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Belle & Sebastian - Judy and the Dream of Horses


Judy wrote the saddest song

She showed it to a boy in school today

Judy, where did you go wrong?

You used to make me smile when I was down

Judy was a teenage rebel

She did it with a boy when she was young

She gave herself to books and learning

She gave herself to being number one

Judy, I dont know you if youre gonna show me everything

Judy, I dont know you if youre gonna show me everything


Judy got a book at school

She went under the cover with her torch

She fell asleep till it was morning

She dreamt about the girl who stole a horse

Judy never felt so good except when she was sleeping

Judy never felt so good except when she was sleeping


Judy, lets go for a walk

We can kiss and whatever you want

But you will be disappointed

You will asleep with ants in your pants

Judy, youre just trying to find and keep the dream of horses

And the song she wrote was judy and the dream of horses

Dream of horses

You dream of horses


The best looking boys are taken

The best looking boys are staying inside

So judy, where does that leave you?

Walking the street from morning to night

With a star upon your shoulder lighting up the path that you walk

With a parrot on your shoulder, saying everything when you talk

If youre ever feeling blue

Then write another song about your dream of horses

Write a song about your dream of horses

Call it judy and the dream of horses

Call it judy and the dream of horses

You dream of horses



Absolutamente lindíssima esta música e esta letra. Quando entra o trompete as minhas pernas começam logo a mexer. :)Listen up and read the lyrics!

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Bérurier Noir - Salut a toi, das letras mais simples k ouvi (mas k mesmo assim tem uma mensagem).

O video não é deles, mas achei-o mais fixe k o original, é o xamado remix. Lol






Salut à toi ô mon frère

Salut à toi peuple khmer

Salut à toi l'Algérien

Salut à toi le Tunisien

Salut à toi Bangladesh

Salut à toi peuple grec

Salut à toi petit Indien

Salut à toi punk iranien


Salut à toi rebelle afghan

Salut à toi le dissident

Salut à toi le Chilien

Salut à toi le p'tit Malien

Salut à toi le Mohican

Salut à toi peuple gitan

Salut à toi l'Ethiopien

Salut à toi le tchadien


Salut à vous les Partisans

Salut à toi "cholie all'mante"

Salut à toi le Vietnamien

Salut à toi le Cambodgien

Salut à toi le Japonais

Salut à toi l'Thaïlandais

Salut à toi le Laotien

Salut à toi le Coréen


Salut à toi le Polonais

Salut à toi l'Irlandais

Salut à toi l'Européen

Salut à toi le Mongolien

Salut à toi le Hollandais

Salut à toi le Portugais

Salut à toi le Mexicain

Salut à toi le marocain


Salut à toi le Libanais

Salut à toi l'Pakinstanais

Salut à toi le Philippin

Salut à toi l'Jamaïcan

Salut à toi le Guyanais

Salut à toi le Togolais

Salut à toi le Guinéen

Salut à toi le Guadeloupéen


Salut à toi le Congolais

Salut à toi le Sénégalais

Salut à toi l'Afro-cubain

Salut à toi l'Porto-ricain

Salut à toi la Haute Volta

Salut à toi le Nigéria

Salut à toi le Gaboni

Salut à toi le vieux chtimi


Salut à toi Che Guevara

Salut aux comités d'soldats

Salut à tous les hommes libres

Salut à tous les apatrides

Salut à toi la Bertaga

Salut aussi à la Banda

Salut à toi punk anarchiste

Salut à toi skin communiste


Salut à toi le Libéria

Salut à toi le Sri Lanka

Salut à toi le sandiniste

Salut à toi l'unijambiste

Salut l'mouv'ment des Jeunes Arabes

Salut à toi Guatemala

Salut l'P4 du contingent

Salut à toi le Shotokan


Salut à toi peuple Kanak

Salut à toi l'tchécoslovaque

Salut à tous les p'tits dragons

Salut à toi qui est keupon

Salut à toi jeune Malgache

Salut à toi le peuple basque

Salut à toi qu'est au violon

Salut à toi et mort aux cons


Salut à toi le Yougoslave

Salut à toi le voyou slave

Salut à toi le Salvador

Salut à toi le Molodoï

Salut à toi le Chinois

Salut à toi le Zaïrois

Salut à toi l'Espagnol

Salut à toi le Ravachol


Salut à toi le Hungrois

Salut à toi l'iroquois

Salut aussi à tous les gosses

Des îles Maudites jusqu'à l'Ecosse

Salut à vous tous les zazous

Salut à la jeune garde rouge

Salut à toi le peuple corse

Salut aux filles du Crazy Horse


Salut à toi la vache qui rit

Salut à Laurel et Hardy

Salut à toi peuple nomade

Salut à tous les "camawades"

Salut à toutes les mères qui gueulent

Salut aussi à Yul Brunner

Salut à toi l'handicapé

Salut Jeunesse du monde entier


Salut à toi le dromadaire

Salut à toi Tonton Albert

Salut à toi qu'est à la masse

Salut aussi à Fantomas

Salut à toi Roger des près

Salut à toi l'endimanché

Salut à tous les paysans

Salut aussi à Rantanplan.


Salut à toi Elastik. :evil:

Seguindo o que me aqui traz:


Into that darkness

Into that darkness

Like jackals howling

Like flowers unfolding


Into that darkness

Into that darkness

The banners in tatters

The virgin is blessed


Into that darkness

Into that darkness

As if seeking there

Hope's bloody prey

The dead dog sinking

Turning and turning


Into that darkness

Into that darkness

The bodies collapsed

Swollen with gas


Into that darkness

Into that darkness

In the hovels and gutters

Her face to the storm


Into that darkness

Into that darkness

Still broken, still bleeding

The crack of the neck

The gut shriek of thunder

The blood call of lightning


She said destroy in black New York...


Into that darkness

Into that darkness

Like jackals howling

Like flowes unfolding


Into that darkness

Into that darkness

The virgin has blessed

The call of the beast


Into that darkness

Into that darkness

As if seeking there

Hope's bloody prey

The dead dog sinking

Turning and turning


She said destroy in black New York...


Death In June: Nada.

"She Said Destroy lyrics"

"In the absence of light, darkness will prevail..."

  • 4 weeks later...



