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27 Julho a 1 Agosto - Fullmoon Festival 2007

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Hello fullmoon-friends,


The Fullmoon Festival ticket presale has started now with a special x-mas discount price category of 45 EUR. Please remember, that the price at the gate will be 70 EUR.

The ordering process is the same like last year. You buy your unforgeable ticket voucher/s at www.fullmoon-festival.com and directly after the successful order process we send it/them in a confirmation email, attached as a pdf-file, to your email adress from where you ordered .

Unlike the last years, every ticket is one seperate pdf-file attached on the confirmation email.

Just print out the ticket vouchers and change it to the fmf bracelet at

the festival entrance.


We wish you a merry x-mas & a happy new year

peace, your Fullmoon Crew


this year the amount of tickets per price category is limited. If the

tickets in a category are sold out before the category is finished, the

price will switch to the next category and is valid until the end date

of the new category or the end of the available tickets.


Ticket presale overwiew





Hallo Fullmoon-Freunde,


der Fullmoon Festial Ticketvorverkauf hat begonnen, mit der limitierten Weihnachts-Diskountpreis-Kategorie von 45 EUR. Bitte denkt daran, dass der Abendkassenpreis 70 EUR beträgt. Der Bestellvorgang ist der selbe wie in den letzten Jahren. Ihr kauft euer sicheres Ticketvoucher auf www.fullmoon-festival.com und bekommt sofort nach eurer erfolgreichen Bestellung die Ticketvouchers als Pdf-Dateien im Anhang der Bestätigungs-Email auf eure Bestell-Email-Adresse zugeschickt.

Anders als in den letzten Jahren, ist jedes Ticket als einzelne Pdf-Datei an die Bestätigungsemail angehängt. Einfach ausdrucken und am Festival-Einlass gegen das Fmf-Armband eintauschen.


wir wünschen euch ein wunderbares Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr


Eure Fullmoon Crew



Dieses Jahr ist die Anzahl der Tickets in den Preiskategorien limitiert.

Wenn die Kategorie ausverkauft ist, wird die nächste Kategorie aktiv, bis zu ihrem Enddatum oder so lange, bis sie ausverkauft ist.


Ticket Vorverkaufs Übersicht






Dear Friends of Fullmoon,


the ticket presale is running and the 1. ticket category (45 EUR)

was sold out in a few hours.

To give all a chance to get a low-priced presale ticket, the 2. category

(47 EUR) runs as a x-mas special WITHOUT a LIMIT till 31.12.2006-23:59 MEZ.

Ticketpresale: www.fullmoon-festival.com


we wish all a merry x-mas and a happy new year

peace your Fullmoon-Crew




Liebe Freunde des Vollmondes,


der Ticket-Vorverkauf läuft und die Tickets der 1.Kategorie

(45 EUR) waren innerhalb weniger Stunden ausverkauft.

Damit alle die Chance haben ein günstiges Vorverkaufsticket

zu bekommen gibt es als Weihnachtsspecial die Tickets der 2.Kategorie

(47 EUR) OHNE LIMIT bis zum 31.12.2006-23:59 MEZ.

Ticketvorverkauf: www.fullmoon-festival.com


Wir wünschen Euch frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch


Peace Eure Fullmoon-Crew

1st of all will now rain a lot of reply cause you didnt put it in portuguese...

2nd you guys should start thinking about a line up before you think of the prices, cause that puts you one step closer to boom festival over here, and imo its not a very good thing. we all know you're line-ups were a blast since 1st edition (congrats to chris or whoever choose the artist) but still....

3rd i'm sorry i missed the last one, and i dont think i'm going this year either.

nontheless please go back to the wondefull circular floor formula that you had, dont put down the amazing cristal decos you had this year, but drop the rock stage...


hopefully c you in two years





primeiro- vao chover criticas de nao teres posto isso em tuga

segundo-voces deviam começar a pensar em lineups antes da guita, porque isso põe-vos mais perto do nosso boom, e na minha opinião isso na é lá mt bom nesse aspecto. tds sabemos k desd a 1ª ediçao teem tido lineups do crl, mas mm assim...

tenho pena de nao ter la estado este ano, e penso k nem pro ano vou.

terceiro- mantenham as decos deste ano mas deixem-se de palcos á calhau na água...


espero ir daki a 2 anos

next gigs @

Teatro Recreios da Amadora 16, 17 Julho



  • 4 weeks later...
1st of all will now rain a lot of reply cause you didnt put it in portuguese...

