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HOJE/Looping Sounds Apresenta-][ Psychedelic Part 2] subsolo/fenix club/ovar.furadouro ;)y

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Olá A Looping Sounds Prod Tem o Prazer de Convidar mais uma vez a tropa para esta session [Psychedelic] no subsolo club i na Fénix club situado ao lado da praia com uma vista fantástica para o mar ;) i claro estes bons artistas para transmitir o bom espírito trance! Contamos com a tua presença para mais uma festa em grande;)







[ Psychedelic Part 2]


Psychedelic area






Live Act



Bunker Jack [Animatech Records]



Bunker Jack is Kiko. Kiko is a 25 years old Sound Technician from Portugal (Oporto), and he is making Psychedelic Trance and Chill Out/Down Tempo since 2002 under other nick name "ODYSSEY" . The project BUNKER JACK was born in 2007, with the purpose of create some energetic travels flowing around pure Psychedelic Trance. Hope you like it!





www.myspace.com/Bunker Jack





Ganeisha [Nexus Media/magnetik agency]


Dj Ganeisha is Raquel Espanhol, from Portugal. Music came quite soon in her life, because her father was and still is a dj, so she has been living surrounded by music all her life and she learned soon how to work with music equipment and to real listen good music :dance4:


hwww.myspace.com/djane ganeisha


Dj Set


Kafar [samaveda/Nutek Rec]



Pedro Bento, aka Kafar, was born in 1980 in Portugal. In 1998 he started listening Trance Music and in 2001 began his career as a dj under the name of Kafar. His djset can only be described as hard kicks and strong melodies, perfect for sunshine. Since then he already played in many parties and festivals with names like Psysex, Digital Talk, Phatmatix, Ptx,Rastaliens, Mekkanikka, Andromeda, Painkiller, CPU, Bliss and more!!! :rolleyes:

www.myspace.com/dj kafar



Saikotek [Looping Sounds Prod/Karkeija Crew]



André Costa aka Saikotek born in 1986 in Vila do Conde (Portugal). He always liked electronic music and had the dream of being Dj. In the year 2000, he listen to his first music of Psychedelic Trance and stay fascinated with the envolvent and magic sounds of this type of music. At the year 2004 he decided to learn more about Djing with some friends and soon he start to play in some parties. Sometime later he became a member of Looping Sounds Prod and later he also joined to Karkeija Krew. His dj sets are very powerful and psychedelic, perfect for the beginning of a good morning.[Psychadelic Dj-Set] :crazy_pilot:




Dj Markkus [Looping Sounds Prod]




Dj Markkus, is Marco Oliveira born in a small town in the North of Portugal. The start of his psychedelic road was back there in the late nineties when the psy movement started to grow in Portugal Since that time he knew that he wanted to stay there forever. The addiction began... and nobody told him there was no remedy. After this amazing experience, he begin to explore this new electronic wave, and above all, he met lots of friends in parties, so week after week, the dance floor was the meeting point for this new circle of friends!!! B)


myspace.com/ Dj Markkus


Demon Madness[Looping Sounds Prod]


LOPINHOS aka DEMON MADNESS born in Portugal to 02/12/1986 and starts to get involved with electronic music for 18 years. The measure that was confronted with the electronic music and its exits the night Lopinhos to 20 years of age then start to take the first steps in DJing. He played on some partys with friends! Now signed by the label Looping Sounds Prod :drunk:




Dark Area






Live act`s



k_lapso [iCCrecords /Fungi records] :vampire:



Miguel Graca, born in 1979, Portugal, is the name behind the K-Lapso project. His style is dark psychedelic with powerful grooves and bombastic basslines. This album is full with dark matter and electronic vibes. He started liking electronic music when he was introduced to techno, around his 20's, then he started djing at several clubs with various national and international techno DJs like A. Time passed and techno started to loose popularity in Portugal, till one day a friend invited him to a psychedelic party near them. One thing lead to another - he liked so much the style that in the next week he was already playing it in a club! As time goes by he started to evolve his trance style inspired by known artists like Iron Madness, Paranoize or Silent Horror.





