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New Acropolis : Its beginnings

The New Acropolis Cultural Association was created 52 years ago, in 1957. Ever since then, it aims to provide young people with the best kind of philosophical education - one that is suited to our modern times, independant and unrestricted by any religious, political or socio-economic influences.


Initiated by Professor Jorge Angel Livraga Rizzi, together with a group of young university teachers and students, the project soon attracted leading personalities from the world of arts and culture. The focus that brought them all together was an idea and a movement which were both enriching for the mind and promising for all.


At the beginning of the Seventies, the extent of its social and cultural activities led to the Association's recognition as a state-approved organization in Argentina. At around the same time, it began to take on an international dimension.


Today, the New Acropolis Cultural Association is present in over 50 countries around the world. Its over 10.000 active members and hundreds of thousands of supporters express themselves in more than 18 languages and come from a wide range of religious denominations, ethnic origins and cultural backgrounds, offering a fine example of fraternal co-existence and mutual understanding.



The mass mentality which has overtaken our society goes against the expression of our deeper human concerns. However, the need to give expression to our aspirations remains. This need explains the presence of New Acropolis in society.


Professor Livraga identified several factors which he saw as producing a kind of apathy in the human soul: the ever-faster pace of life in our cities, the lack of contact with nature, the artificiality of our relationships and communications and the ephemeral and utilitarian goals we set ourselves. He saw New Acropolis as an antidote to this state of fact. He was determined that our association should help all of us to raise our consciouness to these problems and to take the opportunity to express our inner self. The present situation but confirms this view for today, more than ever, there is a pressing need to bring these aims about.




eu faco parte da New Acropolis UK que e' uma das muitas subdivisoes desta organizacao e gostava de saber se alguem conhece ou tambem faz parte ... nao sei que tipo de actividades sao feitas em portugal mas sei que existe ai' uma ...


para quem nao conhece esta organizacao e se interessa por filosofia em particular ... e pela maneira de como nos relacionamos entre nos e com o mundo em geral ... convido-vos a dar uma espreitadela e quem sabe a participar em quaisquer eventos que a acropolis realize ou a despertar em voces alguma curiosidade ...



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