Johnny Cash - Cocaine Blues


Early one mornin' while makin' the rounds

I took a shot of cocaine and I shot my woman down

I went right home and I went to bed I stuck that lovin' 44 beneath my head


Got up next mornin' and I grabbed that gun took a shot of cocaine and away I run

Made a good run but I run too slow they overtook me down in Juarez Mexico


Late in the hot joints takin' the pills in walked the sheriff from Jericho Hill

He said Willy Lee your name is not Jack Brown

You're the dirty hack that shot your woman down

Said yes oh yes my name is Willy Lee if you've got the warrant just aread it to me

Shot her down because she made me slow

I thought I was her daddy but she had five more


When I was arrested I was dressed in black

They put me on a train and they took me back

Had no friend for to go my bail they slapped my dried up carcass in that country jail


Early next mornin' bout a half past nine I spied the sheriff coming down the line

Talked and he coughed as he cleared his throat

He said come on you dirty heck into that district court

Into the courtroom my trial began where I was handled by twelve honest men

Just before the jury started out I saw the little judge commence to look about


In about five minutes in walked the man holding the verdict in his right hand

The verdict read in the first degree I hollered Lordy Lordy have a mercy on me


The judge he smiled as he picked up his pin 99 years in the Folsom pen

99 years underneath that ground I can't forget the day I shot that bad bitch down

Come on you've gotta listen unto me lay off that whiskey and let that cocaine be

Gabriel O Pensador - Cachimbo Da Paz



A criminalidade toma conta da cidade

A sociedade põe a cupa nas autoridades


O cacique oficial viajou pro Pantanal

Porque aqui a violência tá demais


E lá encontrou um velho índio que usava um fio dental

E fumava um cachimbo da paz


O presidente deu um tapa no cachimbo e na hora

De voltar pra capital ficou com preguiça


Trocou seu paletó pelo fio dental e nomeou

O velho índio pra ministro da justiça


E o novo ministro chegando na cidade,

Achou aquela tribo violenta demais


Viu que todo cara-pálida vivia atrás das grades

E chamou a TV e os jornais


E disse: "Índio chegou trazendo novidade

Índio trouxe o cachimbo da paz


Maresia, sente a maresia

maresia, uuu...


Apaga a fumaça do revólver, da pistola

Manda a fumaça do cachimbo pra cachola


Acende, puxa, prende, passa

Índio quer cachimbo, índio quer fazer fumaça


Todo mundo experimenta o cachimbo da floresta

Dizem que é do bom

Dizem que não presta


Querem proibir, querem liberar

E a polêmica chegou até o congresso


Tudo isso deve ser pra evitar a concorrência

Porque não é Hollywood mas é sucesso


O cachimbo da paz deixou o povo mais tranqüilo

Mas o fumo acabou porque só tinha oitenta quilos


E o povo aplaudiu quando o índio partiu pra selva

E prometeu voltar com uma tonelada


Só que quando ele voltou "sujou"!!!

A polícia preparou uma cilada


"O cachimbo da paz foi proibido, entra na caçamba vagabundo!


Vamô pra DP! Ê êê! Índio tá fudido porque lá o pau

Vai comer!"


Maresia, sente a maresia

maresia, uuu...


Apaga a fumaça do revólver, da pistola

Manda a fumaça do cachimbo pra cachola


Acende, puxa, prende, passa

Índio quer cachimbo, índio quer fazer fumaça


Na delegacia só tinha viciado e delinquente

Cada um com um vício e um caso diferente


Um cachaceiro esfaqueou o dono do bar porque ele

Não vendia pinga fiado


E um senhor bebeu uísque demais, acordou com um travestí

E assassinou o coitado


Um viciado no jogo apostou a mulher, perdeu a aposta

E ela foi sequestrada

Era tanta ocorrência, tanta violência que o índio

Não tava entendendo nada


Ele viu que o delegado fumava um charuto fedorento

E acendeu um "da paz" pra relaxar


Mas quando foi dar um tapinha

Levou um tapão violento e um chute naquele lugar


Foi mandado pro presídio e no caminho assistiu um

Acidente provocado por excesso de cerveja:


Uma jovem que bebeu demais atropelou

Um padre e os noivos na porta da igreja


E pro índio nada disso faz sentido

Com tantas drogas porque só o seu cachimbo é proibido?


Maresia, sente a maresia

maresia, uuu...


Apaga a fumaça do revólver, da pistola

Manda a fumaça do cachimbo pra cachola

Acende, puxa, prende, passa

Índio quer cachimbo, índio quer fazer fumaça


Na penitenciária o "índio fora da lei"

Conheceu os criminosos de verdade


Entrando, saindo e voltando cada vez mais

Perigosos pra sociedade, aí, cumpádi, tá rolando

Um sorteio na prisão pra reduzir a super lotação


Todo mês alguns presos tem que ser executados

E o índio dessa vez foi um dos sorteados


E tentou acalmar os outros presos:

"Peraí..., vamô Fumar um cachimbinho da paz


Eles começaram a rir e espancaram o velho índio

Até não poder mais e antes de morrer ele pensou:

"Essa tribo é atrasada demais...


Eles querem acabar com a violência,

mas a paz é contra a lei e a lei é contra a paz"

E o cachimbo do índio continuava proibido mas se você quer comprar é mais fácil que pão


Hoje em dia ele é vendido pelos mesmos bandidos que mataram O velho índio na prisão


Maresia, sente a maresia

maresia, uuu...

Apaga a fumaça do revólver, da pistola

Manda a fumaça do cachimbo pra cachola


Acende, puxa, prende, passa

Índio quer cachimbo, índio quer fazer fumaça


Maresia, sente a maresia

maresia, uuu...


Apaga a fumaça do revólver, da pistola

Sente a marisia

Índio quer cachimbo, índio quer fazer fumaça

Apaga a fumaça do revólver, da pistola


Sente a marisia, acende, puxa, prende, passa, uuu...

Apaga a fumaça do revólver, da pistola













"a felicidade n é a meta ...é o kaminhu...."

toranja . fogo e noite



e por me teres feito cego

recordo o sabor da tua pele

e o calor de uma tela

que pintámos sem pensar.

Ninguém perdeu,

e enquanto o ar foi cego

despidos de passados

talvez de lados errados

conseguiste me encontrar.


Foi dança

foram corpos de aço

entre trastes de guitarras

que esqueceram amarras

e se amaram sem mostrar.

Foi fogo

que nos encontrou sozinhos

queimou a noite em volta

presos entre chama à solta

presos feitos para soltar...




Estava escrito

E o mundo só quis virar

a página que um dia se fez pesada


E o suor

que escorria no ar

no calor dos teus lábios

inocentes mas sábios...

no segredo do luar.

Não vai acabar

Vamos ser sempre paixão

Vamos ter sempre o olhar

onde não há ninguém

Dei-te mais...! Valeu a pena voar...


Estava escrito

E a noite veio acordar

a guerra de sentidos travada num céu


Nem por um segundo largo a mão

da perfeição do teu desenho

e do teu gesto no meu...

foi como um sopro estranho...

...e aconteceu...


És noite em mim,

És fogo em mim.

És noite em mim.








"a felicidade n é a meta ...é o kaminhu...."

  • 1 month later...


