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O grande pioneiro em materia CYBERPUNK...ja previa a internet anos antes dela existir....tambem foi o autor do script pro ALIEN 3...Os keu curti mais foram>Neuromancer,Idoru,Mona Lisa Overdrive,Virtual Light,Pattern Recognition,burning chrome


Se kiserem ter estes livros sakem na net em pdf ou txt....So e fdd e arranjar as versoes em pt....mas passem pela fnac ke arranjam



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Neuromancer e mona lisa overdrive são duas obras a não perder - simplesmente geniais!!

"A hippie is someone who looks like Tarzan, walks like Jane, and smells like Cheetah".



foi pena os croquetes de soja estarem sempre esgotados

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Experimenta este:


Philip K.Dick - Do androids dream of electric sheep


Este escritor é um verdadeiro visionário - esta obra data de 1968 e mais tarde veio a servir de inspiração para o clássico "Blade Runner" - mas o livro é bem mais complexo ;)


Consegues fácilmente arranjar este livro tanto em Fnac´s e afins como no Amazon , etc


Se gostares diz qualquer coisa que te passo mais uns títulos.

"A hippie is someone who looks like Tarzan, walks like Jane, and smells like Cheetah".



foi pena os croquetes de soja estarem sempre esgotados

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L0l ya ja li e ja ouvi ;) ...Deram/me a dika de um bakano na onda de Gibson.....Neal Stephenson-Snow Crash..Ha kem diga kie melhor ke o Neuromancer.mas ainda nao li.Vou comecar a ler o ke tenho aki dele //// Cryptonomicon....Ja AGora....CYBERPUNK MOVIES ?

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L0l ya ja li e ja ouvi


Ouviste??como? Audiobook ou estás a falar da musica de GMS (na altura em que eram originais...long time ago).


Qd tiver tempo faço aqui uma listazinha de livros que tenha lido e gostado - já agora, se gostas de ficção cientifica e de bom humor, lê o the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy do Douglas Adams - um dos livros que mais marcou a minha adolescência!!!Um sentido de humor fenomenal!

"A hippie is someone who looks like Tarzan, walks like Jane, and smells like Cheetah".



foi pena os croquetes de soja estarem sempre esgotados

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Já saiu..esteve há pouco tempo no cinema - se calhar ainda está em algumas salas.Mas ainda não vi...não te assustes com o tamanho do livro - é viciante logo nas primeiras páginas.

"A hippie is someone who looks like Tarzan, walks like Jane, and smells like Cheetah".



foi pena os croquetes de soja estarem sempre esgotados

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A Definition

Cyberpunk is a form of science fiction that is set in the very near future. It portrays a world that may very well come about. Cyberpunk looks at the way the world could turn out if everything that is going on now continues in the same stupid way. Environmental catastrophe, rogue megacorporations, social chaos, and technology out of control, all feature in large scale. Everything is bleak, gritty, garish, noir-ish, but in a world of fast high tech . Cyberpunk is fast, fast, fast.




Inner Space

Cyberpunk is based on inner space, not outer space. Inner space is what is happening here and now. You are accessing this document through a sort of inner space - the Internet. Cyberpunk just looks at this development and takes it further. It asusmes technological development in bionics, cybernetics, and/or will enable the enhanced hacker to "jack" directly into the Net, an actual brain-computer interface that creates a "consensual hallucination" - cyberspace.




The mythology of Cyberpunk

Cyberpunk has it's own unique mythology. Instead of space ships, aliens, and the galactic federation, there is the Net (or Matrix) and virtual reality. Instead of smuggling or gunrunning there is hacking and data-smuggling. Instead of aliens, there are cybernetically, bionically and biotech enhanced humans. Instead of rival empires there are rival megacorps. It makes for a world that is frightening like our present one. And that is the whole idea.




The Cyberpunk Landscape

The setting of cyberpunk is essentually urban, (or at the very least suburban), the endless artificial landscape of the city run rampant, the "Sprawl" as William Gibson terms it. It is a world where man's greed and stupidity has destroyed the ecological balance, where the battle for the Earth has already been fought and lost. There is no need to explore hostile alien planets and landscapes; this Earth itself has become an alien and inhuman place.




The anti-hero

The bleakness of the Cyberpunk universe is matched only by the kewlness of the protagonists that inhabit that universe. And they have to be kewl to survive in such an environment. The Cyberpunk hero is an anti-hero, a rebel, a person who lives on the edge, outside the safe enclaves of the protected and coccooned middle and upper classes. There are few legal work or job options available outside the enclaves and no welfare net for the unfortunate or disenfranchised. The protagnists have to live by their wits, making do as best they can. He or she more often than not lives a black-market existence outside the law, not through choice but through necessity, as part of an insurgent subculture living in the cracks and crevices between the giant megacorp superpowers. Yet what exists and is traded in those cracks may have the potential to overthrow the status quo.

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