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Agora que vi as fotos temos mesmo que "baixar" ao campo!!! :lol:



Sigaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! :wave:





alo alo!!!!


como esta a estadia....


Vai dando noticias!!!!

"it don't mean a thing,

if you ain't got that swing"




Agora que vi as fotos temos mesmo que "baixar" ao campo!!! :lol:



Sigaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! :wave:





alo alo!!!!


como esta a estadia....


Vai dando noticias!!!!

Sim Cookie tou com o Tio!!!

It´s a soul thing...A body thing...a spiritual thing!!







Apesar de algumas explicações, não entendi...mas o festival foi cancelado porquê?

Todos nós, uns mais que outros é óbvio, temos noção das burocracias inerentes á realização de um evento nestes moldes, a partir do momento que as licenças estão atribuidas e nas mãos de quem de direito, não é assim tão fácil acabar com uma coisa que nem sequer chegou a começar!


Mas há aqui alguém que consiga elucidar-me do sucedido?


Sinceramente gostava de ter uma resposta com fundamento...

Apesar de algumas explicações, não entendi...mas o festival foi cancelado porquê?

Todos nós, uns mais que outros é óbvio, temos noção das burocracias inerentes á realização de um evento nestes moldes, a partir do momento que as licenças estão atribuidas e nas mãos de quem de direito, não é assim tão fácil acabar com uma coisa que nem sequer chegou a começar!


Mas há aqui alguém que consiga elucidar-me do sucedido?


Sinceramente gostava de ter uma resposta com fundamento...




Well, the Freaky Surviver's decide to set up a free alternative party!!!!!!

So for the "lost" ppl that are still inThe area, and whant to come up...you are more than well come...

Some of the artists that have flight booked for after the festival, ae going to play...


This are the directions for this alternative "solution":

Directions from Barcelona:

near...Vilavella del Maestar

A7 direction Valencia, then get out in Castello de a Plana...pikc up the C238 to Vilafranca del Maestar...by the C830 and then by de C802,before arriving in Vilafranca del Maestar yu found the indication to Vilavella del Maestar...in Vilavella, pass trought the village and after you see a cross and go straight forward, after more or less 4 Klics and go by the right...and you are there...

The aproximate distance from the lost Freaky place is +- 60/70 Km


Come and Keep alive some Freaky Spirit...


Info Line: +34648103051


have a nice trip...


Desculpem lá o mau jeito do Ingles, mas penso q todos entendem...


hasta y Buen viaje!!!!



From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


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The Real Pirate's!!! The World People Crew-South of France

É de vir às lágrimas. :cray:


Força aí, pessoal!






We trust in Trance and love to dance.

Se não houver frutos, valeu pela beleza das flores. Se não houver flores, valeu pela sombra das folhas. Se não houver sombra, valeu pela intenção da semente.

Apesar de algumas explicações, não entendi...mas o festival foi cancelado porquê?

Todos nós, uns mais que outros é óbvio, temos noção das burocracias inerentes á realização de um evento nestes moldes, a partir do momento que as licenças estão atribuidas e nas mãos de quem de direito, não é assim tão fácil acabar com uma coisa que nem sequer chegou a começar!


Mas há aqui alguém que consiga elucidar-me do sucedido?


Sinceramente gostava de ter uma resposta com fundamento...





IsraTrance Junior Member




"In the City council of Caspe they had another version. “They cannot allege that they still did not know the prohibition, because one communicated the 7 to them of July, and, with it, have continued selling entered until one week ago. Single they have tried to gain time with the hope of which, since they have done before in other places, they were going to be able to celebrate the concentration, without fulfilling no norm legal”, showed the mayoress of Caspe, Teresa Francín.


The president of the Region, Carlos Alastruey, supported to Francín and explained that the encamped one was illegal --“to be to less than 5,000 meters of a legal camping”--; he invaded lands of water police; he did not have plan of evacuation for as much people; they did not count on material accredited in Europe --“not even the carp”--; there was forest fire danger and the sanitary minims were not respected garantied--“the water directly took it from the marsh and it was sent to a cistern of 10,000 liters, without no treatment, and the toilets consisted of latrines excavated in ditches and covered by coats”--.


