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There are sacred spots all over Mother Earth; in fact, all of her is sacred. Just like our bodies and the energies surrounding them, Mother Earth has an aura, too.


The first layer of aura that surrounds our physical body is called the etheric body. This layer looks like cross-hatching or like a tightly woven web all around our form.


The etheric body is like a template or blueprint of the physical form; it holds all the information about how to make the physical body during this lifetime. Lodged within the etheric body, on the front and back, are seven major chakras, or power stations, that convert prana, the energy surrounding us, into energy that our bodies can eventually use. The Far Eastern religions all know about these energy-converting centers. In fact, the acupuncture system recognizes not only the major chakra centers but also the secondary ones. Our etheric bodies are like electric grids filled with power stations that are constantly sucking in prana. The chakras have propeller-like blades, or petals, that whirl and turn either clockwise or counterclockwise. The movement of these blades stirs up the River of Life (the cosmic soup, if you will), and the sub-molecular particles are drawn into the chakras where translation and change take place.


Energy can be changed but it can never be destroyed, and the duty of the chakras is to create a transformative process that can feed not only the physical body through the endocrine glands and the nerves but also the rest of the layers of the aura. The whirling motion creates a vortex of energy. The smaller chakras are located on the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, the knees, the shoulders and so forth, and they whirl and turn, too. So the human body is literally a walking vortex of sorts.


Mother Earth's Etheric Body

Mother Earth, similarly, has an etheric body around her that acts as a layer of protection. However, at her North and South Poles, there are now holes in her etheric body that have been caused by humans. We too can get holes or tears in the etheric body, which then leaks and bleeds us of the vital life-force energy by which good health is maintained and harmony is kept in place. People who are alcoholics or drug-users often have an etheric body that literally looks like someone has taken a shotgun to it; the etheric body looks like a sieve.


Mother Earth has a major chakra system as well as a secondary system, just as we do. Each one is a whirling vortex spinning either clockwise or counterclockwise. She has an energy grid system that dowsers and other sensitive people can feel. Sometimes people can locate such an area by using a pendulum.


Ancient cultures, because the people were right-brained (that is to say, they were in touch with their intuition and their psychic/clairvoyant abilities and were believers in many aspects of metaphysics), often built their sacred temples on these Earth chakras in order to take advantage of the spiraling energy that reached skyward toward the cosmos or toward their goddesses and gods.


As times changed and one civilization fell to another, new temples or structures were built on these sites. Those who knew and understood the energies utilized them. Those who didn't would always come away from these sites feeling better somehow, inexplicably uplifted or perhaps healed on some level.


Christianity might pooh-pooh metaphysics, but the founders built their mighty religious centers right on the same sites that other ancient civilizations had used for their temples! At the highest levels, especially in the Catholic Church, the leaders knew about these sites -- what they were and how they operated. That is why so many of the beautiful European abbeys and churches, such as Chartres in France, feel so powerful. People feel moved when they enter these structures, but what they're really feeling is the power and energy of the chakra, moving and transforming the cosmic energy into another form that Mother Earth can digest and utilize. This is not to say that the power of people's prayers aren't present in those churches, because they are; they have a power of their own. But it can't match the power of one of these vortexes.


Druids and Energy Vortexes

The Druids had, perhaps, the most far-reaching and profound effects in working with Mother Earth's chakras. The priestesses and priests maintained the Mother Goddess worship, which included the caretaking of Mother Earth, for thousands of years. They were a living bridge between the old goddess religions and Christianity, carrying it forward despite the rise of patriarchy and the worship of male deities.


The Druids did something very special all over Europe, North America, and South America: they not only searched out and found many of the chakras of Mother Earth, they also created web-like lines of energy that would flow between these points across the globe to move energy and to keep our Mother in harmony and balance.


Druids sailed across the Atlantic. They met and taught the wise women and men of Turtle Island (North America). There they worked with the mound builders in the Mississippi Valley to create a series of temple mounds that were located on Earth chakras in order to keep those vortexes healthy and sound. These mounds extend from the Great Lakes all the way down toward Mexico. One of the greatest and most important of these mounds, called the Great Serpent Mound, is found in southern Ohio. If you ever have a question about what a vortex is, go visit this one. I guarantee it will change your life, blast open your closed chakras, and set you right with yourself. Those in the know always go to this mound for the solstice and equinox ceremonies --and they are Native Americans, Wiccans, and holy people from South America.


The mounds are a line of transmitter stations, which keep a very important north-south energy running at all times. If you draw a line down through Mexico and into South America, you will find that major Mayan, Aztec, and Incan pyramids were placed over these vortex points, too. Further, the Nazca Plain of Peru was, and is, a major beacon point/vortex for outer-space traffic to hone in on in order to find Mother Earth.


