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Thank you! Your click, along with others' today, improves the lives of more than 1,000 children. Each click helps prevent life-threatening diseases, restore vision to blind children, and enable child amputees to walk.


por isso..click!! :wacko:

Nada é permanente, salvo a mudança!

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click click cliking :wacko:


: Fernando Hood :

Music Released


Live Acts:

Altering Perceptions


The Smiley Pixie


albums: "Free music for free people" ; "CHillout moods to urban grooves(soon)" Somethings Sacred (soon)"


other performances: VJ Set (video animation) & Dj Set (Psychedelic Trance, Progressive, Ambient & breakBeat)


Other Projects:

Compilação "Transatlantic CHillout" www.myspace.com/transatlanticchillout

Cosmic Fusion - Psychedelic Events in Ireland COSMIC FUSION - GALWAY IRELAND

Goagadar Psy-Culture Magazine http://www.goagadarmagazine.com

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deixem-me so corrigir uma coisinha:


o Click do the rainforest ta ai... mas pros mais distraidos, sao 4 clicks









ps: tal como a nina mostrou no 2º post :P

...my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop, my brain is in a loop...

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clikk clikkk clikkkkk salvem os Pinguins anhados! :wacko:


: Fernando Hood :

Music Released


Live Acts:

Altering Perceptions


The Smiley Pixie


albums: "Free music for free people" ; "CHillout moods to urban grooves(soon)" Somethings Sacred (soon)"


other performances: VJ Set (video animation) & Dj Set (Psychedelic Trance, Progressive, Ambient & breakBeat)


Other Projects:

Compilação "Transatlantic CHillout" www.myspace.com/transatlanticchillout

Cosmic Fusion - Psychedelic Events in Ireland COSMIC FUSION - GALWAY IRELAND

Goagadar Psy-Culture Magazine http://www.goagadarmagazine.com

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all cliked :hug:

When was the start of all this? When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now, from deep whitin the flow of time

But, for a certainty, back then, we loved so many, yet hated so much... We hurt the others and were hurt ourselves...

Yet even then, we ran like the wind, whilst our laughter echoed,

Under cerulean skyes ...

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Done ^_^

"Vive tudo o que puderes; é um erro não o fazeres. Não interessa tanto o que faças em particular, desde que tenhas a tua vida. Se não a tiveste, então o que tiveste? ... O que se perdeu, perdido está, podes ter a certeza... A altura certa é qualquer altura que tenhas a sorte de ainda ter... Vive!"


Henry James

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/me abraça a arvore! CLIKK CLIKKK :lol:


: Fernando Hood :

Music Released


Live Acts:

Altering Perceptions


The Smiley Pixie


albums: "Free music for free people" ; "CHillout moods to urban grooves(soon)" Somethings Sacred (soon)"


other performances: VJ Set (video animation) & Dj Set (Psychedelic Trance, Progressive, Ambient & breakBeat)


Other Projects:

Compilação "Transatlantic CHillout" www.myspace.com/transatlanticchillout

Cosmic Fusion - Psychedelic Events in Ireland COSMIC FUSION - GALWAY IRELAND

Goagadar Psy-Culture Magazine http://www.goagadarmagazine.com

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  • 4 weeks later...













Coitadinho do mouse ^_^:D


Your click has funded the preservation of 11.4 square feet of endangered rainforest.

Your click helps feed the hungry with the value of 1.1 cups of staple food.

Your click, along with others' today, improves the lives of more than 1,000 children. Each click helps prevent life-threatening diseases, restore vision to blind children, and enable child amputees to walk.

Your click provided the value of .6 bowls of food and care to a rescued animal in a shelter or sanctuary.

Your click, along with others today, will fund free mammograms for women in need. :splat:

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ihhhh ja me tinha esqecido deste site :toosad: qnd furmatei o disco esquecime de guardar os favoritos :hammer:

heheh graças á nina temos sempre a nossa pequena floresta a cliques de distância :lol:


: Fernando Hood :

Music Released


Live Acts:

Altering Perceptions


The Smiley Pixie


albums: "Free music for free people" ; "CHillout moods to urban grooves(soon)" Somethings Sacred (soon)"


other performances: VJ Set (video animation) & Dj Set (Psychedelic Trance, Progressive, Ambient & breakBeat)


Other Projects:

Compilação "Transatlantic CHillout" www.myspace.com/transatlanticchillout

Cosmic Fusion - Psychedelic Events in Ireland COSMIC FUSION - GALWAY IRELAND

Goagadar Psy-Culture Magazine http://www.goagadarmagazine.com

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feitoooooooooo ^_^








MENOG'S Web Page online now

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Quando a ultima arvore tiver caído,

Quando o ultimo rio tiver secado,

Quando o ultimo peixe for pescado,

Os homens vão entender que o dinheiro não se come! :wacko:

mais nada!!

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