According to Francín, “the last year they already celebrated another festival without fulfilling the norms in Nonaspe, and thought that we were not going away to dare to prohibit it. But it rains and it has riada or a fire takes place, or any accident, the responsibility had been of the corporation. We were not arranged to load with it”.

retirado do isratrance


On 2007-08-10 23:18, Remy [POF] wrote:

Just got back from Freaky Dragon after spending the last 4days there and this is how the festival turned into a nightmare…


From Wednesday around 11h00 both entrances for cars where blocked by a car with 2 cops and they sent away anyone who tried to enter the festival so more and more cars ended up on the side of the road. Apparently Christophe the main organizer had left to meet with his lawyer to unblock the situation with the authorities and we where told to wait.


About 5 hours later, around 15 Guardia Civil cars came and went inside the festival, they where followed 30min later by 3 trucks. Apparently they wanted to destroy all the structures and scenes that had been made for the festival under the last 2 months.


People of the organization and the people outside then decided to block the entrance by sitting in front of it so that no more truck could pass. I would estimate us at about 100 people maybe more. It’s important to point out that all this was done very quietly and calmly and also that we didn’t completely block the road; cars could continue to pass on the side.


And it’s VERY important to point out that all this time we thought that the festival was LEGAL because Christophe told us that he had authorisation and all these problems where just because there had been election recently and that the person that gave the authorisation was not re-elected and his lawyer would sort this out.


About 10min later we saw 3 police cars arriving with the cops from inside with at least 15cops that came out they all had their batons, shields, masks and protections. They advanced towards us calmly by walking and without warning started to hitting people of course including women, I was sitting in the front and the 1st hit was in the head of the guy who was sitting right in front of me and let me tell you one thing the hit that he got in the head could have killed him, everyone started to run and panicked but after about 20 or 30 min the calm had come back down. The police tried to erase all the videos and pictures that where taken but some managed to get away with theirs.


So if you have a video or pictures of what happened, please put them online somewhere as we need as much proof as we can get against these bastards. They had no right to hit people who where sitting and hadn’t done anything violent at all.


After all this shit happened Christophe told me and some other people that he had the authorization but only verbally not on paper, in my humble opinion when you want to organize a festival for more then 5000 people and with a budget of over 100 000 euros and you don’t get a written authorization which is technicly just like not having an authorization at all, YOU HAVE TO CANCEL.


Sorry Christophe but, whatever you want to admit it or not, if you would have had a paper saying that you had the right to do the festival all this wouldn’t have happened. It’s not entirely your fault but it is partly, I hope you will find a way to get the trust back from the people that where supporting your organisation.




Here you have some pics of how it was !!!






Bem...Ppl já chegamos a Barna saos e salvos, depois de um fin-de-semana numa festa pequena cheia de espirito e amor, num sítio paradisiaco....como, tinha dito alguma da gente q estava montando o Freakys, nao ficou parada...

Mal passe as fotos pró PC, já as postearei...

Qto´à Cookie...nao se preocupem q está em boa maos...

E passamos um excelente fim-de-semana...

Intex...q vou descançar!

Já volto....


From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


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The Real Pirate's!!! The World People Crew-South of France

Bem...Ppl já chegamos a Barna saos e salvos, depois de um fin-de-semana numa festa pequena cheia de espirito e amor, num sítio paradisiaco....como, tinha dito alguma da gente q estava montando o Freakys, nao ficou parada...

Mal passe as fotos pró PC, já as postearei...

Qto´à Cookie...nao se preocupem q está em boa maos...

E passamos um excelente fim-de-semana...

Intex...q vou descançar!

Já volto....


Essa menina anda a pedi-las...


Não nos deu mais noticas :(

It´s a soul thing...A body thing...a spiritual thing!!







Obrigado Bioteck, pelo link do video...

Qto a algumas das noticias publicadas, tenho a dizer que nao correspondem à verdade, assim qdo falam do facto de estarem a abstecer um deposito de 10.000lts com agua da barragem, é absulutamente verdade, mas esqueceram-se de dizer que esse deposito era destinado para os chuveiros e nao para consumo...para beber havia um outro deposito de 7.500lts que seria abastecido diariamente com agua da rede publica da vila de Caspe...mas como é obvio às autoridades nao lhes convem contar todos os detalhes, pois o que interessa é deixar uma imagem o mais negativa possivel deste tipo de eventos...

