---Freak-uency festival Portugal---
-the only good system is a sound system-
--*23-24-25*-- de Junho#2006#
----------Tol3 sound 6TM + Sneakee + Circus Resist + Sono Pirate
2 sound system`s - visual projections - bars - light show - deco.
--live bands + dj´s + live act´s ( punk rok - hipop - reggae - breakbeat´s
- drum n bass - teknos... )
sexta 23
--Gloria and the admirals - Cocktail Bar --
» Sneakee + Circus Resist sound 6TM «
=-- live bands --=
-375 Pastorinhos
-dr.Bifes e os Psicopirates
-Target 35
» Tol3 sound 6TM + Sono Pirate Unit «
=-- open deck`s --=
=( bring your tunes )= all night open deck´s)
24 sábado
--all day barbecue + Kids ZONE (no system)--
» Tol3 sound 6TM + Sono Pirate Unit «
=-- dj´s --=
-B-storm ( desert storm / bassline circus ) (U.K.)
-Acid Wanker ( izif / Sono Pirate Unit ) (FR.)
-Smoke Dog Crew --( dj.almighty one + zman + bud ) (Pt.)
-Oldie & Rocket Science (U.K.)
-La Rach ( Sono Pirate Unit ) (FR:)
-wrap (PT.)
-Tribolik (PT.)
» Sneakee + Circus Resist sound 6TM «
-alternativ-chill out-(area)-
domingo 25
--all day reggae music + kids ZONE (no system)--
--all day barbecue--
=--evening cinema--=
4 all free people - all the artists performers and sound systems are invited
inf: 962853379 + 917384333 + 964616344