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Everything posted by psyart

  1. vai ser altamente...nunca mais é a grande noite!!! Dome.in.nation 2 em Foz d Alges... vai partir tudo!!!
  2. A TRANCE REVOLUTION PRODUCTIONS apresenta uma Festa de passagem de ano numa das zonas mais requesitadas nesta altura por todo o mundo. A ilha da Madeira Live´s: Creative X (PsyArt) pt (Apresentação do 1º album "PLAYGROUND") D Maniac (SwingMusicAgency) pt (Apresentação do 1º album "OBSESSIONS" Tryambaka (Spectral Rec/Bhooteshwara Rec) Myrah (PsyArt/HyperGate/SwingMusicAgency)) pt Khopat (Spectral rec/HyperGate rec) pt Sick Addiction (Rudraksh Records/Trance Karma Records) pt Xenzodiak (medusa rec/d-jonce)pt Orianis (Namaha rec) Dj´set Hydra (PsyArt) pt Shanodin (DigitalOracle) pt Madnessman (TranceRevolutionProductions) pt FreeQuest (PsyUnion/PsyArt) pt Xapel (Confraria PsyTrance) pt PsyFreak (Confraria PsyTrance) pt Matryh (TranceRevolutionProductions) pt Madness Man (TranceRevolutionProductions) pt Bizah (TranceRevolutionProductions) pt Anonimatos TranceRevolutionProductions) pt Decor by: Shanodin Local: Ilha da Madeira (casa das mudas) Log in: 20 euros (10 euros para quem apresentar bilhete de aviao) mais infos soon...
  3. vé la da boleia mas é..quero ir loooooool ta mesmo ai...
  4. Boas ppl, Os bilhetes de pré-venda já se encontram disponiveis, a €15 Euros. Existe uma edição limitada de 500 bilhetes. Clicka na Imagem abaixo para acederes directamente á pagina de compra dos bilhetes. Para comprar, deves estar registado no site e efectuar login. Até Outubro!! BILHETES DE PRÉ-VENDA JÁ DISPONIVEIS, CLIKA NA IMAGEM ABAIXO PARA ACEDER
  5. http://elastiktribe.org/index.php?showtopic=18078
  6. BLOG "Kin" Todas as informações do chill out estão neste tópico.
  7. Viva, esperamos q se estejam a sentir Blissful... Dia 25 de Dezembro para celebrar o Natal a Psyart e a Blissful unem-se para vos proporcionar belas loukuras natalicias, a bordo estao os live acts de Freaked Frequency, Orca, Tryambaka, Sick Addiction, D_Maniac, Creative_X, A-Mush e dj sets de Surya Namaskar, MeTTaPaX, Hybris, Mixtec, Gizmo, Hydra e Sektor, todos preparados para meter a serra de sintra ao rubro Tudo isto por apenas 10e ate à 1am e 15e depois Merry X-MAdneSS -=X-MAdneSS=- LOUKURAS NATALICIAS... :::LIVE ACT::: -=FREAKED FREQUENCY=- (NOGA Recs - SERVIA) MYSPACE :::LIVE ACT::: -=ORCA=- (DOOF Recs - ISRAEL) MYSPACE :::LIVE ACT::: -=TRYAMBAKA=- (SPECTRAL Recs - PORTUGAL) MYSPACE :::LIVE ACT::: -=SICK ADDICTION=- (TK Recs - PORTUGAL) MYSPACE :::LIVE ACT::: -=D_MANIAC=- (NAMAHA * 1 FOOT GROOVE - PORTUGAL) MYSPACE :::LIVE ACT::: -=CREATIVE_X=- (PSYART - PORTUGAL) MYSPACE :::LIVE ACT::: -=A-MUSH=- (BLISSFUL - PT) MYSPACE :::DJ SET::: -=SURYA NAMASKAR=- (TK Recs - PT) MYSPACE :::DJ SET::: -=MeTTaPaX=- (BLISSFUL * NUTEK - PT) MYSPACE :::DJ SET::: -=GIZMO=- (BLISSFUL - PT) MYSPACE :::DJ SET::: -=MIXTEC=- (MIND CONTROL - PT) MYSPACE :::DJ SET::: -=SEKTOR=- (BLISSFUL * HIGHWAYSTARS - PT) MYSPACE :::DJ SET::: -=HYBRIS=- (PSYART * FULL MOON - PT) MYSPACE :::DJ SET::: -=HYDRA=- (PSYART - PT) MYSPACE 25 DEZEMBRO 2009 @ QUINTA DA PENHA LONGA @ SINTRA LOGIN = 10 X-Mas até 1am, 15 X-Mas dps. Horário = 22 às 17h ***** FESTA EM TENDA ***** ***** POWERED BY TURBOSOUND ***** ***** TOTAL DECOR ***** Rota: Fazer Ic19 até ao fim, virar a esquerda direcção Estoril – Virar direita em direção a Penha Longa / Lagoa Azul – Passar Hotel e Ponte, virar a direita logo a seguir a ponte na placa que diz estaleiro. Coordenadas GPS : Latitude: 38°45'42.45"N | Longitude: 9°24'41.35"W Esperamos que gostem das escolhas & venham curtir estas loukuras natalicias
  8. nao ha limite de inscricoes.neste momento estao cerca de 20 pessoas inscritas.todos serao distribuidos pelos 3 dias em turmas. abraco
  9. até curtia....mas dps do freedom n sei se o cérebro vai ficar estável nessa altura é uma exclente iniciativa
  10. Nos dias 11, 12 e 13 de Agosto a Psyart apresenta um workshop de produção de música electrónica com os elementos de Alternative Control como professores. O workshop é gratuito, increve-te em: INSCRIÇÕES PSYART MYSPACE