Qto á questao das autorizaçoes o facto foi que o Christoff acreditou demasiado na palavra do presidente da camara de Caspe...pois como aki em Agosto fecha tudo para férias, o tal presidente nao enviou a tempo o pedido de autorizaçao à delegaçao do governo de Aragao e ao ministerio do ambiente...esse, para provar o seu poder, decidiu enviar a "tropa" de choque...enfim, em tudo isto ha muita coisa por aclarar.

O que vos posso garantir é que os Dragon-Hunters perderam a "batalha" mas nao a "guerra", assim que esta em preparaçao a festa de aniverssario da associaçao em Setembro, onde se fará uma festa free, desta vez na regiao dos Pirinéus Françeses, para compensar de alguma maneira todas as pessoas que acreditaram neste festival e acabaram prejudicadas...

Para acabar, a violencia policial mandou para o Hospital em bastante mal estado ao presidente dos Medecins du Monde, que colaboravam na parte de assistencia medica do festival. Para cumulo da estupidez, pusera-lhe um processo judicial por desacato à autoridade....ainda bem que ha fotos e videos, pois este assunto ainda irá dar muito que falar, pois trata-se de agredir sem justificaçao a um cidadao estrangeiro...a ver se é desta que a bofia deste país se ve confrontada com algo que lhes faça ver que nao podem ir por aí a dar porrada ao ppl...pois o tempo de Franco já passou à quase 4 decadas.





From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


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The Real Pirate's!!! The World People Crew-South of France

Obrigado Paulo pelas infos...


É realmente triste saber que pessoas tão pacíficas e com boas intenções foram agredidas de forma tão animal, enfim...


Esperemos qeu quem agiu mal, saiba que não vai sair imune...e que a justiça seja feita pelo desrespeito a cada ser humano que ali estava :)

Se queres que a Vida te Sorria, que tal começares por sorrir...?!?

pois é tenho falado com people de portugal e arredores e é unanime, portugal é um dos melhores sitios para realizar eventos de toda a espécie, mesmo em relação á tolerancia por parte de politicos e policia para a realização de festas e festivais. por isso acho que o pessoal aqui deve convencer-se de que estamos num bom sitio, e que temos de levar a nossa à avante e lutar por um bom ambiente nas nossas festas, o que infelizmente nem sempre é apanágio.

I guess part of me or a part of who I am, a part of what I do

Is being a warrior - a reluctant warrior, a reluctant struggler

But... I do it because I'm committed to life

We can't avoid it, we can't run away from it

Because to do that is to be... cowardice-

To do that is to be subservient... to devils, subservient to

Evil and so that the only way to live on this planet

With any human dignity at the moment is to struggle.

Compilaçao sobre as noticias do festival nos Media Espanhois em:






From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


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Virus-Tekk Records.Dk

Mushroom Magazine On Line

The Real Pirate's!!! The World People Crew-South of France

à parte das agressoes da guardia civil k sao d lamentar facto é k a org teve se bem a cagar pras licenças.

ó hoffman a justificacao de k havia um acordo apalavrado n chega. ha leis e sao pra cumprir e kem ficou prejudicado foram os artistas, as pexoas k pra la se deslocaram e bateram com o nariz na porta, kem la andou a bulir nas montagens k se calhar nem sabia k o festival estava ilegal e as pessoas k pagaram bilhetes d pre venda.

n se façam d coitadinhos e k tiveram azar, no meu ponto d vista so ha um culpado ke é a organizacao, por n ter tomado todas as providencias para levar o festival a bom porto.

n tentes camuflar os erros cometidos pla org com artigos de jornais a falar sobre a violencia policial, isso é outro assunto.


Em 1º lugar eu nao estou a tentar camuflar nada, em 2º, também para mim isto das autorizaçoes foi uma surpresa..., mas pelo q sei, o maior problema foi o facto de a org. ter entregado os devidos papeis e o Ayuntamiento de Caspe, por estar quase fechado para férias,nao deu seguimento em tempo util, para as autoridades competentes (Governo de Aragao), dar o seu aval...

Agora que algumas pessoas, acreditaram demasiado na palavra e deveriam ter tratado de tudo com outra actitude também é verdade...

Bem...mas acredita que para esta equipe, nao é o facto de ver um festival cancelado que os vai deixar ficar parados, assim que penso que de uma maneira ou outra vao tentar "limpar" toda esta porcaria...

Eu, pelo q me toca, continuarei apoiando, pois o espirito destas pessoas faz-me acreditar q um outro "mundo" é possivel, e eu estou nisto do trance por paixao, assim quem em Setembro lá estrei nos Piríneus Franceses, para juntar o meu grao de areia...

