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dead man walking

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Posts posted by dead man walking

  1. Robots - an icon for all of us humans immersed in the digital world. The robot was born in Marxist theory. Czech playwright Karel Capek coined the word in its 1921 play “Rossums Universal Robots”. Capek took ‘robot’ from the Czech ‘forced labour’. On electronic music pioneers Kraftwerk’s theme “We Are The Robots”, they sing “Ja tvoi sluga” (“I’m your slave”) and “Ja tvoi Rabotnik (“I’m your worker”).


    There’s something cool on robots on sci-fi movies, but, on the opposite, this simple word is being associated with the mechanical levels of mankind. Most of the present paradigms are based on the assumption of normalized traits of human beings, lead by robotic and repetitive behaviors. In its 11 years of existence, Boom is a place for freedom. A place where all can experience a break away from the impetus of the robotic-based perspective of life. A perspective imposed by mainstream culture through the media and cultural dogmas. We don’t like manipulations. We are up to rebooting the system now!






    Reboot Now: A Convergence For The Alternatives


    Reboot Now is a gathering to celebrate the emergence of new paradigms, where you can become a catalyst for change by the unlearning of old patterns. From the 2nd to the 9th of August, happening on the beautiful shores of Idanha-a-Nova, in Portugal, Reboot Now will celebrate ecologically-sustainable and socially-just ways of organizing people-nature relationships. Reboot Now, produced by Boom Festival Team in conjunction with several partner orgs, will take us into the depth of matters, by inviting you to contribute into the creation of preferred sustainable futures. Converging at Reboot Now are NGOs, lecturers, thinkers, indie media, scientists, ecologists, philosophers and a wide variety of activists from all over the world. A week later (11 - 18 August) the Boom Festival will take place at the same site and filled with the energies of Reboot Now.

    More information: www.rebootnow.org.





    Education For Sustainability: A New Boom Path


    For several editions Boom is developing new ways of sustainable entertainment. Projects like dry toilets, recycling, water treatment, eco-teams, bio-construction to name just a few, are part of a philosophy that is using entertainment as a way to provide new solutions to people. Now we are taking a step forward! Boom teamed up with IPEC Ecocenter (www.ecocentro.org) to start courses on the multi aspects of sustainability. You can learn new models of sustainable living from May 2008 onwards.

    If you want to sustainably generate your future check here.





    BooMovies: Set Free Your Creative Talents


    Boom had 20 000 humans from 80 different countries in 2006. In the past 60 days the Boom website has been visited by people from 148 countries. Among this global network there is a huge contingent of people connected with cinema, documentaries, animation, and other media platforms! In order to channel such creative waves, we are launching a contest. The BooMovies is a project that aims to receive proposals from people willing to make movies about Boom. If you are having a creative urge and are eager to unleash your flair, then get in touch. The BooMovies is devoted to documentaries, shorts and animations. The outcomes will part of a post-Boom 2008 release containing the best movies. The deadline for receiving the proposals is June 15th.

    Be a part of the Boom, send your ideas to: boomovies@boomfestival.org.





    Paradigms Film Festival


    The Boom Festival proudly announces the first edition of the Paradigms Film Festival. Hosted in the Liminal Village, Paradigms Film Festival will focus on cinema at the edge. Broadly exploring themes of transformation, globalization, cultural and planetary evolution, environmental awareness and sustainable futures, Paradigms aims to open eyes. Showing full length movies, documentaries, shorts, web flicks, trailers and other audio/visual presentations, the program will offer a metamedia environment lasting deep into the night. We are currently accepting submissions for films and other multimedia projects. If you're actively involved in a production or feel there is a film that should be a part of Paradigms, we invite you to make a submission.

    Contact naasko@boomfestival.org with your input or for more information on how to get involved.





    Boom´s Breathtaking Landscape Has History


    Boom is located in a Unesco Geopark, where Mother Earth and Cosmos have carefully carved the land for more than 600 million years. A Geopark is a protected region containing a number of geological heritage sites of particular importance, rarity or aesthetic appeal. These Earth heritage sites are part of an integrated concept of protection, education and sustainable development powered by UNESCO’s Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences. Boom is situated in Geopark Naturtejo, one of 30 exquisite European geoparks from the UNESCO program. This is a unique and intact landscape, characterized by wide plains where quartzite ridges rise, creating powerful natural ramparts carved by the waters of torrential rivers and resulting in a massive scenic gorge. Geopark Naturtejo has wonderful geomorphologic, geological, palaeontological heritages.

    Click here to read more or visit Naturtejo Geopark webpage.