  11. Hello everyone , this is Rastko - Alternative Control , i would like to leave just a short comment on this party and explain our version of the story . My partner from the AC - Toca , arrived to Lisbon on friday , with a flight ticket payed from the organiser from Austria ,where we played just before going to Portugal . My ticket was supposed to be booked by the FREE SPIRIT ORG. , but on the friday ,one day before the party i recieve an email from the Paulo , main guy in the organisation , saying he has some problems with his credit card and his account ,and that he can not book me the flight from Portugal , but i have to do it from my country , and he would pay me back the money when i arrive . It was suspicious for me since i saw the message , but i have decided for the first and only time in my life to do a favour to an organiser and understand his problem and pay ticket with my money . Telll you honoustelly , first and last time i am doing such a thing .. Anyway , my partner arrives to Portugal on friday night , our friends are picking him up and taking care of him , i am arriving on saturday in the evening , calling organiser as soon as i arrive ,confirming that we are in Portugal , that everything is ok , asking at what time we are playing , and telling him we will see each other in the morning . On sunday morning my friends are taking us to a party , paying the gas with their own money and driving for more then 4h for something that in the end was more then a disaster . We are arriving to a party 12 afternoon , we were suppose to play first at 11 then i saw on the time table 11,30 ,so yes we were late , but i think considering the location of the party 30 min of a delay is acceptable . As soon as we arrived , running out of the car , straight to the stage to set up the gear and start playing ...when someone near the bar adviced me , not to play , since the organiser doesnt have money to pay , the party went really bad ,and etc. , saying thank you to a guy ,heading straight to the stage , where i see noone , only D'maniac playing and some old friends that brought the sound , no sign of an organiser , or anyone who can answer to any of my questions , not to be borring now , to shorten things up ....i am finding Paulo ( main organiser ) saying to me ,they dont have money for the live act , which i already knew , then comes the next question.....the only important for me in this case .......... WHAT TO DO WITH MY FLIGHT TICKET ? and ... HOW MY PARTNER WILL COME BACK HOME ? In my case ,atleast i have it booked , payed from my pocket , but atleast have it , my partner is left to stay in Portugal or to find on himself a solution or in this case organiser didnt give a shit about it . Not to mention .....i offered an organiser to play for free on the party as long as he pays the airplane ticket , he promised to send the money for the ticket or to book my partner a flight ,nothing happened , he didnt even pay to my friends costs for their gas and their driving and all the stuff he was suppose to do . For us....it all ends good , friends will help to get back home , yes we lost the money ,but its not an important thing , our wish was to play a new live ,new songs , to present it to portuguese crowd , see some friends ,have good time in Portugal as we always do , unfortunatelly this was a lesson for me personally ( Rastko ) a very nice one , since i guess even in 2009 things like this happens ,and i said before about the party and live act and playing , i understand , happens ......but to leave someone without airplane tickets ,in foreign country ??? NEVER HAPPENED TO US !!!! No face , no respect , no balls , !!! Sorry for such a big post , i just wanted people to know that we arrived , were ready , were happy , were excited ,but becuase of ppl like this , the scene is dieing and the vibe and spirit we had back in the days is fading away . Stay well ! Boom