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Será possível ?


Os países vão deixar de produzir a sua comida e vão estar dependentes de importações com os preços a variar consoante alguém queira ganhar mais ou menos dinheiro!!!



Top 25 Censored Stories for 2008


* #1 No Habeas Corpus for “Any Person”

* #2 Bush Moves Toward Martial Law

* # 3 AFRICOM: US Military Control of Africa’s Resources

* # 4 Frenzy of Increasingly Destructive Trade Agreements

* #5 Human Traffic Builds US Embassy in Iraq

* #6 Operation FALCON Raids

* #7 Behind Blackwater Inc.

* #8 KIA: The US Neoliberal Invasion of India

* #9 Privatization of America’s Infrastructure

* # 10 Vulture Funds Threaten Poor Nations’ Debt Relief

* # 11 The Scam of “Reconstruction” in Afghanistan

* # 12 Another Massacre in Haiti by UN Troops

* # 13 Immigrant Roundups to Gain Cheap Labor for US Corporate Giants

* # 14 Impunity for US War Criminals

* # 15 Toxic Exposure Can Be Transmitted to Future Generations on a “Second Genetic Code”

* #16 No Hard Evidence Connecting Bin Laden to 9/11

* # 17 Drinking Water Contaminated by Military and Corporations

* # 18 Mexico’s Stolen Election

* # 19 People’s Movement Challenges Neoliberal Agenda

* # 20 Terror Act Against Animal Activists

* # 21 US Seeks WTO Immunity for Illegal Farm Payments

* # 22 North Invades Mexico

* # 23 Feinstein’s Conflict of Interest in Iraq

* # 24 Media Misquotes Threat From Iran’s President

* # 25 Who Will Profit from Native Energy?


Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009


* #1. Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation

* # 2 Security and Prosperity Partnership: Militarized NAFTA

* # 3 InfraGard: The FBI Deputizes Business

* # 4 ILEA: Is the US Restarting Dirty Wars in Latin America?

* # 5 Seizing War Protesters’ Assets

* # 6 The Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act

* # 7 Guest Workers Inc.: Fraud and Human Trafficking

* # 8 Executive Orders Can Be Changed Secretly

* #9 Iraq and Afghanistan Vets Testify

* # 10 APA Complicit in CIA Torture

* # 11 El Salvador’s Water Privatization and the Global War on Terror

* # 12 Bush Profiteers Collect Billions From No Child Left Behind

* # 13 Tracking Billions of Dollars Lost in Iraq

* # 14 Mainstreaming Nuclear Waste

* # 15 Worldwide Slavery

* # 16 Annual Survey on Trade Union Rights

* # 17 UN’s Empty Declaration of Indigenous Rights

* # 18 Cruelty and Death in Juvenile Detention Centers

* # 19 Indigenous Herders and Small Farmers Fight Livestock Extinction

* # 20 Marijuana Arrests Set New Record

* # 21 NATO Considers “First Strike” Nuclear Option

* # 22 CARE Rejects US Food Aid

* # 23 FDA Complicit in Pushing Pharmaceutical Drugs

* # 24 Japan Questions 9/11 and the Global War on Terror

* # 25 Bush’s Real Problem with Eliot Spitzer


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  • 2 months later...



Artigo interesante - isto chama-se jornalismo, em contraste com o que vemos por norma- desinformação.

Fala de como uns tipos levaram os bancos principais da Islandia à falência, e como quem fica para pagar são os Países.

Basicamente os donos dos bancos emprestam dinheiro a eles próprios e aos amigos, e depois, chapeu, nunca mais se vê....


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  • 2 months later...

O que é que acontece quando alguém foge com o dinheiro todo...




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  • 2 weeks later...



O big brother instala cameras....



Mogis Wikipedia article and history before removal, Nov 2009



Nem tudo corre bem, mas não consigo ler holandês... limites..





Informem-se e informem os outros, não se deixem viver das ilusões patéticas transmitidas em grande escala.


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Top 25 Censored Stories for 2010


Top Censored Stories of 2009/2010


* 1. US Congress Sells Out to Wall Street

* 2. US Schools are More Segregated Today than in the 1950s

* 3. Toxic Waste Behind Somali Pirates

* 4. Nuclear Waste Pools in North Carolina

* 5. Europe Blocks US Toxic Products

* 6. Lobbyists Buy Congress

* 7. Obama’s Military Appointments Have Corrupt Past

* 8. Bailed out Banks and America’s Wealthiest Cheat IRS Out of Billions

* 9. US Arms Used for War Crimes in Gaza

* 10. Ecuador Declares Foreign Debt Illegitimate

* 11. Private Corporations Profit from the Occupation of Palestine

* 12. Mysterious Death of Mike Connell—Karl Rove’s Election Thief

* 13. Katrina’s Hidden Race War

* 14. Congress Invested in Defense Contracts

* 15. World Bank’s Carbon Trade Fiasco

* 16. US Repression of Haiti Continues

* 17. The ICC Facilitates US Covert War in Sudan

* 18. Ecuador’s Constitutional Rights of Nature

* 19. Bank Bailout Recipients Spent to Defeat Labor

* 20. Secret Control of the Presidential Debates

* 21. Recession Causes States to Cut Welfare

* 22. Obama’s Trilateral Commission Team

* 23. Activists Slam World Water Forum as a Corporate-Driven Fraud

* 24. Dollar Glut Finances US Military Expansion

* 25. Fast Track Oil Exploitation in Western Amazon


.... !