Hasta & Peace!!!


From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


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Virus-Tekk Records.Dk

Mushroom Magazine On Line

The Real Pirate's!!! The World People Crew-South of France

O que vos posso garantir é que os Dragon-Hunters perderam a "batalha" mas nao a "guerra", assim que esta em preparaçao a festa de aniverssario da associaçao em Setembro, onde se fará uma festa free, desta vez na regiao dos Pirinéus Françeses, para compensar de alguma maneira todas as pessoas que acreditaram neste festival e acabaram prejudicadas...




...ainda falta muito ???!!! :lol:



Besos e abrazos....:bighug:

Nada é permanente, salvo a mudança!

Gracias miga...

Já sabes...é só preparar a viagem...

Já agora a ver se apareçes na Holanda...?¿?¿?

Nao estaria mal...



From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


Check this out!



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Speaker's - Art Work by Nagual Creations





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Virus-Tekk Records.Dk

Mushroom Magazine On Line

The Real Pirate's!!! The World People Crew-South of France

Bem Ppl...

Aki esta a declaraçao do principal organizador do festival...publicado ontem no principal forum françês...trancegoa.com

Está em Françês...mas oportunamente traduzirei para a lingua de Camoes....


aki vai:

Voila je viens juste de rentrer de Tarragona ou j'ai passé 2 jours juste pour comprendre et essayer de penser a autre chose après avoir passer une semaine avec toute l'équipe tout nettoyer et ranger ce fut long et dur comme je pense vous pouvez l'imaginer !!! Surtout après ce désastre et ces réactions fascistes pour couronner le tout


Je vais vous donner les faits juste les faits et vous pourrez ainsi vous faire votre propre opinons.



Même région que l'année dernière, même personne nous donnant l'autorisation (autorisation silencieuse), même système


Je m’explique, l'année dernière pour le freaky du mois de mai l'autorisation nous avait été donné par le président de Comarca Mr Francisco Domenech (Cormarca = Région) Bajo Aragón Caspe (la personne avec le plus de pouvoir dans cette région, plus de pouvoir que la mairie, plus de pouvoir que la présidence d'Aragon pour certaines décisions notamment l'autorisation de festival)


"Préparer le festival je m'occupe de tout"


Tel sont ces mots les même que l'année précédente certes sans papier

Nous précisant qu'il allé faire passer le festival comme attraction touristique pour la région



de plus cette année le propriétaire du terrain que l'on loué est une coopérative fruitières de 1300 hectares réunissant 24 associés ( tout les notables de la région) dont le président de cette coopérative Mr Marriano Gomez Callao qui est aussi Député siégeant a Madrid et ancien Maire de Caspe !! Poste de maire qu'il a gardé pendant 16 ans.


Donc je traitais avec les 2 personnes ayant le plus de pouvoir dans la région



Et bien sur à Caspe tout le monde connait tout le monde



Du coté de la mairie c'était du flou total due à l’élection municipale qui se sont passé peu de temps avant et ou le nouveau conseil municipale n'étant pas encore formé


Voila la situation le jour ou le contrat de location du terrain est signé par les 2 parties, et que l'on commence le montage !!! C’est à dire Mi juin




22 juin demande Officielle d'autorisation a la maire de Caspe



Fin juin le nouveau conseil municipal est formé, et décrète qu’ils ne veulent pas du festival !!! Demande retournée avec avis défavorable sans aucune autre précision !!!


De la retour a la Comarca, re rendez vous avec Mr Francisco Domenech qui nous assure que tout va bien que c un festival de la région, que la mairie ne peut rien faire contre !!!


De là Statu quo jusqu'a début juillet ou là, coup de tonnerre !!!

On apprend que le président de région Mr Francisco domenech c'est fait remercier !!! Pourquoi comment ................


Le lendemain comme réaction, nous prenons un avocat à Caspe, puis un autre a Zaragoza

Relisant toutes nos démarches officielles ils découvrent de suite plusieurs manquements à la loi de la part de la maire de Caspe notamment sur l'information de document à délivrer pour une demande complète !!!