Fuck U


Theres a look on your face I would like to knock out

See the sin in your grin and the shape of your mouth

All I want is to see you in terrible pain

Though we wont ever meet I remember your name


Cant believe you were once just like anyone else

Then you grew and became like the devil himself

Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say

But I dont think I can so fuck you anyway


You are scum, you are scum and I hope that you know

That the cracks in your smile are beginning to show

Now the world needs to see that its time you should go

Theres no light in your eyes and your brain is too slow


Cant believe you were once just like anyone else

Then you grew and became like the devil himself

Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say

But I dont think I can, so fuck you anyway


Bet you sleep like a child with your thumb in your mouth

I could creep up beside put a gun in your mouth

Makes me sick when I hear all the shit that you say

So much crap coming out it must take you all day


Theres a space kept in hell with your name on the seat

With a spike in the chair just to make it complete

When you look at yourself do you see what I see

If you do why the fuck are you looking at me


Why the fuck....... why the fuck.......... are you looking at me



Theres a time for us all and I think yours has been

Can you please hurry up cos I find you obscene

We cant wait for the day that youre never around

When that face isnt here and you rot underground


Cant believe you were once just like anyone else

Then you grew and became like the devil himself

Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say

But I dont think I can so fuck you anyway


So fuck you anyway

So fuck you anyway

So fuck you anyway :evil:






  • 1 month later...




Ey yo, 1-2 , 1-2 - Yo, hehe!

This is what I love, and can't stop lovin'.

Get wasted at partys, from 9 till 7 in the morning.

I live for the music, rollin' blunts, feelin' high, gettin' loaded

- or take some pills and go to La La Land.

Spendin' all my money on dope and extreme high price tickets.

But in the end, it's all worth it.

I like to live in my own world. Fuck regular life! Fuck the '9-to-5' job!

I'm totally enjoyin' every moment, every hour, every minute.

Thats what I do at fridays and saturdays. Why should I take life so seriously?

I just want to do, what I like to do! Be far from reality, 'cause I can't stand society!

It's my own world, I just want to hear the music.

I think the whole system fucking sucks.

everybody's working their fucking ass up during the week,

getting totally fucking stressed out - So what's wrong, and what's right?

I live for the weekend, I live for hardstyles, I live for hardstyle baby!

Lets go

I live for hardstyle baby

Freaks on e thats what we fuck man




Freaks on e thats what we fuck man. :evil:




"Feeling Good" @ MUse


Birds flying high you know how I feel

Sun in the sky you know how I feel

Reeds driftin' on by you know how I feel


It's a new dawn

It's a new day

It's a new life

For me

And I'm feeling good


Fish in the sea you know how I feel

River running free you know how I feel

blossom in the trees you know how I feel


It's a new dawn

It's a new day

It's a new life

For me

And I'm feeling good


Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know

Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean

Sleep in peace when day is done

And this old world is a new world

And a bold world for me


Stars when you shine you know how I feel

Scent of the pine you know how I feel

Oh freedom is mine

And I know how I feel


It's a new dawn

It's a new day

It's a new life

For me

And I'm feeling good




Uma ave tem de voar, mesmo que o céu esteja cheio de abutres!!!...

  • 3 weeks later...

The Chameleons_ Tears


It's a coincidence

Well, you can talk that way

But I have to say I don't believe in it

It with a chill of chance,

I decided to dance the days away


And I wasn't worried at all

Sneaking through the back door

No, I wasn't worried at all

Dreams are what you live for


Waiting for the light to turn green

And carry me home

To the kindest eyes that I've ever seen

Carry me home

Well, can you tell me how will it be now?

How will it be?

Can you tell me, how will it be now?

How will it be?


Well we were younger then,

And the days were long and slow

But were we wiser then?

I couldn't say, I wouldn't know


But I wasn't worried at all

I had someone to run to

And I wasn't worried at all

I knew which way the wind blew


Kicking at the chaos and gloom

Carry me home

And I watched the ceiling spin round the room

Carry me home

Well, can you tell me how will it be now?

How will it be?

Can you tell me how will it be now?

How will it be?


In the real world, how will it be?

In a cold world, how will it be?

In a lonely world, how will it be?

Will the ghosts just stop following me?


In the real world, how will it be?

In a cold dead world, how will it be?

Beg and crawl, how will it be?

Will the ghosts just stop following me?


Now drawn into the sun

He was the only one

He cries out to everyone

For his only sun


From out the window at my room now

I can see the colour blue, now

You can't even look in my eyes now, what would you'd seen?

If you could look into my eyes now, what would you'd seen?


And so I'll remember you,

I'll remember the ways, the thousand of ways you pulled me through,

And dream of all the things we've seen,

Of the thousand of faces and thousand of the places we have been,

Now you have no phone and you have no name and you have no number,

And it comes to an end in the blink of an eye...

"In the absence of light, darkness will prevail..."

The Chameleons_ Tears


It's a coincidence

Well, you can talk that way

But I have to say I don't believe in it

It with a chill of chance,

I decided to dance the days away


And I wasn't worried at all

Sneaking through the back door

No, I wasn't worried at all

Dreams are what you live for


Waiting for the light to turn green

And carry me home

To the kindest eyes that I've ever seen

Carry me home

Well, can you tell me how will it be now?

How will it be?

Can you tell me, how will it be now?

How will it be?


Well we were younger then,

And the days were long and slow

But were we wiser then?

I couldn't say, I wouldn't know


But I wasn't worried at all

I had someone to run to

And I wasn't worried at all

I knew which way the wind blew


Kicking at the chaos and gloom

Carry me home

And I watched the ceiling spin round the room

Carry me home

Well, can you tell me how will it be now?

How will it be?

Can you tell me how will it be now?

How will it be?


In the real world, how will it be?

In a cold world, how will it be?

In a lonely world, how will it be?

Will the ghosts just stop following me?


In the real world, how will it be?

In a cold dead world, how will it be?

Beg and crawl, how will it be?

Will the ghosts just stop following me?


Now drawn into the sun

He was the only one

He cries out to everyone

For his only sun


From out the window at my room now

I can see the colour blue, now

You can't even look in my eyes now, what would you'd seen?

If you could look into my eyes now, what would you'd seen?


And so I'll remember you,

I'll remember the ways, the thousand of ways you pulled me through,

And dream of all the things we've seen,

Of the thousand of faces and thousand of the places we have been,

Now you have no phone and you have no name and you have no number,

And it comes to an end in the blink of an eye...


Absolutamente divino! O meu tema preferido dos camaleões. gosto mais da versão acústica. Foi aquela com a qual cresci com... FDX! Vou já ouvir isso!

Touch Me

The Doors


Come on, come on,

Come on, come on

Now, touch me, babe.

Can't you see that I am not afraid?

What was that promise that you made?

Why won't you tell me what she said?

