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Ace Ventura (Iboga Rec.) Israel live&dj http://www.myspace.com/aceiboga


Ultravoice (Compact Rec.) Israel live&dj http://www.myspace.com/ultravoice


Protoculture (BNE) South Africa live&dj http://www.myspace.com/protocultureonline


Azax Syndrom (Drive Rec.) Israel live& dj http://www.myspace.com/azax


Symphonix (Blue Tunes Rec.) Germany live http://www.myspace.com/symphonixmusic

U-Recken (Dooflex Rec.) Israel live&dj http://www.myspace.com/urecken


Neelix (Spintwist Rec.) Germany live http://www.myspace.com/neelixmusic


Vibe Tribe (Boa Group) Israel live&dj http://www.myspace.com/vibetribestudio


Quantize (Iboga Rec) Israel live&dj www.myspace.com/quantize1


Atomic Pulse (Zoo Music) Israel live&dj http://www.myspace.com/atomicpulselabs


Lish (Com.pact Rec.) Israel live&dj http://www.myspace.com/lishofficialspace


Atomic Culture (Zoo Music) South Africa live&dj http://www.myspace.com/atomiculture


-Z- alpha & antagon (shivlink rec.) India http://www.myspace.com/zinterzone


Ananda Shake (Utopia Rec.) Israel live&dj http://www.myspace.com/anandashakemusic


Cyklones (YSE Rec.) France live&dj http://www.myspace.com/cyklones


Sensifeel ( Spintwist Rec.) France live&dj http://www.myspace.com/sensifeel


Freak Show (Phonokol) Israel live&dj http://www.myspace.com/thefreakshowmusic


Midimal (Echoes Rec.) Switzerland live&dj http://www.myspace.com/midimalsd


Aerospace (Spin Twist Rec.) Israel live&dj http://www.myspace.com/aerospacemusic


Yanniv Gold Onyx (Bionics Rec) Israel live&dj http://www.myspace.com/superonyx


Echotek (BNE) Israel live&dj http://www.myspace.com/echotek

E-Jekt (Bionics Records) Israel live http://www.myspace.com/ejekt1


Strike Twice (Nano REC.) South Africa live&dj http://www.myspace.com/striketwiceproject


Ritmo (Iono Music) Israel live&dj http://www.myspace.com/ritmomusic


Ritree (Iono Music) Israel live http://www.myspace.com/ritreemusic


Trancemission (Iboga Mex.) Mexico live&dj http://www.myspace.com/trancemissionmexico


Odiseo (Blue Tunes) Mexico live&dj http://www.myspace.com/djodiseo


Ski Fi (Iboga Mexico) Mexico live http://www.myspace.com/skifimusic


We (Iono Music) Mexico live http://www.myspace.com/wweemusic


Jiser (Spintwist Rec.) Mexico live&dj http://www.myspace.com/jiser


IX Lamat (Iono Music) Mexico live&dj http://www.myspace.com/ixlamat


Zolarium (Plusquam) Mexico live&dj http://www.myspace.com/zolariumspace


Stratil (Uxmalrecords) Mexico live&dj http://www.myspace.com/djstratil


Feuerhake (Synergetic Rec) Germany live&dj http://www.myspace.com/feuerhake


Klopfgeister (Iono Rec.) Germany live&dj http://www.myspace.com/klopfgeister


Kularis (Spintwist Rec.) Germany live&dj http://www.myspace.com/mullekular


Egorythmia (Iono Music) Macedonia live&dj http://www.myspace.com/egorythmia

True Lies (Blue Tunes Rec.) Germany live http://www.myspace.com/bluetunesrecords

D-Fusion (Utopia Rec.) Israel live&dj http://www.myspace.com/dfusionband


Dual Core (Bionics Rec.) Israel live&dj http://www.myspace.com/dualcorespace


Peace Maker (Phantasmrec.) Israel live&dj http://www.myspace.com/peacemakerspace


Duca (Tribal Vision) Serbia live&dj http://www.myspace.com/ducamusic


Mental Broadcast (24/7 Rec.) Brazil live&dj http://www.myspace.com/mentalbroadcastbr


ENTHEOGENIC – Piers Oak-Rhind – UK http://www.entheogenic.net/


SOLAR FIELDS – Magnus Birgersson – Sweden http://www.solarfields.com


AES DANA – Vincent Vilius - Lyon / France http://www.ultimae,com


H.U.V.A N E T W O R K – France / Sweden http://www.ultimae.com


CHRONOS - Nick Klimenko – RU http://www.myspace.com/chronosproject

Combination (Groove Criminals) Isr-At. live http://www.myspace.com/lostandfound28