Recours des avocats en justice le 27 juin


début juillet nouvel élection de la présidence de la Comarca , nouveau président de la Comarca qui n'est autre que un des conseiller municipal de la Mairie de Caspe


11 juillet decret officielle de la Comarca rendant illégale le festival, mais avec 30 jour d'appel ce qui nous sauvait le festival car cela nous amener au 11 aout (ce sont les paroles de l'avocat)


Statu quo jusqu'au 3 aout


Pendant ce temps jusqu'au 3 aout rencontre avec tous l’acteur politiques et décisoire d'Aragon a Zaragoza afin de les sensibiliser sur notre action et les conséquences sanitaire et problématique d'une éventuel annulation du festival ainsi que tout l'historique de notre activité, plus rencontre avec les medias régionaux et nationaux (ce qui je pense nous a sauvé d'un massacre)


3 aout recours en justice gagnant et sommant la maire de nous informer en nous indiquant toute la démarche a suivre et nous donnant un délai de 10 jours pour de nouveau représenter une demande et surtout recours gagnant suspentatoire de toute autre décision prise en amont





Voila les faits juste les faits " et toute les décisions on était prise en collégialité "



Maintenant mon ressentiment personnel


on est rentrée dans une guerre politique entre un Président de région au inspirations hippies et une mairie Faschiste aidée d'une guardia civile Fachiste elle aussi



nos (mes) erreurs celle que je vois


Ne pas avoir reagis des le 11 juillet pour annuler, ou chercher en urgence un autre endroit et ca pour moi c la plus grosse des erreurs sauver le festival en le faisant moins cher dans un autre endroit, mais le sauver surtout


Maintenant avoir fait confiances aux politiques !! Peut être oui.... ne pas avoir d'autorisation écrite oui aussi ... mais je ne pense pas que ca n'aurait pas changé grand chose !!!! À cette démonstration de Fachisme

Dans le passé on a eu des autorisations écrite qui volait en éclat pour des raisons qui pouvaient aller de A à Z et ca je pense que toute orga savent de quoi je parle


Quoi voila je pense est repense et passe et repasse tout le film de ce désastre, et je vois que le désastre !!!!

et surtout je crois que quoi que l’on aurait pus faire, ca n’aurait rien changé !! le sort en était jeter ,je crois que depuis un bon moment ils avaient décidé de nous casser tout simplement …. Rien le fait d’attendre 24h avant l’événement pour agir, et la manière d’ont ils ont agit, de pourchasser tout les festivaliers pour les mettre « Dehors d’Aragon » comme ils se plaisaient à dire haut et fort



Maintenant je pense que dragonhunters va dormir un peu ....car beaucoup de questions qui reste sans réponse et la foi touché , plus toutes ces images, ces yeux qui reste gravées ,omniprésente et qui font mal tous les jours ….. Tous ca à besoin de justice pour de nouveau repartir



Je remercie tout ceux qui sont venus amener leur connaissance ou tout simplement leur énergie a monter ce festival depuis 2 mois et plus



Pour ce qui est des préventes et de payement des places de shops je vais prendre contact avec vous dans les jours prochains ( pour les shops si vous pouviez me contacter car je n’ai pas vos mail juste le listing des virrements que vous nous avez fait)


Idem pour tout ceux qui ont acheter une place a l’entree avant les evenements s’il vous plait prenez contact avec moi



Voila Merci merci merci merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pour les km , pour les coups, pour y avoir crus, et pour tellement plein d’autres chose que vous nous avez donnez pendant ces 4 années Benevoles, Artistes, Freaksssss




chris@dragon-hunters.net BE a Freak ;)





From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


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Virus-Tekk Records.Dk

Mushroom Magazine On Line

The Real Pirate's!!! The World People Crew-South of France

Bem...as mesmas declaraçoes mas em Inglês...

Podem também ver o artigo que sairá na edicçao de Setembro da Mushroom Magazine




Textual word's from Christoff (Main Dragon-Hunters Director...):


Just arrived back from Spain, where i have spend last 2 days arround Tarragona to try to understand all that hapen and to think about different things . Specially after spending one more week with the crew to clean and build off the location where all this happened, so you can imagine who is to look at this « battlefield » after all . And specially after this desaster and fascistic assaults.

Now I gonna give you the facts, only the facts and you can feel free to make your own opinion and judjment:

The same district as last years festival, the same person who gives the authorisations, (through a silence autorisation...) exactlly the same way as last year edition of this festival.