What was that promise that you made?


Now, I'm gonna love you

'Til the heaven stops the rain.

I'm gonna love you

'Til the stars fall from the sky

For you and I.


Come on, come on,

Come on, come on

Now, touch me, babe.

Can't you see that I am not afraid?

What was that promise that you made?

Why won't you tell me what she said?

What was that promise that you made?


I'm gonna love you

'Til the heaven stops the rain.

I'm gonna love you

'Til the stars fall from the sky

For you and I.


I'm gonna love you

'Til the heaven stops the rain.

I'm gonna love you

'Til the stars fall from the sky

For you and I.

Scarface - I Seen A Man Die (4 Hero Remix)


So what you gonna do cat daddy?

I don't know dawg..juss trying to live it one day at a time.

I hear you man, live it one day at a time...

Let me get up outta here man my ride waitin'.

Aiight cat daddy stay tru

Aiight man peace


He greets his father with his hands out

Rehabilitated slightly, glad to be the man's child

The world is different since he's seen it last

Out of jail in seven years and he's happy that he's free at last

All he had was his mother's letters

Now he's bolder and he's gotta make a change and make it for the beddah

But he's black so he's got one strike against him

And he's young plus he came up in the system

But he's smart and he's finally makin' eighteen

And this goes to get on top and try to stay clean

So he's calling up his homie who dun came up

Livin' like this now they dealin' with the same stuff

And had that attitude that who he was was worth it

and with that fucked up attitude he killed his first man

Now it's different he done did dirt

And realized kill'in made coming up but it still hurt

And cain't nobody change this

It's ninteen-ninety-foe and we up against the same shit


I nevah understand why

I could nevah seen a man cry, til i seen that man die.... Man Cry


Imagine life at it's full peak

Then imagine lying dead in the arms of your enemy

Imagine peace on this earth when there's no grief

Imagine grief on this earth when there's no peace

Everybody's got a different way of endin' it

And when your number comes for souls then they send it in.

Now your time has arrived for your final test

I see the fear in your eyes and hear your final breath

How much longeer will it be til it's all done?

Total darkness and ease be in all one

I watch him die and when he dies let us celebrate

You took his life, but your memory he'll never take

You'll be headed to another place

And the life you used to live will reflect in your mother's face


I hear you breathin' but your heart no longer sounds strong

But you kinda scared of dying so you hold on

But you keep on blacking out and your pulse is low

Stop trying to fight the reaper just relax and let it go

Because there's no way you can fight it though you'll still try

And you can try it til you fight it but you'll still die

Now your spirit leaves your body and your mind clears

The rigormortis starts to set, now you outta here

You start your journey into outer space

You see yourself in the light but you're still feeling outta place

So you standing in the tunnel of eternal life,

And you see the ones you never learn to love in life

Make the choice let it go but u can back it up

If you ain't at peace with God you need to patch it up

But if you ready close your eyes and we can set it free

There lies a man not scared to die, may he rest in peace


I still got to wondah why,

I never seen a man cry til I seen That man die


Fala com as pessoas.

  • 3 weeks later...

Anselmo Ralph » Assumir Barulho @ Radio Popular


Ela fixa o seu olhar não demora muito pede pra dancar

Ela tem 1.60, rosto angelical e 1 corpo que e o tal

então comecamos a dançar não demorou muito pos-se a


Danca em camara lenta, So quer taraxar e eu comeco a



Mas diz-me se vais assumir barulho

Pois do jeito que tu dancas eu so quero saber

Se vais assumir barulho

Eu não sou de ferro ve la baby

Se vais assumir barulho


Pois do jeito que taraxas eu so quero saber

Se vais assumir barulho

Pois eu acho que isto vai (Vai dar Bummmmmm)

Do jeito que te enroscas e que taraxas acho que isto

vai dar (Vai dar Bummmmmm)


e que eu não sou de ferro e nem 1 santo e melhor


(Vai dar Bummmmmm)

Se isto continuar já sabes bem aonde nos 2 vamos

acabar (Vai dar Bummmmmm)

Eu estou avisar e melhor parar


Nelson Freitas:

N'ba curti ma nhas amigos Dji'bo

Dam 1 atenta sima bo conche

bo tchiga pertu mi bo convencem que e oji n'tava


so ma bo

bo incosta na mi bu boca sabi

Rabola mi bu taraxam

Lugar que n'tá sima 1 vulcao

tudo na primero canção


Dipos n'bem discubrir bo era casada

Lady intentada Pirigosa e charmosa


Dipos n'bem discubrir ma mi bu ka kis nada

So voltam cabeca (Oh nooo)




Isto vai dar Bummmmmm

Do jeito que te enroscas e que taraxas acho que isto

vai dar (Vai dar Bummmmmm)

Isto vai dar barulho

e que eu não sou de ferro (eu não sou de ferro não) e

nem 1 santo e melhor parar

(Vai dar Bummmmmm)

Se isto continuar já sabes bem aonde nos 2 vamos

acabar (Vai dar Bummmmmm)

Eu estou avisar (Eu estou avisar) e melhor parar (Vai

dar Bummmmmm)

Mas diz-me

Se vais assumir barulho (4X)

Eu pressinto que isto vai dar (vai dar) (Vai dar








Uma ave tem de voar, mesmo que o céu esteja cheio de abutres!!!...

  • 2 weeks later...

WRONG @ Depeche Mode



I was born with the wrong sign

In the wrong house

With the wrong ascendancy

I took the wrong road

That led to the wrong tendencies

I was in the wrong place at the wrong time

For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme

On the wrong day of the wrong week

I used the wrong method with the wrong technique

Wrong ... Wrong ...


Theres something wrong with me


Something wrong with me


The wrong mix in the wrong jeans

I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means

It was the wrong plan

In the wrong hands

With the wrong theory for the wrong man

The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes

The wrong questions with the wrong replies

Wrong ... Wrong ...


I was marching to the wrong drum

With the wrong scum

Pissing out the wrong energy

Using all the wrong lines

And the wrong signs

With the wrong intensity

I was on the wrong page of the wrong book

With the wrong rendition of the wrong hook

Made the wrong move, every wrong night

With the wrong tune played till it sounded right yah

Wrong ... Wrong ...


Too long ... Wrong ...


I was born with the wrong sign

In the wrong house

With the wrong ascendancy

I took the wrong road

That led to the wrong tendencies

I was in the wrong place at the wrong time

For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme

On the wrong day of the wrong week

I used the wrong method with the wrong technique




Uma ave tem de voar, mesmo que o céu esteja cheio de abutres!!!...

Bloc Party - Hunting For Witches


"Hunting For Witches"


I was sitting, on the roof of my house

With a shotgun

And a six pack of beers,six pack of beers,six pack of beers.

