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(Portuguese em baixo)

WELCOME to Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms
5Rhythms is a dynamic movement practice—a practice of being in your body—that ignites creativity, connection, and community.
Join us in Estoril!

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5Rhythms transcends dance. The movement is the medicine, the meditation, and the metaphor. Together we peel back layers, lay masks down, and dance till we disappear…

We dance to move energy, to let the body talk lauder then our heads, feel and listen, express, release, recreate, co-create, expand and to find ourselves again. It is therapeutic, fun and detoxifying. Showing up to the dance floor is our commitment to physical, emotional and spiritual health.

In 5Rhythms dance, we communicate with our bodies and not verbally. We dance bare feet to connect with the earth. The space is help in a very safe - drug/alcohol free environment - where people can be authentic to express, release, explore themselves, laugh and cry.

A space of ceremony, embodiment, and metamorphosis through movement. A journey from inertia to ecstasy. From shadow and confusion to sacred clarity & divinity. Riding the waves of our own unique being. Carrying us through dream-states into the awakening of embodied consciousness.

The 5Rhythms® is a transforming and transformative body of work designed to unleash the dancer/healer/creator within each of us. It inspires our capacity to ground and flow with life, to express and create clarity, to release and let go into the great mystery, to lighten up and expand, and to connect with the still point from which all movement arises. And sometimes, it is just simply a dance.

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The founder of 5Rhythms dance was Gabrielle Roth. She inspired thousands of people around the world to move freely. And from this practice, many others were born: ecstatic dance, Movement Medicine, 5 element dance, open floor and in general the conscious dance movement.

Dilma Morais trained with Gabrielle Roth in 2004. She is a passionate and dedicated accredited 5RTA teacher, with 23 years of experience of this practice, running workshops and classes in the UK, Australia and now in Portugal.

Everyone is welcome, you do not need to have 5rhythms dance experience or to be fit. Come as you are & however you are feeling: your dance is unique every time you show up to the dance floor.
This is a space open to all people of all ages, including children.

♥ Program ♥
6:45pm - Doors open
7:00pm - Warm Up
7:30pm - Wave practice
9:15pm - Sharing circle, social time and tea
9:30pm - Closure

15€ - Pay at the door, no need to book in.

Soul Lab Estoril,
Av. dos Bombeiros Voluntários, 1026, 2765-201 Estoril

Once a month on a Friday:
24 Jan
14 Feb
6 March
24 April
15 May
19 June

PRACTICALS for your practice:

⦿ Communicate with your body & not with words (avoid talking while dancing).

⦿ Wear layers as we warm-up and cool-down

⦿ Bring water to hydrate

⦿ Drug and alcohol free space

⦿ Make yourself comfortable by taking off jewellery / belts etc

⦿ Be present in your mediation and respect others personal space.

⦿ Move how you feel and stay open to changing

⦿ Do your best not to judge or have expectations of yourself and others. Each time you show up, your dance will be unique to that moment. The more freedom you give to yourself, the more you will support others to do the same.

⦿ Initially you may feel self-conscious, but you will be surprised how quickly that passes.

⦿ Slow down when you need but do not stop your moving meditation

⦿ Enjoy yourself!


Bem vindos aos 5Ritmos de Gabrielle Roth!

A dança dos 5 ritmos é uma prática espiritual e de crescimento pessoal, onde és convidado a ouvir o corpo e a te entregares livremente á tua expressão corporal. Não há passos a seguir, apenas o teu movimento genuíno. Os 5Ritmos desenvolvem-se nas seguintes fases, cada uma com musica distinta a chamar partes de ti:

1- Fluir: consciência do corpo e da nossa essência + entrega
2- Staccato: expressão do que está cá dentro, e do coração
3- Caos: soltar a mente e libertar o corpo, um estado de ecstasy
4- Lírico: abertura para a diversidade de quem somos
5- Quietude: encontro com o 'tudo e o nada', paz e clareza.

Vem com roupa confortável, uma garrafinha de água e espirito aberto. Chega 15 minutos mais cedo para te ambientares antes da aula.

♥ Programa ♥
18:45 - Abertura de portas
19:00 - Aquecimento
19:30 - Onda dos 5 Ritmos
21:15 - Partilha em círculo, convívio e cha'
21:30 - Despedidas

A fundadora dos 5Ritmos, Gabrielle Roth inspirou milhares de pessoas globalmente a se moverem livremente e sem coreografia. E a partir dessa prática, muitas outras nasceram: dança extática, medicina do movimento, dança de 5 elementos, "Open floor" e, em geral, o movimento consciente da dança.

São todos bem-vindos, com ou sem experiência de dança. Vem como és e como te sentes: cada vez que nos entregamos a' pratica, a nossa dança é a daquele momento e impossível de repetir.
A aula é para qualquer pessoa, independentemente da idade e habilidade física.

Dilma Morais treinou-se com Gabrielle Roth em 2004 e dança esta prática desde 1995. E' uma professora dedicada e membro da 5RTA. Levou os 5Ritmos para Byron Bay e Brisbane na Australia onde viveu 12 anos. Através dos seus workshops, foi possível dar a conhecer e ser praticado por centenas de pessoas.

15€ pagamento no local - não é necessário inscrição.

Soul Lab Estoril,
Av. dos Bombeiros Voluntários, 1026, 2765-201 Estoril

Email: dancetoconnect@gmail.com
Dilma Morais - +351 937512522
Visite: https://dilmamoraiskinesiology.com/dance/

Junte-se ao grupo:



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