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Everything posted by Juggler

  1. Apesar de não poder estar presente na festa desejo todos os parabéns do mundo á Astrologic e um grande obrigado pelas boas festas com que nos têm presenteado, abraços e mt boa festa
  2. Olhem eu não vou poder lá estar mas deixo já aqui os meus grandes parabéns á Vilma, que na festa corra tudo mt bem como as outras têem corrido e se tudo correr bem encontramonos prá semana
  3. Mts parabéns á Goodtrance festa com todas as condições, o som tb teve bom, na minha opinião teve tudo mt lindo, esperamos pela próxima
  4. Tava a ver que não vinha a próxima ihihih
  5. Mais uma festinha que promete ser festona, até lá
  6. LOLLLLLLL zurga tu és mesmo romântico ihihih NF: cheio de vontade das festinhassss
  7. Ainda por cima pertinho de casa Tamos lá
  8. Vision Tribe acho que toda a gente que teve lá a tocar saiu de lá com as despesas todas pagas mas mesmo assim se conheceres alguem a quem isso não aconteceu de certeza que basta ligares ao Manelito e esclarecerem isso
  9. Boas O nosso amigo Dj Brasca não vai poder estar presente hoje no link e então o lineup fica o seguinte: Live - Creatix (Enzyme Records) Dj's: Fun_Gas (Astrologic/Ayuaska/Swing) Juggler (Chaishop.com/Quark Agency) Apareçam
  10. Promotional Thread This is the second album of this now well known band... ...who in the last two years had built themself a strong reputation of full-on producers, playing all around with a huge success due to the quality of their music, and to the fact that their new production is cristal clear! This second album is exactly the kind of music that Mind Control was seeking for... Full-on, psychedelic, melodic... The kind of music that works in parties. Tracklist 1 - Breaking The Matrix 2 - I Want Freedom 3 - Oxygenation 4 - Radar Detection 5 - Legion of Angels (Album Rmx) 6 - Sirius Conspiracy 7 - The Psydream 8 - MK Ultra 9 - Retro Life System (Live Mix) Review I know that it’s released at some time ago but it’s so good that I have to do this Track 1 have the name of the album and it’s the first track done by Sirius Isness that have a guitar on it…very power from the beginning to the end. Track 2 is beautiful and powerful, groovy bass, groovy hihats, great voice samples from the movie Waking Life, full on time. Oxygenation is my favourite here, simply killer…starts with a progressive and groovy bassline that fits perfectly in any mix, the track evolves to some psychedelic fields and at the middle all stops and when it comes…I don’t have expression for this, just listen Track 4 is a bit less aggressive and psychedelic, it has a great rhythm and nice percussions all track long, always with Sirius bass line… The album version of Legion of Angels is less aggressive than the original, it has a nice groove on it and nice melodies but I prefer the first one. Sirius Conspiracy is not my style, is very psychedelic, have some women voice samples with a lot of effects on it, the style is the same of Sirius but with more psychedelic tunes. Track 7 has a groovy Sirius bass again (I love this bassline:)), nice psy sounds, nice percussion too and some well constructed melodies that always puts the crowd smiling… MK Ultra is another beautiful one, power but pacific kick bassline, melodies for dreaming awake, some nice vocal samples, great one. Last but not least, Retro Life System starts very progressive and powerful, this is another that sounds good in any mix…more to the middle it has some quiet and deep melody that fits perfectly at day time in a party I don’t know if it’s better or worst than the first album, I just know that the two are beautiful! 8/10 Pedro Gaspar aka Juggler
  11. PSYFRIENDS 16/17/18 Setembro 2005 LIVE acts: SPANK NOISE (independent trance/psygathering) IRRITANT (Psygathering) OPTICAL (independent trance ) DJ´S : KASTRIP (odning records) SAIKO (astrologic) GOMOR (odning records) JUGGLER (chaishop/quark agency) OTIRAM (moonbat/quark agency) ZUR (mouzkito rec.) PSY THAY (odning records) NEURON (mouzkito rec./psyfriends) IUR (psyfriends/mouzkito rec.) VIRUSE DIGITALE (psyfriends) ORISHA (psyfriends) DECO BY: trip trup -family&PSYFRIENDS (+INFORMAÇãO EM BREVE) Indicações: perto de Avis no Alentejo, + info brevemente
