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Ajnabeat Records

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Everything posted by Ajnabeat Records

  1. O Kinernetic tem uma costela do Castelo Branco pois aparenta uma certa vontade de fazer um menage a trois com o Santana Lopes e com o Sócrates.
  2. LIVE ROOF FLOOR Terranoise - Mind Expansion Music / Terranoise Media ~ [ mind-expansion.net] - [terranoisemedia.com] Dust - Looney Moon Records - [looney-moon.com] - [myspace.com] Xabbu - 2to6 Records / Mind Expansion Music - [2to6.net] - [mind-expansion.net] GROUND FLOOR Time in Motion - Iono Music - [ soundcloud.com] - [ionomusic.com] Sirion - Sirion Music / Y.E.S. - [soundcloud.com] Digital efx vs.Mondero - Ananda Tribe Records - [facebook.com] - [facebook.com] POND FLOOR ( openair ) Kai Blume - Ajnabeat Records - [ ajnavision.com/agency] Mechaneck - Ajnabeat Records - [ajnavision.com/agency] Artist to be announced Artist to be announced DJs GROUND FLOOR Dr. Changra - Iono Music - [ iono-music.com] Artist to be announced ROOF FLOOR Ant - Mindexpansion Music - [ mind-expansion. net] Daksinamurti - Sangoma Records / Timecode - [sangomarecords.com] Merry:) - Gaggalacka / Sangoma Records - [facebook.com] - [sangomarecords.com] Eko - Mind Expansion Music - [mind-expansion.net] POND FLOOR(openair) Hutch & Innfluxx - Ajnabeat Berlin - [ ajnavision.com/agency] / [ajnavision.com/agency] Dee Luna - Iono Music - [ iono-music.com] Nayati Sun - Space & Time Records - [facebook.com] Jojodyne - Ajnabeat Berlin - [ ajnavision.com/agency] Makusu ~ Ajnabeat Records - [ajnavision.com/agency] Reikja - Berlin Digdafunk - Soundsexual b. foolish - Ajnabeat Records - [ ajnavision.com/agency][/color"] Artist to be announced Please no more booking requests !!!!!! Chill POND FLOOR ( openair) @ NIGHT CHILLOUT @ THE DAY DANCE DECO Dynamic - Unity - [facebook.com] Fundamental Decorist - [facebook.com] Illuminatet Art - [facebook.com] Lucy Sky - Motion Desing - [facebook.com] Die Funtasten - [fruehlingszaubertraum.de] UanvisUVision - [facebook.com] Orbital expiriance - [orbital-experiences.biz] Unsymetrix and a lot of friends and friendly Tribes Location: Malzfabrik [malzfabrik.de] Bessemerstraße 2-14 und 14-16 12103 Berlin Germany NICE - SPECTACULAR - FUNTASTISCH Entry fee: Special Presale: from 26.01.2012 12.00 to 29.01.2012 12.00 100 tickets for 12,00€/ stk. --- Beendet --- from 29.01.2012 12.00 to 31.01.2012 24.00 50 tickets for 12,00€/ stk. --- Beendet --- Normal Presale : from 01.02.2012 12.00 300 tickes for 15,00€ / stk Presale: [Psy7.com] Info: Die suppe bekommt würze ***VVK-Special im MÄRZ*** [psy7.com]To all da fraggles in da world **** Finally! Midwinter is over, the days are getting longer and so is our wish-list for You are wondering what is going on? Well, we are dreaming of the magic spring,and we cannot wait to wake you up from winter sleep It is time for our "Frühlingszaubertraum" the first in- & outdoor gathering in 2012, taking place on April 14th at Malzfabrik, Bessemer Str. 2-14 in Berlin. We will expand with an outdoor floor on the lawn if we manage to attract great sunshine with our dancing (just in case something goes wrong, we have another option for the third floor, but we’re pretty sure, we can make it!). We have sweet ideas in mind - and you may expect a great party: acts and artist from all over the psychedelic spectrum and some really nice surprises We are about to finalize all options and so we are starting the presale. For all the early-birds we have a very special offer: the first 100 tickets will be available for 12 EUR only through [psy7.com] Sale starts on Thursday 26th at noon and ends on Saturday, 28th noon. After that, the tickets will cost 15 EUR. More information on booking, arts, timetable, directions, etc. will be available on [fruehlingszaubertraum.de] soon. Now, you enjoy the last bit of winter sleep - meanwhile we will get the things ready for a fresh spring Sunny greetings Your Dreamers PS. You’re welcome to forward this info to interesting and interested friends! Thanx a lot in advance!! mehr infos und bilder [fruehlingszaubertraum.de] MORE UPDATES SOON!!
  3. Já se encontra disponivel no beatport Psilocybe Project - We are all creators @ Beatport
  4. Ajnabeat Records releases are available @ Beatport and all major online Stores Beatport
  5. Novo lançamento Ajnabeat Records: Sychovibes - Guardian Angel Samples e artcover disponiveis brevemente
  6. É já neste sábado e vai ter casa cheia! Berlin vai abanar com esta festa
  7. wrong login
  8. New Psytrance CD release is comming up. Stay tunned
  9. Dia 26 de Agosto poderão ver e ouvir o live de Psilocybe Project no Bauhaus na festa da Dream Factory. Quem tiver interessado em adquirir o CD, poderá faze-lo a um preço de amigo. Já existem muito poucos em stock. Aproveitem.
  10. Released in 05th August 2011 http://www.junodownload.com/products/nimaltribe/1798436-02/
  11. Our 1st release
  12. Ajnabeat Records is the official sub-label from Ajnavision Records, here we explore new musical trends in electronic music, such as the Psychedelic, Progressive, House, Minimal, Techno and more experimental genres that are being developed in this area. Feel free to contact us: info@ajnabeat.ajnavision.com
  13. Estaremos na festa da Dream factory com cds a preço de amigo. Envia-nos um emai para preorder@ajnavision.com para reservar o teu. Já existem poucos em stock
  14. wrong user! Sorry
  15. Já se encontra disponível no nosso armazém! Quem estiver interessado pode enviar PM ou enviar email para preorder@ajnavision.com Encomenda o teu antes que esgote
  16. Sai na próxima sexta feira - 22 Julho
  17. Sai dia 22 de Julho. Pelo menos isto é verdade!
  18. Está para breve a apresentação do album em terras lusas
  19. Quem quizer reservar o seu exemplar pode enviar um email para PRE ORDER HERE 10€ mais portes de envio!! Pede já o teu antes que esgote! SAI DIA 22 de JULHO!!
  20. Obrigado a todos!! Fui uma noite muito boa e cheia de amigos e sorrisos A próxima é no dia 5 de Agosto com uma noite dedicada ao Tech-House
  21. Mais logo passo la para te azucrinar a cabaça meu malandro
  22. La estaremos á tua espera mano Cosmix
  23. E é já amanhã!!! From dusk till dawn!!