2nd you guys should start thinking about a line up before you think of the prices, cause that puts you one step closer to boom festival over here, and imo its not a very good thing. we all know you're line-ups were a blast since 1st edition (congrats to chris or whoever choose the artist) but still....

3rd i'm sorry i missed the last one, and i dont think i'm going this year either.

nontheless please go back to the wondefull circular floor formula that you had, dont put down the amazing cristal decos you had this year, but drop the rock stage...


hopefully c you in two years





primeiro- vao chover criticas de nao teres posto isso em tuga

segundo-voces deviam começar a pensar em lineups antes da guita, porque isso põe-vos mais perto do nosso boom, e na minha opinião isso na é lá mt bom nesse aspecto. tds sabemos k desd a 1ª ediçao teem tido lineups do crl, mas mm assim...

tenho pena de nao ter la estado este ano, e penso k nem pro ano vou.

terceiro- mantenham as decos deste ano mas deixem-se de palcos á calhau na água...


espero ir daki a 2 anos

hummmmm fazes bem...





ॐ"O valor das coisas nao esta no tempo k elas duram,

mas na intensidade com k acontecem.

por isso existem momentos inesqueciveis,

coisas inexplicaveis e pessoas incomparaveis." ॐ




My hi5

  • 1 month later...

em principio tamos la :):wub::rolleyes:


***Body Piercer Triparte***

!!!Harder Better Faster Stronger!!!

Triparte Body Piercing Tattoo - Rua da prata nº88/90 Baixa Chiado Lisboa -218862994

Katya ja sabes, se inda tiverem por ai nesta altura, é o momento certo pa vos fazer uma visitinha ;)


ॐ Somos apenas pessoas... mas são as nossas acções que nos definem... ॐ

em principio tamos la :):wub::rolleyes:

o meu Ohm tb ker ir... ki ça? lol eu tb gostava, tou mt curiosa :D:wub:

em principio tamos la :):wub::rolleyes:


leva-me ctguuuuuuuuu :unsure:


Bora pa la comunidade trancer tuga na alemanha a puxa-las eheh :rolleyes::wub:


hehe em julho la estaremos persinha a caminho da alemanha algures pela europa hehe vao ser umas belas ferias... hehe k ansias :rolleyes::wub::):lol:


***Body Piercer Triparte***

!!!Harder Better Faster Stronger!!!

Triparte Body Piercing Tattoo - Rua da prata nº88/90 Baixa Chiado Lisboa -218862994
  • 3 weeks later...

JA LA TOU :wub::wub::wub::wub:


tb vais? :)


***Body Piercer Triparte***

!!!Harder Better Faster Stronger!!!

Triparte Body Piercing Tattoo - Rua da prata nº88/90 Baixa Chiado Lisboa -218862994

JA LA TOU :wub::wub::wub::wub:


tb vais? :)


epah! se nao tiver a bulir tou la batido :wub:

e se tiver tou la na mesma...pelo menos em pensamento :)



heheh é msm essse o espirito :) vou curtir tanto inda por cima nnc fui a nenhum festival no estrangeiro so msm a festas :lol: tou tao curiosa :rolleyes:^_^:):wub:


***Body Piercer Triparte***

!!!Harder Better Faster Stronger!!!

Triparte Body Piercing Tattoo - Rua da prata nº88/90 Baixa Chiado Lisboa -218862994



tb vais? :)


epah! se nao tiver a bulir tou la batido :wub:

e se tiver tou la na mesma...pelo menos em pensamento :)



heheh é msm essse o espirito :) vou curtir tanto inda por cima nnc fui a nenhum festival no estrangeiro so msm a festas :lol: tou tao curiosa :rolleyes:^_^:):wub:


hehe, ja somos dois...é vir do full moon, fazer uma paragem no shamanik e seguir po freedom...

Este verao :wub: promete :lol::lol:

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
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