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Emails da Unidade de pesquisa do Clima da Universidade de Este de Anglia entre 1996 e 2009.


Contem e-mails a discutir como os dados sobre as temperaturas mundiais foram alterados para dar a impressão que o clima global aqueceu.


É assim que se faz dinheiro, chegando as próprias conclusões de quem paga.

Depois convencem-nos que somos nós e põe-nos impostos até morrer-mos enquanto elas jogam o jogo de entrar em países matar a população e instalar o sistema deles.


"Dear Ray, Mike and Malcolm,

Once Tim’s got a diagram here we’ll send that either later today or

first thing tomorrow.

I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps

to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from

1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline. Mike’s series got the annual

land and marine values while the other two got April-Sept for NH land

N of 20N. The latter two are real for 1999, while the estimate for 1999

for NH combined is +0.44C wrt 61-90. The Global estimate for 1999 with

data through Oct is +0.35C cf. 0.57 for 1998."


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São 61 megas de mails e pdf onde os registos das temperaturas e consequentemente as alterações climáticas são evidentemente modificadas e entregues ao IPCC (painel internacional para as alterações climáticas) para depois serem espalhadas por estas ONG (financiadas em larga escala por fundações e que dizem falam pelo povo) que aberrantemente promovem manifestações de todo o tipo favorecendo uma mentira que é tão óbvia como eu estar agora a expirar CO2 bem de dentro dos meus pulmões...ups...será melhor não o fazer não vá a terra aquecer.

A veracidade dos mails já nem se põem em questão quando temos jornais como o NYtimes ou o telegraph a escrever sobre o assunto. Calculo que iremos ter manifestações em copenhaga a exigirem medidas draconianas para taxar qualquer coisa que possa produzir CO2, nesta verdadeira sátira sobre nós controlarmos o clima.

Ainda ontem ouvi na Sic noticias uma previsão para 2080 onde quer portugal quer o sul da Europa seriam fortemente atingidos nas suas economias caso se mantenha este aquecimento global...previsões vindas de programas de computador que só "cospem" o que se introduz...tá tudo dito...

"The New World Order will be built an end run on national sovereignty all over the world.

eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned fronter assault"


Council on Foreign Relations


"To protect the New Wold Order Americans will have to kill or die" Arthur Schlesinger CFR


"We will have World Government either we like or no not" - Paul Walburg


"In the next century countries as we know will be obsolete, all must recognize one wold government"


Strobe Talbott antigo secretário de estado de Bill Clinton

  • 10 months later...

Top 25 Censored Stories from 2009-2010


1. Global Plans to Replace the Dollar

2. US Department of Defense is the Worst Polluter on the Planet

3. Internet Privacy and Personal Access at Risk

4. ICE Operates Secret Detention and Courts

5. Blackwater (Xe): The Secret US War in Pakistan

6. Health Care Restrictions Cost Thousands of Lives in US

7. External Capitalist Forces Wreak Havoc in Africa

8. Massacre in Peruvian Amazon over US Free Trade Agreement

9. Human Rights Abuses Continue in Palestine

10. US Funds and Supports the Taliban

11. The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating Data to Enrich Drug Companies

12. Cuba Provided the Greatest Medical Aid to Haiti after the Earthquake

13. Obama Cuts Domestic Spending and Increases Military Corporate Welfare

14. Increased Tensions with Unresolved 9/11 Issues

15. Bhopal Water Still Toxic Twenty-five Years After Deadly Gas Leak

16. US Presidents Charged with Crimes Against Humanity as Universal Jurisdiction Dies in Spain

17. Nanotech Particles Pose Serious DNA Risks to Humans and the Environment

18. The True Cost of Chevron

19. Obama Administration Assures World Bank and International Monetary Fund a Free Reign of Abuse

20. Obama’s Charter School Policies Spread Segregation and Undermine Unions

21. Western Lifestyle Continues Environmental Footprint

22. 1.2 Billion People in India to be Given Biometric ID Cards

23. Afghan War: Largest Military Coalition in History

24. War Crimes of General Stanley McChrystal

25. Prisoners Still Brutalized at Gitmo


Para terem uma ideia que isto é muito limitado vejam este vídeo, fala sobre uma decepção de que nunca ouvimos falar na tv.


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acho que e' bom estarmos atentos e ate certo ponto bem informados acerca do que se passa no mundo ...


... mas acho que passas demasiado tempo a ver o zeitgeist ... so te vejo com conspiracoes e propaganda anti-coorporation (que tambem deve existir ... nao digo que nao)


ainda ha coisas boas no mundo ... e se tentares nao ver a big picture de vez em quando, ajuda a teres uma vida mais saudavel e recheada de coisas boas ...


... deixa-os brincar aos paises e as sociedades e as guerras ... e vai pa rua exercer o direito de viver e ser feliz :)

  • 5 months later...

Boa sugestão, mas como podes ouvir e sentir tem acontecido algo, não podemos deixar a sociedade adormecer, alguém quem que estar alerta para o pensamento oculto de alguns.. No Egipto já estão a votar com varias opções, e ainda têm muito que fazer!


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