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  1. bota bota bota bota boom boom ahi nos vemos irmaos!! saludos desde Argentina!!
  2. hello there guys!! im very happy see this is actually happening hope everything goes well there brothers, and see you there real soon Matias
  3. acho que ta bom mesmo ameu festa do caralho mesmo ta fixe
  4. hey there brothers, how are you doing? i like to see this topic with 11 pages already, jeje i see you like to talk a lot about it am very excited to go back to Portugal and meet you all again, just a little bit sad because it's the last party in our tour this year, so then we have to go back to where we came from (argentina) which is our country and its nice of course, but i like it more here somehow, i dont want to go back. well not much to tell you actually, i just wanted to stop by to send you good frequencies! see you there in a couple of weeks, boom!
  5. hello there brothers!! i'm already back in Berlin and stopping by to tell you that i had a great time there, the party was very nice and all the good vibes from you guys made all the $$ issues with Ricardo fade away instantaneously. big big thanks and hugs to Helder, Issa, Carlos and all the Covilha crew for welcoming me and making this crazy party happen. I had a great time hanging out with you and I hope this happens many many times more. Spect soon a review in our blog. boom brothers!!
  6. killah godzillah vibrations
  7. hello there brothers its matias reporting here!! im just stopping by to say im very excited to see the party is going to happen and that im going over there. send you my best vibes there and see you in a couple of weeks. boom
  8. Hello there Portuguese aliens... happy to see we are going to meet again this year... 2 times!! even better. For this date i will assist just me as Nicolas will be in Turkey with his family, anyways i will play my Frantic Noise set as well as the Megalopsy hoping to blow your minds away. Hope to see you there or maybe for the next date in Aveiro, 15 September. I cant wait to get on my way there. Best luck to everyone!