  12. Echo System – Headland (Avatar Records) Promotional Thread 'Headland' is the debut album from Echo System, an electronic duo from the UK consisting of Garry Hughes and Nick Fisher. The two, who are long standing fans of electronic / experimental ambient music, and who are "enthusiastic supporters of a stack of unpredictable, but character filled synthesizers and oddball devices", have been working together for years and have collaborated on remixing and productions for a diverse range of artists from Europe, Africa and North America, including remixing new recordings by Salif Keta and Effective Force. They have featured on many notable releases in a playing, programming and production capacity, including records by Bjork, The Shamen, Garbage, Sly And Robbie and Pop Will Eat Itself. They have also worked extensively with producers such as Trevor Horn, Nellee Hooper and Youth. Their own studios are filled to the roof with vintage synthesizers collected during the years, when no one wanted them, as well as technology such as A-DAT and Pro Tools systems. For Echo System, their music is based on live improvisation and performance mixing restructured in Pro Tools and improvised, mixing, editing and wrapped again until they get side-tracked onto another piece (or the pub opens). Having previously released a highly sough after sample CD together via AMG/Time & Space, entitled 'Global Trance Mission', Garry has also produced for Jungle Rhythm and his 'Zanzibar' and 'Viva La Revolution' has appeared on compilations on Six Degrees (USA) and others aside: St. Germain, Banco De Gaia and Loop Guru. Garry and Nick recorded 'Headland' during 1995. It is a lush electronic sound tapestry that achieves the delicate balance between authenticity and artifice, sounding completely 'real', and synthesized at the same time. With electric techniques, their music evokes the pan global electronic spirit of albums. Echo System have been compared and described as a new and improved version of the mid 70's Tangerine Dream. Garry and Nick, describe their music simply as "humanistic" and their 'Headland' is a timeless high spirit creation..! Tracklist 1 – Bosphoressence 2 – Jahna (The Vast World) 3 – Drum Fish 4 – Shimmer 5 – Hydrophonics 6 – Mystic Ships 7 – Chant 96 (The Dome of Light) 8 – Modulator 9 – Ish Review It’s my second time doing an ambient review…I’m going to try it like a voyage (it’s my favourite way to listen ambient music:)) Bosphoressence starts very quiet, it has a flute like the ones that snakes charming use very hypnotic…this track can be like the start of a Islamic bible trip, we can hear too some electronic sounds, I think is the start of a mystic journey for sure! Track 2 starts with some deep electronic percussion, with nice ambiences inside…it does remember an Indian ritual and at the same time a desert field, it puts your head in pure meditation... Drum Fish is the return from the desert to the green fields of Portugal; we can listen to simple sounds that look like ewe or cow jingles, always full of electronic elements together. Shimmer is very pacific, it does remember a sunshine after a strong night or an after war period, when people looks to past and just remember some images, or for other side it can be the perfect soundtrack of David Lynch “A Simple Story”, when the old man find his brother. Track 5 takes you to a dream with a submarine trip, it seems like I’m seeing the underwater life right now I’m sure if National Geographic knows this track is going to use it for an underwater chapter Mystic Ships takes us to an African village, where Echo System accomplished by other musicians plays a live stage at a beach bar in a beautiful summer day sunset…all people is sitting at the floor, drinking some pineapple punch and relaxing, thinking how life is beautiful Track 7 is another pure ambient track, another which takes you in a mood that you don’t know if you are dreaming or awake…it remembers me a deep coma state, seeing the light at the tunnels end but can’t go there… In Modulator, after very efforts, we finally go through the light and wake up in an electronic world full of animals of all colours and with a tropical landscape in front… Track 9 seems to have a classic atmosphere, good but a bit repetitive - although was very small. For me the only bad thing is the last track, I think it could just have 8 tracks, or 9 but with a different one to finish this masterpiece. 8/10 Pedro Gaspar aka Juggler
  13. Eu mandei uma mensagem ao autor do tópico e ele n respondeu...
  14. Mts parabéns Diogo, tou ansioso por ouvir
  15. "Os ensinamentos de D.Juan" - Carlos Castaneda
  16. Boa iniciativa, se precisarem de alguem para meter umas musicas já sabem q podem contar cmg
  17. Mais um mês cheio de boas quintas feiras ihihih