Materia (24/7 Rec.) Austria live http://www.myspace.com/materiadarklines


Kajola (Zerogravity Rec.) Austria live http://www.myspace.com/djkajola







Alpha (interzone.pa) Germany http://www.myspace.com/alphainterzone


Mapusa Mapusa (Blue Tunes Rec.) Germany http://www.myspace.com/mapusamapusa


Osho (Echoes Rec.) Israel http://www.myspace.com/djosho


Montagu&Gongolda (Blue Tunes Rec.) Germany http://www.myspace.com/bluetunesrecords


Kristian (Transient/Dejavoo) England www.myspace.com/djkristiantransientrecords


Blue Grow (Iono Music) Mexico http://www.myspace.com/wweemusic


Vanja (Tribal Vision) Macedonia http://www.myspace.com/jovanvanja


Slater (Tribal Vision) Czech Republic http://www.myspace.com/djslatertribalvision


T-Plax (Spirit-Base.at) Austria http://www.spirit-base.at


Micl (Spirit-Base.at) Austria http://www.spirit-base.at


Tapanov aka Goaran (Spirit-Base.at) Mak.-Austria http://www.spirit-base.at


Malex (Groove Criminals) Austria http://www.spirit-base.at


Ro-Tama ( Groove Criminals Rec.) Austria http://www.myspace.com/rotama


Alezzaro (Progressive Selection) Austria http://www.myspace.com/djalezzaro


Monica Moë (Spirit-Base.at) Austria http://www.myspace.com/djanemonicamoe


Phil Locker (Spirit-Base.at) Austria http://www.myspace.com/djphillocker


Goad (Profusion Rec.) Austria http://www.myspace.com/profusionrecords


Maya (Spirit Sun / Zero Gravity Rec.) Austria http://www.myspace.com/psydelicmaya


Sun Experience (Spirit Sun / Zero Gravity Rec.) Austria http://www.myspace.com/sunexperience


P_Mac (Boom Festival) Pt. http://www.myspace.com/ketuhrecords



line up is closed !!! please don´t send us any booking requests !!!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nHn8XQ5Ei4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMmC-K1rYI0



The Chill-out will be in a big circus tent this year!!

Chill out hostet by Astralzone (Gobayashi) http://www.play.fm/artist/gobayashi




ENTHEOGENIC – Piers Oak-Rhind – UK http://www.entheogenic.net/


SOLAR FIELDS – Magnus Birgersson – Sweden http://www.solarfields.com


AES DANA – Vincent Vilius - Lyon / France http://www.ultimae,com


H.U.V.A N E T W O R K – France / Sweden http://www.ultimae.com


CHRONOS - Nick Klimenko – RU http://www.myspace.com/chronosproject


and many more!!!


Arts - Performance




CALAQUENDI (at) http://www.calaquendiart.com/paintings/night.htm


Calaquendi is a small artist collective located in the austrian countryside.

From the heart of europe the collective spread their work all over the world.

During the last years calaquendi did a lot of party deco and become well known for

their nice fluo paintings and string art works.

Stay tuned for more information and history. :flower:









Vijay Sikanda http://sikanda.sonance.net/ //// http://www.myspace.com/vjsikanda




Alexander Peschka aka "vijay sikanda" creates lightning rooms, getting alive through animations and videosequences, synchronised to the sound. .. Lighttextures, lighten up the dancing crowd, putting moving lightsuits and integrate them in the performance .. The installations adapt to the rooms. Architecture, floor, walls, tens, dokoration, screens , rocks, ... getting a changeable dekoration. .. The projections transform the space into a new one.







Der Lustige Astronaut http://www.derlustigeastronaut.at/





»»» www.spirit-base »»»






* Access to the festival area at your own risk.

* Always respect the local laws.

* The organizer takes no responsibility for lost gear, injuries or other damages that occur while your presence at the festival.

* Parents are responsible for their children.

* The organizer can not take any responsibility for your life, health and acting.

* The organizer will not replace your ticket if you are removed from the festival area in case of a breach of our rules.

* Also you have no entitlement for the ticketprice in case of bad weather, or if the festival does not take place because of an act of god

* Please wear your wristbands visible during the festival, it will be checked periodically on the whole area.

* Open fire is not allowed except on intended places.

* No own fireworks or arms allowed.

* Dogs are not allowed on the whole area.

* Private sondsystems are not allowed on the whole area.

* please leave the showers and sanitary rooms the way you expect to find them.

* Audio-/ video recordings are only allowed with special approbation by the organizer.

* Keep your country tidy, we only have this one.




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