111, apareçam
  9. Se precisarem de ajuda a nível de cdjs ou musica podem contar cmg
  10. Eu só estive na festa entre a 1:00 e as 4:00 e gostei mt do q vi, boa PA, bom som, mt gente, bom ambiente, tive pena de não ficar ate ao fim...
  11. Gostava de deixar aqui as minhas desculpas pela prestação mas vcs sabem que não foi culpa minha
  12. until
    Free Party - barragem Pego do Altar dias 25/26/27 Lives . Quantum Leap (Kagdila/Goamoon) . Psy Prisma Djs . Juggler (Chaishop.com/Goamoon) . Fun_Gas (Astrologic/Ayuaska) . Otiram (Moonbat/Goamoon) . D_Man (Astrologic/Ayuaska) . Gomor (Psy Dmt) . Viruse Diggitale Infoline> 968422746/965156677
  13. The House Of Vodka 3 Marco - Quinta-Feira Djs . Brion (Enzyme Rec.) ENG . Namaste (Enzyme Rec.) PT . Juggler (Chaishop.com/Goa Moon) PT 4 Euros c/ 1 bebida Bairro Alto, Rua da Barroca, 111
  14. Free Party - barragem Pego do Altar dias 25/26/27 Lives . Quantum Leap (Kagdila/Goamoon) . Psy Prisma Djs . Juggler (Chaishop.com/Goamoon) . Fun_Gas (Astrologic/Ayuaska) . Otiram (Moonbat/Goamoon) . D_Man (Astrologic/Ayuaska) . Gomor (Psy Dmt) . Viruse Diggitale Infoline> 968422746/965156677
  15. Tive mt pena de nao ter podido ir, dia 12 marco nao falto
  16. Boa festinha, ja tou desejoso da proxima
  17. Mas eu tive de conversa com o Raul e ele disseme que la ia tocar
  18. Bela noite ontem de Alcantara, obrigado a todos os que apareceram, proxima dia 17 Marco
  19. Eu ando a ler já á 1 mês o Pão dos Deuses, a ver se é desta que o acabo