I explain you : for the last years edition of Freaky Dragons Festival , the autorisation was given by President of the Comarca Bajo Aragon – Caspe, Mr . Francisco Domenech, ( Council of the District, the chairman of this area with most power in this kind and many others dessisions and above of the city council Mayor, and for example, and for some desisions, above the Aragon governement, so he was the person which decides about any type of event in the Aragon area.

« Prepare the festival … I’ll take care about all »-(Sic).

This were the words of the president , the same that like last year, we have recieved from this authority. He explained that he aprove our festival like a touristic attraction for the region.

Besides, the owner of the rented land it’ s a local fruit company called La Herradura S.L, which ownes about 13000 ha of land arround Caspe and unifies 24 partners, (all wellknown business men from the region). The chairman of this company, Mr. Mariano Gomez Callao, which is by the way, a representant in the central parlament in Madrid and an ex Major of city council of Caspe during 16 years, had an total agreement with our project.

At this moment we had agreements with practically the 2 more powerfull politic men on this region.

Offcourse in little a town like Caspe everybody knows everybody.


At the same time, in the city council of Caspe, nothing was clear, due to the local elections on 27 of May of 2007. So at that moment, (about middle of june), the new city council was not yet formed.

At this moment the agreement for the renting of the land was signed by the two parts and this was the situation at the time when the construction of festival started in the middle of June.

With the inauguration of the new city council of Caspe at 22 of June, we present the official demand for the celebration of the event.


At the end of June on our first city council meeting, they decide to give us negative answer on the demand. But hereby at the 10th of July they inform us, without any pressisions neither explanations, that our demand was rejected.

Immediatly we took the contact with Mr. Francisco Domenech, the president of the district, which confirm to us that we can continue with the preparations and that the dessision take by the city council was not correct.


From the autorities, some days of silence, when at this point the preparations continued , but like they say after, the silence comes storm : we recive the news that at that moment that mr . Francisco Domenech was not relected even when he was part of the leading political group. Why, how……………….


On the next day we get two lawyers working on our case, one in Caspe and other in Zaragoza. Studing our case, the lawyer from Zaragoza immidiatly discover several break or non fullfilment of the law by the city council of Caspe, for example; in a case of rejection of our demand, they should inform the requier (us), what documentation was necessary and give 7 days to present the complete demand.

On the 27th of june or lawyers bring the case on the court.


Beginning of July... the election of the new president of « Comarca »(region), the new president became adjunt of mayor of the city council of Caspe. At 11th of July, the institution « Comarca » take the dessision of not authorize the event but with 30 days to acclaim against this dessision legaly, and enough time to save the festival, words from our lawyer Mr. Raphael Ledesma.


During this time until the 3d of august, i had several meetings with all heading politics from the state of Aragon, with the idea of make them understand and sensibelise them about the eventual annulation of the festival and the consequences that this decision could have in sanitary and humanitary view, but we also informed them about our project through a professional designed « Proyecto » (project) and about our history. At this moment we had contacts with the media. (which I think helped a bit to avoid more violence by the Guardia Civil police corp).


At the 3rd of August the trial against the city council strarted and that meaned that from that moment we have 10 days to present a new acclaim, and till then we waiting for the statement of the judge which till today has been not spoken or comunicated to us.


8th of August : AN FASCIST AVALANCHE , XENOPHOBIC AND RASIST « HUNT ON HIPPIES » kind of directive start by the Local autorities of the City of Caspe begun.




This are the all the facts and all the desissions are taken by all crew. and now i explain to all of you my personal feelings and memories about this.

We were in middle of a political war between the president of the « Comarca » (with some kind of hippie inspirations...), and the mayor of the city council of Caspe, whish is a fascist mayor and that was supported aswell by the very fascist Guardia Civil chief from Caspe.


Now, our (my) errors that i can't realize at the moment :

I didn’ t reacted at the first negative answer to cancel the event, and inform on internet about all the troubles, or to look for another location and to save the festival. To me, one of the biggest errors was not saving the festival making it smaller and with less construction, but at least we try to save it.

And also that i had trust in the political forces, and not having an written autorisation….. but i don’ t think that even with all that have helped to avoid this demonstration of Fascisme and violence.

In the past we already had official autorisation, wish in any minute can blow away by them self, i think that all the festival organiser's knows what i mean.

Now i just think and realize everything what heppened and I only can see disaster, and i also think about how awesome it could be. And also when I think back it seems obviuose that their plan was to destroy and to make us maximum dammage as possible, They waited 24 hours before the festival, to provocate the chaos and hunt all the festival people « out of Aragon » like they were shouting.