The powerful grid running north-south in this region isn't the only one. The Druids worked with peoples of all tribes and nations around the world, creating stone circles to denote places of power or vortex energy. That is not to say that peoples of other nations, particularly those who were close to the Mother anyway, didn't already know about these sites. They did. They erected their own kinds of ceremonial altars or stone circles to indicate sacred sites.


There are other places on Mother Earth that are extremely powerful but have no indicator such as a church, a stone circle, or anything else to bring our attention to them. The Native Americans would often disguise a site by not putting any indicator on the area. They knew most Anglos would never feel the energy, so they would not violate the site

Mother Earth Breathes

Mother Earth breathes, just as we do. Among Native Americans and Tibetan cultures, the process is known as her lunar (night) and solar (day) breaths. There are areas where she actually exhales or inhales. In the Southwest area, the Hopi region known as Black Mesa is where she expels her lunar breath each night. The resulting wind from the exhalation is known as spirit wind. Anyone who has experienced this incredible phenomenon will know immediately what it is, because it has a sound that is highly unusual, almost eerie, although not in a negative sense. I've seen tree limbs crack in the wake of the spirit wind as it shrieks through our canyon on some nights. It comes suddenly, without warning, and has nothing to do with the prevailing weather or its patterns.


Tibet is known as the region where the Mother inhales her solar breath. Anyone who has been in a cave, especially a large, deep one, has experienced an incredible sense of nurturing energy, as though in the Mother's womb, as well as the breathing of the cave. These regions where she breathes are also powerful points on her surface. The Hopi zealously guard the Black Mesa area for many reasons both secret and sacred. They are the keepers of this mesa, and they are charged with its well-being just as the Druids were charged to keep their vortexes clean, operational, and in good repair.


Just as our bodies' chakras can open, close, or get blown out by a severe shock or trauma, so can those of Mother Earth. Ideally, when we are in perfect harmony, all our chakras are open and running. However, most of us aren't there yet, so our chakras are at different stages of opening or closing down or are clogged with positive ions which I call "goo". Some or all of their petals/propellers might have been damaged, shredded, or torn off by some terrible trauma or shock.


Mother Earth is in a situation similar to ours. All her chakra points are not open but might be shut down, clogged with etheric debris or ripped so that the energy isn't being funneled out or in properly. The Druids of long ago used song, sounds, and ceremonies to keep a chakra open, cleaned, and in proper working order. That is what the series of mounds throughout the Mississippi Valley were about: taking care of major chakra points in order to ensure the smooth, operational running of the north-south energy grid through that region.


Clogged Chakras on Mother Earth

When these chakras get clogged with debris, they slow or simply shut down and refuse to work. That means that the energy flowing into that region is diminished or denied. When this happens it will, over time, deprive a region of fundamental, life-giving energy. The results can be catastrophic. The latest example of this is California. No one has ever seen such a series of devastating natural disasters. First, a series of earthquakes, then fires, now mudslides.


In September of 1993, I went back to my original "home" where my first vision was given to me: the sequoias of California, high on the western slopes of the Sierra Mountains. I had been going back there, usually at the autumnal equinox, for almost sixteen years. The sequoias were a real power center, but it had been ten years since I'd last visited my friends. When I reached them this time, the sacred energy that used to be there was gone. I was in shock as I walked through the groves of my friends. I asked them, "What happened?" They told me, sadly, that they could no longer hold back the negative energy of Los Angeles with all its gang wars, the city having become a war zone. Their energy had been moved.


My trees told me that because they could no longer pump the vital, life-giving energy into Mother Earth in this region of southern California and part of Arizona (the Grand Canyon), it was now barren. Without positive energy being given to the region, the negative or dark forces could run amok without any interference and could literally take over.


It was September of 1993 when I was told this. Shortly after that, devastation hit southern California. Earthquakes have been proliferating throughout this region, including the Grand Canyon, indicating that the land is showing the stress of the loss of this vital, life-giving, balancing energy.


It isn't going to stop for southern California, because a major energy center has shut down. Some day, I'm sure, this vortex will reopen, but right now, it has stopped completely. The pollution by humanity both by car engines and by prejudice, hatred, and anger has done even more damage to the sacred energies of this region. Because the energy has moved, it leaves the region wide open for all kinds of natural disasters. These "disasters" are Mother Earth's way of cleansing the region, getting rid of the disease that has resulted in her going out of harmony, thereby causing the energy that rightfully belongs there for her continued health to leave. She will do everything in her power to cleanse the area -- and I've got to say that fire, rains, and mudslides are certainly cleansing activities. So is wind and so are earthquakes.


