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parece-me que vem aí nova bomba... :)


só temos que aguardar e por enquanto aguentar a ouvir os bocaditos das samples... :D:lol::D


está prevista a release para 18 de Maio... :wacko: (tanto tempo ainda... :D:lol::D )





Track List:


01 Rascar Capac

02 Mov Ax

03 Sonic Algebra

04 Jack In The Box

05 Videodrome

06 Reverser

07 Ansi

08 Life Is A Progressbar

09 Insanity Instantly


Legendary Swedish trance unit, Logic Bomb, have put the finishing touches on their newest sonic offering "Sonic Algebra". Bleeding edge digital technology married with the finest analog circuitry of the past led to an album that is both classic and contemporary!!


In the mid 90s Sweden was introduced to a new type of dance music brought back from the golden beaches of Goa, India by an adventurous group of friends. Parties were held deep in the mystic forests during summer and attracted a fresh new crowd, enthusiastic for these innovative sounds. Among this crowd were two freshly graduated computer engineers who were struck with a profound fascination for this new music. This enchantment led to the inception of the now infamous musical unit “Logic Bomb”, formed by Jonas Pettersson and Johan Krafft , in 1998. They released their now highly sought after debut album "Headware", produced together with fellow Swede, Jonas Bergvall, on Spiral Trax in the year of 2000. Following up on the phenomenal success of “Headware”, their second album "Unlimited" was released on leading English label TIP World in 2002. Now after years of silence, things are cooking once again in the bomb-lab. Utilizing the highest quality, bleeding edge, digital technology married with the finest analog circuitry of the past they have crafted an album that is both classic and contemporary at the same time. Logic Bomb are set to blow up the scene in 2007!

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A Bomba vai rebentar outra vez... eheheh, logic bomb ainda está bem na minha memória com um dos melhores lives que alguma vez ouvi... azambuja em setembro (se não estou em erro) de 2001.


Aguardo com espectativa este album.

Serpente Harmónica Vermelha



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tipo ... aleluia ??


por mais cenas que tenham pra fazer ... meia duzia de malhas de alternate vision nao chega pra 5 anos !!


mas va' ... mais vale tarde que nunca ... e este album parece que foi feito a' 20 anos atras e guardado dentro de umas pipas de carvalho ...


e' caso para dizer ... cenas power



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The Masters are back!! Isto são notícias fantásticas....Vou ouvir com atenção para poder dar uma opinião + fidedigna huhuuuuu

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Estes dois meninos abusam muito... que album fantastico, a minha preferida é a faixa 5 :wub:


No shamanik lá estarei pra ver os rapazes a partirem tudo :)

“Though the modern world may know a million secrets, the ancient world knew one - and that one was greater than the million; for the million secrets breed death, disaster, sorrow, selfishness, lust, and avarice, but the one secret confers life, light, and truth.”

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este album é daqueles que nos fazem pensar que o trance, que a musica psicadélica afinal aida existe, e não é daquela bosta que ultimamente se tem ouvido por aí. palavras para quê é uma obra prima, dificilmente este ano sai alguma coisa parecida, a não ser que o ott se lembre de finalmente editar o tão prometido album, dasssssss tou farto de esperar, mas também se esperar tanto tempo como esperei por este vale a pena.

I guess part of me or a part of who I am, a part of what I do

Is being a warrior - a reluctant warrior, a reluctant struggler

But... I do it because I'm committed to life

We can't avoid it, we can't run away from it

Because to do that is to be... cowardice-

To do that is to be subservient... to devils, subservient to

Evil and so that the only way to live on this planet

With any human dignity at the moment is to struggle.

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tenho k arranjar este! há anos k adoro logic bomb, já tinha saudades!







iluminações STROBES & PURPURINAS - catálogo por pm

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