Now I think Dragonhunters gonna take some rest, to sort out so many things that happened and try to understand everything about this from the beginning. And all this horrible images that we still get in our heads whish still hurt so much, now we need only justice to clear this out and try to move on.


Big thanks from all my heart to all the people that came with their knowledge and energy to build this festival, from already 2 and half months ago.


Special Thanks to the great Danish Crew who save our ass from the delay for preparation, you guys are great, i hope to see you all soon. and no problem at all with you guys



To all who have buyed their presales and also for shop fee , I contact you in the next days, (the shops, please contact me in case you don’ t recive any news). The same for all who have buyed the ticket on the gate before the event.


Thank you, thank you all for all the km’s made, for the hit you toke , for beliving in us and thanks for so many things, during the last 4 years to Volunteers, Artists, and all of you Freakssss !!!!!.



chris@dragon-hunters.net BE A FREAK



Please Freaks on this case i need all your support , no matter what you might think of us...


Please, i need all testimony from you that have witness or seen something that we can use to prove who have been hurt !!!!


Please write preciselly with all the details with your full name, adress and phone number, what you have seen in the place you where (at the gate of the festival, in Caspe , in Raill station, in Mequinenza, in Fraga, etc.)

All the testimony are very important for us and for our lawyer in order to present an judicial action against the Local autorities and the Spanish Guardia Civil corp...we go where we have to go for having justice on this clear case of Police brutality and Autorities bad faith!!!!


We need also to collect all Pictures and Video's of this issue, please, please,please !!!!



Send all to this mail chris@dragon-hunters.net


.................end of quote





From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


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Um pequeno video de como as coisas aconteceram para quem estava na montagem do festival...

inside images...





From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


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The Real Pirate's!!! The World People Crew-South of France

Eu, pelo q me toca, continuarei apoiando, pois o espirito destas pessoas faz-me acreditar q um outro "mundo" é possivel, e eu estou nisto do trance por paixao,




è um espirito do camandro - o meu primo ficou enrascado no meio de espanha á pala desses pseudo promotores - pagou , e bem, o bilhete e quando pediu o dinheiro de volta este foi-lhe negado - e viva o espirito!!!

"A hippie is someone who looks like Tarzan, walks like Jane, and smells like Cheetah".



foi pena os croquetes de soja estarem sempre esgotados

Bem...de facto lamnto o inconveniente do teu amigo, mas pelo que sei...se leres o q o Titoff publicou, tudo será feito no sentido de retribuir ao ppl que fico "agarrado"...

Sinceramente, espero que sim...

aconteçe a mto boa gente que anda cá por fora....



From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


Check this out!



Beo's Fantastic U.V. Art Work



Speaker's - Art Work by Nagual Creations





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Mushroom Magazine On Line

The Real Pirate's!!! The World People Crew-South of France


Fdx Filhos duma ganda PuT######!!


Não há dirteito :lol:

:crazy: See you All at the Dance Floor XD :smili:


Dj TRL WOorpz



INFO, BOOKINGS & MORE: nunohello@gmail.com

Bem...de facto lamnto o inconveniente do teu amigo, mas pelo que sei...se leres o q o Titoff publicou, tudo será feito no sentido de retribuir ao ppl que fico "agarrado"...

Sinceramente, espero que sim...

aconteçe a mto boa gente que anda cá por fora....



Quando é que pensam fazer isso? E já agora como? tipo uma free party com as viagens pagas a quem veio de outros paises?


Não se esqueçam é das licenças

Random Mode @ Beatport


Groove Technology Records


Spock...não era mal pensado...


off man...uma free, que achas????? :lol:


e sobretudo com actualização no line up. :rolleyes:




ps: posso tocar....LOL chegou a minha vez!!! :P

Nada é permanente, salvo a mudança!

Segundo sei...lá para Maio vai haver barulho...nos Pírinéus...

E qto a algumas criticas, aceito mas nao comparto...só sabe mesmo o q custa e o que se tem de sofrer para fazer algo em España, quem cá está...as "provas" assim o demonstram...

Bem...pelo q m toka seguirei em frente pois o passado nao nos faz vibrar...



From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


Check this out!



Beo's Fantastic U.V. Art Work



Speaker's - Art Work by Nagual Creations





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