I don't pretend to be a prognosticator of future events in an area, but I can speak from my knowledge of the gridwork and etheric body of Mother Earth. Once they are messed with, then disasters to cleanse a region are not at all uncommon. The "infection" in southern California has created disharmony for her, and I know she won't stand still for it. If you had a wound on your body, you'd instantly cleanse it to get rid of infection, wouldn't you? So will she.


When an area is sufficiently cleansed, then the energy will return and the chakra will gradually, over time, open up and begin to spin again, absorbing and transferring the life-giving energy back into the region. We can do our part to help keep a power point clean and functioning or to stop the encroachment of negative energy.


Replenishing Chakra Centers

Many times when I go into a chakra region in Sedona, Arizona, I carry my flute or drum or take the pipe or a ceremony into the vortex to give back to it. I take nothing from a vortex because that's not my job as a pipe carrier. Each song that is sung, each drum that is beaten, each pipe that is smoked, each rattle that is shaken will bring positive energy into the vortex if you're coming from the heart. You don't need to know about ceremony or be a pipe carrier in order to bring light, love, or positive energy into a chakra. I meet a number of other like-minded, sensitive people on the trail, either going in or coming out, who are also carrying ceremonial items such as the above, to do the same thing as I have done -- help support the region in a positive way.


A friend of mine, Michele Burdet of Switzerland, is a dowser and during a recent visit, we traded information about her findings in the great churches of Europe by using her techniques and knowledge. I invited her to use her dowsing abilities on the land we caretake, especially where my hogan is built over a vortex. By using her own techniques, she told me it was feminine energy, a sacred and ceremonial energy center. She was right.


You can feel the gridwork and chakras without even realizing it. In training my facilitators, I put them through several exercises that help to bring out and emphasize their own natural abilities to sense these sacred areas. First, go to an area that you like. Often this is a high-energy area of some kind. Sit down. Close your eyes and get comfortable, perhaps in a meditative state. Take a deep breath through your nose, deep into your body, and then release it through your mouth. Do this three times. This is an Apache breathing technique that is designed to switch you from the left hemisphere of your brain, which will keep you anchored in the third dimension, over to the right hemisphere, where you can connect directly into the cosmos and into your own intuitive self in order to feel these vibrations.


Once this is done, just relax and feel, see or sense what comes to you in the form of impressions. When in the region of an Earth chakra there is always a spinning sensation that comes from your root chakra at the base of your tailbone, and you will rock. You will rock, usually, in an east-west direction or in a north-south direction. These are indicators that you're on a pretty powerful spot.


I never enter an area such as this without first giving an offering of cornmeal, tobacco, or food to the spirits who inhabit the region. Then I always ask permission; I ask if I may walk into that area. I explain that I come in a sacred way to give back to the place, not to take from it. If I am going to sing, I tell them I am going to sing. I wait for either a yes or a no. You'll feel it, believe me. If I get permission, I go into the area.


There are some sacred areas that are only female or only male, and the area wants only one gender or the other. I know of a number of places up in Oak Creek Canyon [sedona] that are strictly male areas, and many medicine men take their male students there. I would never think of going into those areas because I am a woman and of different energy. To do so is to be disrespectful and is also to influence the male energy that is there for a good reason. Honor these differences.


This is only scratching the surface regarding the chakra centers, the vortexes, that cover Mother Earth's etheric body. You can help her to get better, even to get well, if you work with these special areas of energy by coming from the heart and giving something of yourself, such as a song, an offering, the playing of a musical instrument or whatever else you might think of that would be appropriate.


Our Mother is hurting; she is diseased, thanks to us humans. What we've done wrong, we can right. So go seek out these places and give back. I know she'll appreciate your generosity of heart and spirit

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Obrigada! ;)


Mas... onde é que está a cena do triângulo Cascais-Sintra-Lisboa?

Isso é que era fixe saber. :huh:

Se não houver frutos, valeu pela beleza das flores. Se não houver flores, valeu pela sombra das folhas. Se não houver sombra, valeu pela intenção da semente.

Obrigada! ;)


Mas... onde é que está a cena do triângulo Cascais-Sintra-Lisboa?

Isso é que era fixe saber. :huh:

muito intressante...tambem gostava q alguma info sobre isso! ;)

“Embora os problemas do mundo sejam cada vez mais complexos, as soluções permanecem embaraçosamente simples”.

Bill Mollison


aldeiadovale.com - Instituto de Agroecologia e Permacultura Portugal 

essa informaçao está nus livros dus escritores.... :huh:

mas é um assunto muito bakano de se conhecer ^_^


eu tirei um curso relacionado com alinhamento de chakras!!!se kiserem mais informações venham a este site.Body-mirror system


Este curso chama se o sistema do corpo espelho ou em ingles The Body Mirror-System


Namasté :P:P:P:P:P

Meditate.Live purely.Be quiet.Do your work,with mastery.

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