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  1. OUT NOW!!!! VA - A Kind of Magic - Compiled by Pype Side Wave Records is proud to present: VA - A Kind of Magic Compiled by Djane Pype. For her first compilation, Djane Pype, wants to show a Psychedelic Journey with some portuguese walkers and a spanish guest. This Journey will travel around melodic paths, the hardest roads, shady forests, lightly mountains and in the end... everybody, included you, will make this journey together. The walkers Yar zaâ, Bunker Jack, Random Mode, Existence, Zaraus, Cosmic Station, Xenzodiak and Haxirai complete this project dreamed by Djane Pype, which desire that this musics achieve the merit of their producers. Se also wants to thank for the friendship of Dj TRL; Dj Shao and Dj Abhay for their support on this journey... and many more. And Side Wave Records for this oportunity. Tracklist: 01- Yar zaa - States of Mind 02- Bunker Jack - Let Yourself Go (Remix) 03- Random Mode - Magic Plants 04- Existence - Hyper Space Tecnology 05- Bunker Jack - Underground (Goa Mix) 06- Zaraus - Why Not 07- Cosmic Station - Fullmoon Freaks 08- Xenzodiak - Liquid Rollercoaster 09- Haxirai vs Zaraus - A.L.I.E.N. Beatport Dj Shop Digital Music
  2. OUT NOW!!!! VA - A Kind of Magic - Compiled by Pype Side Wave Records is proud to present: VA - A Kind of Magic Compiled by Djane Pype. For her first compilation, Djane Pype, wants to show a Psychedelic Journey with some portuguese walkers and a spanish guest. This Journey will travel around melodic paths, the hardest roads, shady forests, lightly mountains and in the end... everybody, included you, will make this journey together. The walkers Yar zaâ, Bunker Jack, Random Mode, Existence, Zaraus, Cosmic Station, Xenzodiak and Haxirai complete this project dreamed by Djane Pype, which desire that this musics achieve the merit of their producers. Se also wants to thank for the friendship of Dj TRL; Dj Shao and Dj Abhay for their support on this journey... and many more. And Side Wave Records for this oportunity. Tracklist: 01- Yar zaa - States of Mind 02- Bunker Jack - Let Yourself Go (Remix) 03- Random Mode - Magic Plants 04- Existence - Hyper Space Tecnology 05- Bunker Jack - Underground (Goa Mix) 06- Zaraus - Why Not 07- Cosmic Station - Fullmoon Freaks 08- Xenzodiak - Liquid Rollercoaster 09- Haxirai vs Zaraus - A.L.I.E.N. Beatport Dj Shop Digital Music
  3. Os preços do bar vão ser os mm praticados numa noite normal do Kremlin? É q cerveja a 4€...
  4. Mesmerizer Boa aposta!
  5. devias vir pah Ele é assim mau para a amiguinha
  6. É HOJEEEEE Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  7. Eu bou tocar ao Puerto, carago Have a nice party
  8. Tenham uma grande festa Dibirtam-se!
  9. vem msm? Vem pois!!! E depois siga po barco para a sobremesa Hehehe SOBREMESA ? ? ? Hummmm... nhmamy...
  10. Preparem as(os) Francesinhas(os) que nós vamos pra janta!
  11. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee é ja esta sextaaaaaaaaa!!!