The newscaster says, "The enemy is among us"

As bombs explode on the 30 bus,

Kill your middle class indecision,

Now is not the time for liberal thought,


So I go hunting for witches

I go hunting for witches

Heads are going to roll

I go hunting for..


90's,Optimistic as a teen.

Now its terror

airplanes crash into towers, into towers, into towers.


The Daily Mail says the enemies among us,

Taking our women and taking our jobs,

All reasonable thought is being drowned out by the non-stop baying, baying, baying for blood


So I go hunting for witches

I go hunting for witches

Heads are going to roll..

I was an ordinary man with ordinary desires

I watched TV, it informed me

I was an ordinary man with ordinary desires

There must be accountability

Disparate and misinformed

Fear will keep us all in place


So I go hunting for witches

I go hunting for witches

Heads are going to roll


I was an ordinary man with ordinary desires

I watched TV, it informed me

I was an ordinary man with ordinary desires

There must be accountability

Disparate and misinformed

Fear will keep us all in place



coisas como a musica e os amigos, o convivio entre estas duas energias, a felicidade e a oportunidade de desfrutar isto tudo é o que mais quero e mais feliz me faz. e quem não aproveita como eu é burro!

  • 2 weeks later...

Track 5 - Hello, here is the system @ Mind at Large (Blasted Mechanism 2009)


Hello, here is the system

I'm tired of your resistance

Don't you know you're the power

Of this system every hour

Your creation, my delusion

Your own strive, my confusion

Act and change me with your will

Here I am waiting still


Make a change every day

Make a change every hour

You are the son of pray

Release your power (x2)


Straight in line you obey

Later on you complain

Stop the motion of the few

Make me part of you

Act and change me with your will

Act and change me with your power

Act and change me with your will

Here I am waiting still


Make a change every day

Make a change every hour

You are the son of pray

You are the power/Release your power (x2)


Stop! Stop!


Hello, here is the system

You're so proud of your existence

Look around, see the power of all creatures, every hour

Your creation, your illusion

Fill your actions with emotion

Act and change me with your will

Here I am waiting still


Make a change every day

Make a change every hour

You are the son of pray

You are the power/Release your power (x2)


Stop complaining every day

Stop complaining every hour

You are the son of pray

You are the power/Release your power (x2)



letra poderosa!!!

alias, o album ta td mt bom!

Namastê party people /\

  • 3 weeks later...

Clã...Alguem que julgou..


Uma canção passou no rádio

E quando o seu sentido

Se parecia apagar

Nos ponteiros do relógio

Encontrou num sexto andar

Alguém que julgou

Que era para si

Em particular

Que a canção estava a falar


E quando a canção morreu

Na frágil onda do ar

Ninguém soube o que ela deu

O que ninguém

Estava lá para dar


Um sopro um calafrio

Raio de sol num refrão

Um nexo enchendo o vazio

Tudo isso veio

Numa simples canção



4:20 pm Work for a cause, not for applause !

  • 2 months later...

One Flesh - The Chameleons.

What Does Anything Mean? Basically?




With the sun in your eyes

It's easy mistaking

The truth from the lies in the love that you're making

Don't pretend it isn't so


With the sun in your eyes

It always reveals

A voluntary bondage

That always appeals

It's how you make the garden grow


But why this weakness

No one knows

Our conscience cries his sorrow while we sleep

But once the morning's dawned

Out the back-door silently he creeps


With the sun in your eyes

Always reminding

A sense of excitement you've no hope of finding

With the chains that bind your feet


Belonging or longing

For a few empty hours in a strangers bed

To chase away

A fear that's in your head


And why this weakness

No one knows

The vacant faceless voices

On the phone

Bring words that offer no consolation when you're all alone


With the sun in your eyes... the sun in your eyes


Just cover your ears and change your eyes

Thoughts can deceive between the lies (?)


Beaten on the brow of history

A union forged in slavery

In all that's hope and decency

Hope for you, you hope for me

For every woman child or man

To those who'll chain you if they can


The babe you're bouncing on your knee

Needs your help now can't you see

"In the absence of light, darkness will prevail..."

  • 2 weeks later...

Nude - Radio Head


Don't get any big ideas

they're not gonna happen

You paint yourself white

and feel up with noise

but there'll be something missing


Now that you've found it, it's gone

Now that you feel it, you don't

You've gone off the rails


So don't get any big ideas

they're not going to happen

You'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking

"In the absence of light, darkness will prevail..."

BOB DYLAN - The Times They Are A-Changin'


Come gather 'round people

Wherever you roam

And admit that the waters

Around you have grown

And accept it that soon

You'll be drenched to the bone.

If your time to you

Is worth savin'

Then you better start swimmin'

Or you'll sink like a stone

For the times they are a-changin'.


Come writers and critics

Who prophesize with your pen

And keep your eyes wide

The chance won't come again

And don't speak too soon

For the wheel's still in spin

And there's no tellin' who

That it's namin'.

For the loser now

Will be later to win

For the times they are a-changin'.


Come senators, congressmen

Please heed the call

Don't stand in the doorway

Don't block up the hall

For he that gets hurt

Will be he who has stalled

There's a battle outside

And it is ragin'.

It'll soon shake your windows

And rattle your walls

For the times they are a-changin'.


Come mothers and fathers

Throughout the land

And don't criticize

What you can't understand

Your sons and your daughters

Are beyond your command

Your old road is

Rapidly agin'.

Please get out of the new one

If you can't lend your hand

For the times they are a-changin'.


The line it is drawn

The curse it is cast

The slow one now

Will later be fast

As the present now

Will later be past

The order is

Rapidly fadin'.

And the first one now

Will later be last

For the times they are a-changin'.





Skype - Goblin_union

  • 2 weeks later...

Ian Dury and The Blockheads



Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Is all my brain and body need

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Are very good indeed

Keep your silly ways or throw them out the window

The wisdom of your ways, I've been there and I know

Lots of other ways, what a jolly bad show

If all you ever do is business you don't like

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Is very good indeed

Every bit of clothing ought to make you pretty

You can cut the clothing, grey is such a pity

I should wear the clothing of Mr. Walter Mitty

See my tailor, he's called Simon, I know it's going to fit

Here's a little piece of advice

You're quite welcome it is free

Don't do nothing that is cut price

You know what that'll make you be

They will try their tricky device

Trap you with the ordinary

Get your teeth into a small slice

The cake of liberty

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Sex, drugs, rock n`roll

Sex, drugs, rock n`roll :evil:

Simple Minds - Don't You Forget About Me



Hey, hey, hey ,hey



Won't you come see about me?

I'll be alone, dancing you know it baby


Tell me your troubles and doubts

Giving me everything inside and out and

Love's strange so real in the dark

Think of the tender things that we were working on


Slow change may pull us apart

When the light gets into your heart, baby


Don't You Forget About Me

Don't Don't Don't Don't

Don't You Forget About Me


Will you stand above me?

