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MAFIA GALÁCTICA CREW proudly presents:


12 e 13 de Agosto




Killer buds (ketuh record/wfc)br

(First time in Portugal)


Insect seeker (ketuh records/wfc)br

(First time in Portugal)


Sidhartha (metatron productions)pt


Khopat (kagdila rec/spectral rec)pt


Karma crop (metatron production)pt


Atary (union prod)pt


Psilocybe project (soyotoyo/budha mantra)pt


Dodry (psylosophy.com)




Cochi (ketuh record/nexus media rec/wfc)br


Spyralactik (cosmic Station/U.S.T.A.)pt


Startix (psykfamily prod)pt


Nazca (m.g.c prod/psylososphy.com)pt


Swapna (m.g.c prod/psylosophy.com)pt


Kuntact (moon blast prod)pt


Yantra (psylosophy.com/Busha Frita Rec.)pt


Mustapha (moon blast prod)pt


Eklectrik (m.g.c)uk


Cybermhoycan (m.g.c prod)ch


Psylogistic (psylosophy.com)pt


Free price 15e


Keep updated for more information...

  • 3 weeks later...

*Location *

**How to Get There **


From Guarda or Castelo Branco, take the A23 (direction of Covilhã). Follow towards Caria, go through the center of the town and follow the direction of Monte do Bispo. Go forward, pass Aldeia de Escarigo and you'll be in Benquerença in no time! The party's in Benquerença, in a place called Praia Fluvial "O Moinho". There will be visible arrows pointing to the party from Caria. Have a nice galactic trip!



** Como Chegar **


A partir da Guarda e Castelo Branco, apanhas a A23 (direcção da Covilhã), Cortas na saida para Caria. Passas pelo centro de Caria e segues para a direcção de Monte do Bispo. Andas sempre em frente, passas a Aldeia de Escarigo e logo de seguida chegas a Benquerença. O local da festa é em Benquerença, na praia fluvial "O Moinho". A partir de Caria haverá setas a indicar o caminho. Boa viagem galáctica!


*Entry fee *

Tickets will be available at the door at the unique price of 15€. For more info, please contact Máfia Galáctica Crew at mafia_galactica_crew@hotmail.com


*Hotline * (+351) 96 46 36 634


*Organizer* Máfia Galáctica CrewPsylosophy.com


*Infos * Psylosophy.com is sponsoring one more huge-ass party. The debut party by the new party organization team Máfia Gláctica Crew is a 2-day journey into pure psychedelic trance. Killerbuds, Insect Seeker, Khopat, Sidhartha, Karma Crop, a bunch of artists from Psylosophy and many more promise two days to be remembered, right in the hearth of Portugal, where the green landscapes don't seem to end. Mark your calendar: August 13th and 14th. Check out www.psylosophy.com for more info.


*Email * mafia_galactica_crew@hotmail.com

*Url * www.psylosophy.com




** Moonblast prod ** Pt.

** Moonsun Records ** Gr.







Mail: mustaphadj@hotmail.com




Good set for youuuu Katximba!!



:crazy: See you All at the Dance Floor XD :smili:


Dj TRL WOorpz



INFO, BOOKINGS & MORE: nunohello@gmail.com

Joe nao posso partir aquilo tudo, se nao depois da prejuizo pa organizaçao :P, a malta vai la mas nao é pa partir nada, com calmaaaa :P

Joe nao posso partir aquilo tudo, se nao depois da prejuizo pa organizaçao :P, a malta vai la mas nao é pa partir nada, com calmaaaa :P

:lol::lol: LLLLLLLLLLLLLoooooooooooooooLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL :lol::lol:








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