Look my way, never love me

Rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling

Down, down, down


Will you recognise me?

Call my name or walk on by

Rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling

Down, down, down, down


Hey, hey, hey, hey



Don't you try to pretend

It's my feeling we'll win in the end

I won't harm you or touch your defenses

Vanity and security


Don't you forget about me

I'll be alone, dancing you know it baby

Going to take you apart

I'll put us back together at heart, baby


Don't You Forget About Me

Don't Don't Don't Don't

Don't You Forget About Me


As you walk on by

Will you call my name?

As you walk on by

Will you call my name?

When you walk away


Or will you walk away?

Will you walk on by?

Come on - call my name

Will you call my name?


I say :

La la la...





Skype - Goblin_union

  • 2 months later...

"Warrior" - MATISYAHU


You're the son of his majesty

Remember how it used to be

In the light of day it's easy to see

Now it's nighttime

You had to leave


Separated from the king

Now the water's rushing and you keep trying to swim against the stream

And it seems, like your not moving the many water's gushing you gasp for air

Almost drowning ears ringing, once upon a time we were singing

One day the trees will stand and clap hands

Stream of thought getting caught in the klipa, this place is just a shell, external

Egos swell, that one'll burn ya, we fell a long way down, that eternal frown'll get you

You look vexed it's the dregs, the yetzer hara's lurking

Trying to make you forget we got a job to do

You're a priest and a prince and you can't be moved



You're a warrior, Fighting for your soul

Taken from a world above, and brought down to a world below

Re-united, re-united return the princess to the king,

Re-united, re-united, she's been taken for so long

Re-united, re-united and then she'll be filled with joy

Re-united, re-united like the days of her youth


Descended to the pit

What's this feeling can't get rid of it

Soul sick

Can't seem to shake it

When one retires at night weeping, joy will come in the morning

You made my mountain stand strong



Like and ancient memory

Remember how it used to be

Close your eyes and breath in

That's the scent of freedom

Ringing across the sea

Land of milk and honey

One day will wake up from this dream and we'll stop sleeping,

Oh, yo, then we'll see clearly

Echo And The Bunnymen - The Killing Moon (All Night Version)


Under blue moon I saw you

So soon you'll take me

Up in your arms

Too late to beg you or cancel it

Though I know it must be the killing time

Unwillingly mine




Up against your will

Through the thick and thin

He will wait until

You give yourself to him



In starlit nights I saw you

So cruelly you kissed me

Your lips a magic world

Your sky all hung with jewels

The killing moon

Will come too soon




Up against your will

Through the thick and thin

He will wait until

You give yourself to him



Under blue moon I saw you

So soon you'll take me

Up in your arms

Too late to beg you or cancel it

Though I know it must be the killing time

Unwillingly mine




Up against your will

Through the thick and thin

He will wait until

You give yourself to him




Up against your will

Through the thick and thin

He will wait until

You give yourself to him

You give yourself to him



La la la la la...




Up against your will

Through the thick and thin

He will wait until

You give yourself to him



La la la la la...




Up against your will

Through the thick and thin

He will wait until

You give yourself to him




Up against your will

Through the thick and thin

He will wait until

You give yourself to him



La la la la la...




There's a gig

At 5th and Main

Gonna catch the bus

Or take the train

We'll steal or find

Or borrow cash

And we'll be there

Ready to thrash


The band kickes in

They begin to rage

No-man's land

In front of the stage

Poseurs in the bathroom

Still looking at their hair

Thrashers in the foreground

Doing what they dare


In the pit <i>[5]


Thrashing and slamming

Like hell in the pit

Tomorrow they know

May not come

Banging and moshing

Like they don't give a shit

To the rapid beat

Of the drum


A boot to your forehead

A knee in your face

Your nose and lips

Start to bleed

Like a wild Indian

From outer space

Drunk and

High on weed


Guitar seems so fucking loud

People walking on the crowd

Diving off the P.A. stacks

Breaking ankles,necks and backs

Then the circle begins

In the thrashing pit

Fist are flying

People getting hit

Tooth chippers left and right

Skinheads in another fight

Banging heads and broken jaws

Because there are no laws


In the pit


Then you start thrashing

Like never before

Stagediving, headwalking like mad

Doing your thing

All over the floor

The best time that you've ever had


You are hurt all over

But can't feel a thing

Not until the next day

Then you wake up

Stiff as a board

And the pain won't go away


Another gig at 5th and Main

We'll catch the bus

Or take the train

We'll steal or find

Or borrow cash

And we'll be there

Ready to thrash


In the pit <i>[5]

She Wants Revenge



There's a poem that she wrote and hid under the mattress,

and if you find it please leave it alone.

With a picture she took of a girl on the subway,

with orange barrettes and the saddest face she's ever known.


As Rachael starts to wonder was it hers to begin with,

or was the memory from someone else's sleep.

'Cause there's a hole in her heart that still harbors a question,

whose answer just might break it so she's hanging on.

At least it's her to keep.

So i asked her...


"What if this does not belong to you,

and all these things you thought were true

turned out to just be someone else's lies."

Baby this does not belong to you,

this does not belong to you,

this does not belong to you.


There's a fleck in her eye that no one ever noticed,

a pretty birthmark for such a beautiful face.

All the men from her past seem to have left her abandoned,

I guess there's some things that you can never erase.


I've seen her play with her hair in a moment of tension,

I've seen her with her guard down ready to cry.

But there's a whole in her heart that still harbors the question,

whose answer just might break it, still she's hanging on,

'cause no one wants to die.

Then she asked me...


"What if this does not belong to you,

and all the things you thought were true

turned out to just be someone else's lies."

Baby this does not belong to you,

this does not belong to you,

this does not belong to you.


"What if this does not belong to you,

and all the things you thought were true

turned out to just be someone else's lies."

'Cause baby this does not belong to you,

this does not belong to you,

this does not belong to you.

"In the absence of light, darkness will prevail..."

"The Man Who Sold The World"


We passed upon the stair, we spoke of was and when

Although I wasn't there, he said I was his friend

Which came as some surprise I spoke into his eyes

I thought you died alone, a long long time ago


Oh no, not me

I never lost control

You're face to face

With The Man Who Sold The World


I laughed and shook his hand, and made my way back home

I searched for form and land, for years and years I roamed


I gazed a gazely stare at all the millions here

We must have died alone, a long long time ago


Who knows? not me

We never lost control

You're face to face

With the Man who Sold the World

Editors - Distance


Distance, I'll keep my distance

These things I never seem to meet

So I'll leave the murder scene


Honey, What got broke here

Won't go back together again

So I'll leave this while I can







Nothing, to be scared of

My dreams they keep a hold of me

My guide when I can't see


Call, I will be there

I'm sure your passing the test

I wish you all the best








...porque as únicas pessoas autênticas, para mim, são as loucas, as que estão loucas por viver, loucas por falar, loucas por serem salvas, desejosas de tudo ao mesmo tempo, as que não bocejam nem dizem nenhum lugar-comum, mas ardem, ardem, ardem como fabulosas grinaldas amarelas de fogo-de-artifício a explodir, semelhantes a aranhas, através das estrelas, e no meio vê-se o clarão azul a estourar e toda a gente exclama Aaaah!

Jack Kerouac, Pela Estrada Fora

Kerouac, Ginsberg & friends 

E eu só estou bem... Onde eu não estou !....

E querooooooo iiiiiiir.......Para onde eu não vouuuu !!


tanananananana.. !




(A. Variationes !)

4:20 pm Work for a cause, not for applause !

Pearl Jam - Unthought Known


All the thoughts you never see

You are always thinking

Brain is wide, the brain is deep

Oh, are you sinking?


Feel the path of every day

Which road you taking?

Breathing hard, making hay

Yeah, this is living


Look for love in evidence

That you're worth keeping

Swallowed whole in negatives

It's so sad and sickening


Feel the air up above

Oh, pool of blue sky

Fill the air up with love

All black with starlight


Feel the sky blanket you

With gems and rhinestones!!!

See the path cut by the moon

For you to walk on


For you to walk on...


Nothing left, nothing left

Nothing there, nothing here...

Nothing left, nothing left

Nothing there, nothing left...

Nothing left, nothing left

Nothing there, nothing here...


See the path cut by the moon

For you to walk on

See the waves on distant shores

Awaiting your arrival


Dream the dreams of other men

You'll be no one's rival

Dream the dreams of others then

You will be no one's rival


You will be no one's rival...


A distant time, a distant space

That's where we're living

A distant time, a distant place

So what ya giving?

What ya giving?








Skype - Goblin_union

The Doors - Universal Mind


I was doing time

In the universal mind,

I was feeling fine.

I was turning keys,

I was setting people free,

I was doing alright.


Then you came along,

With a suitcase and a song,

Turned my head around.

Now I'm so alone,

Just looking for a home

In every place I see.


I'm the freedom man,

I'm the freedom man,

I'm the freedom man,

That's how lucky I am.



...porque as únicas pessoas autênticas, para mim, são as loucas, as que estão loucas por viver, loucas por falar, loucas por serem salvas, desejosas de tudo ao mesmo tempo, as que não bocejam nem dizem nenhum lugar-comum, mas ardem, ardem, ardem como fabulosas grinaldas amarelas de fogo-de-artifício a explodir, semelhantes a aranhas, através das estrelas, e no meio vê-se o clarão azul a estourar e toda a gente exclama Aaaah!

Jack Kerouac, Pela Estrada Fora

Kerouac, Ginsberg & friends 

  • 3 weeks later...




Porcupine Tree - Anesthetize



A good impression of myself

Not much to conceal

I'm saying nothing

But I'm saying nothing with feel

I simply am not here

no way I...

Shut up be happy

stop whining please


And because of who we are

We react in mock surprise

The curse of "there must be more"

So don't breathe here, don't leave your bags


I simply am not here

no way I... Shut up be happy

stop whining please





The dust in my soul makes me feel the weight in my legs

My head in the clouds and I'm zoning out

I'm watching TV but I find it hard to stay conscious

I'm totally bored but I can't switch off


Only apathy from the pills in me

It's all in me, all in you


It's all in me, all in you

Only MTV and cod philosophy


We're lost in the mall,

shuffling through the stores like zombies

Well what is the point?

What can money buy?


My hands on a gun and I find the range,

God tempt me

Well what did you say?

Think I'm passing out


Only apathy from the pills in me

It's all in me, all in you


It's all in me, all in you

Only MTV and cod philosophy




Water so warm that day I counted out the waves

As they broke into surf I smiled into the sun


The water so warm that day I was counting out the waves

And I followed their short life

As they broke on the shoreline I could see you

But I couldn't hear you

You were holding your hat in the breeze

Turning away from me

In this moment you were stolen

There's black across the sun

Este post não foi escrito ao abrigo do novo acordo ortográfico.


Terapia 66 2010-08-04




Última faixa escutada:


  • 1 month later...

Pink Floyd - The Great Gig in the Sky


"And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I

don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying?

There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime."


"If you can hear this whispering you are dying."


"I never said I was frightened of dying."

All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.

Taras e Manias


Marco Paulo


Quando, você vem com essa cara de menina levada, para a brincadeira…

Dá-me, um arrepio na pele, sinto água na boca, para ficar com você,

Você não tem um pingo de vergonha e todo homem sonha,

Ter alguém assim, realizando minhas fantasias, taras e manias

Você vem pra mim

Uma lady na mesa, uma louca na cama, na maior safadeza,

Você diz que me ama

E na minha cabeça desvairei-o de loucura, quando você começa

Ninguém mais te segura

E mexe, remexe se encosta, se enrosca

Se abre se mostra pra mim

Me agarra, me morde, me arranha,

Não mude que eu quero você sempre assim



E mexe, remexe se encosta, se enrosca

Se abre se mostra pra mim

Me agarra, me morde, me arranha,

Não mude que eu quero você sempre assim

Quando, você vem com essa cara de menina levada, para a brincadeira…

Dá-me, um arrepio na pele, sinto água na boca, para ficar com você,

Você não tem um pingo de vergonha e todo homem sonha,

Ter alguém assim, realizando minhas fantasias, taras e manias

Você vem pra mim

Uma lady na mesa, uma louca na cama, na maior safadeza,

Você diz que me ama

E na minha cabeça desvairei-o de loucura, quando você começa

Ninguém mais te segura



"Get Ready"


some folks say smoking herb is a crime,

if they catch you smokin theyre bound to drop the dime

insufferable informa crazy fools wait

with their fingers crossed for you to break the rules

And in the evening when we try to jam,

we like the music loud in this here band

We let the bass line drop as loud as we can stand

Somebody always gotta turn informa for the man

I want to know right now is there one of you in the crowd are you gonna

call 911

and spoil all of my fun

you crazy fool i'm in the mood

get ready come on now, load up the bong, crank up the song,

let the informa call 911

and when security police force want to arrive

don't try to run, don't try to hide

just pull out the .9 pop in the clip

and let one slip into these crazy fools

im in the mood

get ready

im in the mood

come on now yeah

load up the bong

crank up the song

let the informer call 911

and when security police folks want to ride

dont try to run dont try to hide

just pull out the nine pop out the clip

uh-hu and let one slip... into these crazy fools




ja nao se faz gente como este gajo ...


Pink Floyd - The Great Gig in the Sky


"And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I

don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying?

There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime."


"If you can hear this whispering you are dying."


"I never said I was frightened of dying."


melhor música de todo o sempre

Eu levo no pacote

Páquito C. Braziel/Páquito C.

Braziel/Nuno Eiró


Meu amor trabalha muito

Precisa de comer

Eu faço sempre um lanche

P’ra ele não enfraquecer


Preparo um pacote

Ponho de tudo um bocadinho

E na hora de levar

Eu ponho-me a caminho


Minha mãe pergunta sempre

Porque não levo a lancheira

Mas p’ra manter o gosto

É a melhor maneira



Eu levo no pacote

Eu levo sim senhor

Eu levo no pacote

Tem outro sabor


Eu levo no pacote

Eu levo sim senhor

Eu levo no pacote

P’ra gosto do meu amor


Levo sandes de fiambre

Outras de panado

Levo também um bombom

P’ra que fique aconchegado


Meu amor quando me vê

Amachuca-me o pacote

Quer saber o que vai dentro

O que lhe calhou em sorte


Chega a estragar comida

Mas eu não levo a mal

Levo o lanche deste jeito

É mais natural





"A hippie is someone who looks like Tarzan, walks like Jane, and smells like Cheetah".



foi pena os croquetes de soja estarem sempre esgotados

Pink Floyd - The Great Gig in the Sky


"And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I

don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying?

There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime."


"If you can hear this whispering you are dying."


"I never said I was frightened of dying."


melhor música de todo o sempre

God Damn!


Esta e todas, vá quase todas, deles. :)

All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.

Queensryche - Speak


They've given me a mission

I don't really know the game yet

I'm bent on submission

Religion is to blame

I'm the new messiah

Death Angel with a gun

Dangerous in my silence

Deadly to my cause


Speak to me the pain you feel

Speak the word

The word is all of us


I've given my life to become what I am

To preach the new beginning

To make you understand

To reach some point of order

Utopia in mind, you've got to learn

To sacrifice, to leave what's now behind


Speak to me the pain you feel

Speak the word

The word is all of us

Speak the word

The word is all of us


Seven years of power

The corporation claw

The rich control the government, the media the law

To make some kind of difference

Then everyone must know

Eradicate the fascists, revolution will grow


The system we learn says we're equal under law

But the streets are reality, the weak and poor will fall

Let's tip the power balance and tear down their crown

Educate the masses, We'll burn the White House down


Speak to me the pain you feel

Speak to me the pain you feel

Speak the word (Revolution)

The word is all of us

Speak the word (Revolution)

The word is all of us

Speak the word

The word is all of us

Speak the Word

The word is all of us



Eu levo no pacote

Páquito C. Braziel/Páquito C.

Braziel/Nuno Eiró


Meu amor trabalha muito

Precisa de comer

Eu faço sempre um lanche

P’ra ele não enfraquecer


Preparo um pacote

Ponho de tudo um bocadinho

E na hora de levar

Eu ponho-me a caminho


Minha mãe pergunta sempre

Porque não levo a lancheira

Mas p’ra manter o gosto

É a melhor maneira



Eu levo no pacote

Eu levo sim senhor

Eu levo no pacote

Tem outro sabor


Eu levo no pacote

Eu levo sim senhor

Eu levo no pacote

P’ra gosto do meu amor


Levo sandes de fiambre

Outras de panado

Levo também um bombom

P’ra que fique aconchegado


Meu amor quando me vê

Amachuca-me o pacote

Quer saber o que vai dentro

O que lhe calhou em sorte


Chega a estragar comida

Mas eu não levo a mal

Levo o lanche deste jeito

É mais natural







huahauhuauhahau tas a partir !!!!


como diria a malta do bafo ... ja lhe deste ;)


bem ... apos breve investigacao no youtube ... descobri os outros hits da rosinha ... ela e' tramada :gap:


de destacar ...


Mete Mais Um Dedo


Ele Enterra Bem


Com A Boca No Pipo


tsssssssss e viva a musica popular portuguesa !!


isto sim e' alegria de viver !




Alô rapaziada,

Se liga no refrão...


É cocada boa

Não é?

É cocada boa...


É cocada boa

Não é?

É cocada boa.


Outra vez pra marcar.


É cocada boa

Não é?

É cocada boa...

Não é?

É cocada boa.


Aí rapaziada, eu tô duro

Só quero a rapa da cocada

E mais nada!


Olha aí!

Já armei meu tabuleiro

Vendo pra qualquer pessoa

Tem da preta e tem da branca

E quem prova

Não enjoa, porque!


É cocada boa

Não é?

É cocada boa

É cocada boa

Não é?

É cocada boa...(2x)


Tem preto que come da branca

Tem branco que come da preta

Tem gosto pra todo freguês

Só não vale misturar

Vai numa de cada vez

Não misture o paladar

E overdose de cocada

Até pode te matar.

Só porque...


É cocada boa

Não é?

É cocada boa

É cocada boa

Não é?

É cocada boa...(2x)


O delega da área

Já mandou averiguar

"Que é que tem nessa cocada

Que tá todo mundo

Querendo comprar?"

Houve uma diligência

Só para experimentar

Eles provaram da cocada

E disseram doutor

Deixa isso prá lá!

Só porque...


(Repetir a Letra)


É cocada boa

Não é?

É cocada boa

É cocada boa

Não é?

É cocada boa...(final 5x)



4:20 pm Work for a cause, not for applause !

Pink Floyd - The Great Gig in the Sky


"And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I

don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying?

There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime."


"If you can hear this whispering you are dying."


"I never said I was frightened of dying."


melhor música de todo o sempre

God Damn!


Esta e todas, vá quase todas, deles. :)

Pink Floyd, é uma grande viagem, sem duvida...



you me and universe!

  • 3 weeks later...

desculpe lá o offetopic


alguém arranja aí a letra da música Electric Universe - The Prayer ???


shuklaam baradharam vishnum shashi varnam chathur bhujam

prasanna vadanam dhyaayet sarva vighnopa shaantaye

vyaasam vasishtha naptaaram shakteh pautrama kalmasham

paraa sharaatma jam vande shukataatam taponidhim

vyaasaaya vishnu ruupaaya vyaasa ruupaaya vishnave

namo vai brahmanidhaye vaasishtaaya namo namah

avikaaraaya shuddhaaya nityaaya paramaatmane

sadaika ruupa ruupaaya vishnave sarva jishnave

yasya smarana maatrena janma sansaara bandhanaath

vimuchyate namastasmai vishhnave prabhavishhnave

om namo vishnave prabhavishnave

sri vaishampaayana uvaacha



é isto? :)

All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.

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