Mekanical Mind aka Mulondark[Xaviara Agençy/Ashram Prod] :vampire:






Illow [urbanantidote rec/audiosex rec] :vampire:



João Rodrigues aka Illow born in 82 , at this moment he lives in Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal) , where he is finishing his graduation of computer engineering. He start to discover psytrance in 2003 , and question himself how the artists did the music , so he gain the interest for producing psychadelic trance music. His firs step was trying to know how to do a sequenciation with a software,so he decided to try as first software Reason…but now with more experience on the production he use Nuendo 3 wich is happy with nowadays. We can listen in Illow tracks few influences , as industrial , hi-tech , dark ambiences , psychadelic and energetic.







DarkBlood [Karkeija crew] :metal:



Overtripdose[Looping sounds prod] :guns:







Preço De Entrada [7.5€ 2 areas] ;)]



Decor [Vision Lock Deco] AkA Belhote



Info Line: 911102175///Psynando00@hotmail.com



Faz a Tua Viagem Em [ www.viamichelin.com ]






Sentido Lisboa/Porto - Em Aveiro, apanhar A29 em Estarreja, saida em Ovar Norte. Depois, seguir indicações Dolce Vita Ovar / Furadouro. (cerca de 5 a 7 minutos de viagem após entrar em Ovar Norte)



Sentido Porto /Lisboa - Em Gaia, apanhar A44 sentido Espinho / Ovar. Depois, novamente, saida em Ovar Norte, e por fim, seguir indicações Dolce Vita Ovar / Furadouro. (Conforme acima referido)



Subsolo Club/Fenix Club

Av. dos Descobrimentos 602




:rolleyes:Obrigado i Contamos Com o Bom Espirito Nesta Grande Session :rolleyes:


a pois hihihi na ultima [ Psychedelic ] estiveram quase 400 pessoas vamos ver agora nesta a ver como corre :rolleyes:


mais um festao que se avizinha!!!



obrigado a todos os colaboradores [belhote com a sua inorme ajuda i vontade ;) vareja da samaveda rec. Raquel a nova menina a morar ka no norte :dancing: kiko[bunker jack] :wizard: i o meu grande amigo markkus que bem de ovar com uma inorme vontade para por esta noite aos saltos :IrishDance:



flyer para breve ^_^



obrigado a todos!!!i bom ano 2009 :bighug:

Bunker Jack [Animatech Records] grande bomba de live!!


Tudo de Boom para a festa!!



:crazy: See you All at the Dance Floor XD :smili:


Dj TRL WOorpz



INFO, BOOKINGS & MORE: nunohello@gmail.com

Obrigado pelo convite Looping Sounds ;) Vai ser um prazer, e pelo que vejo é só bons artistas esta festa! Mais uma vez vou ter o prazer de ouvir o dj Saikotek e pela primeira vez ouvir o Markkus (estou curiosa :P ) Até lá e boa sorte com os preparativos!*

DJ Ganeisha


De volta à grande Azenha!! Botaaaaa :tintol:



ja tava c saudades.. :smokinggun:


..::Vision Lock::..


SKULLS SYSTEM FREE FESTIVAL 28-30 MAIO http://elastiktribe.org/index.php?showtopic=21094



a pois hihihi na ultima [ Psychedelic ] estiveram quase 400 pessoas vamos ver agora nesta a ver como corre :rolleyes:


mais um festao que se avizinha!!!



obrigado a todos os colaboradores [belhote com a sua inorme ajuda i vontade ;) vareja da samaveda rec. Raquel a nova menina a morar ka no norte :dancing: kiko[bunker jack] :wizard: i o meu grande amigo markkus que bem de ovar com uma inorme vontade para por esta noite aos saltos :IrishDance:



flyer para breve ^_^



obrigado a todos!!!i bom ano 2009 :bighug:



yo amigo ja ando pra te apanhar há uma beka...ja te add no msn t0304 ;) um abraço fika bem

Electronic Concept (Digital Compact rec/Geomagnetic rec/Psycore rec/Namaha rec)


FullOn Project


Nigth Project

Electronic Concept


Namaha Records

Cubase 5 Rocksss


alo alo, zona 4 ao ataque! :)


obrigado pelo convite nando, vai ser concerteza uma festinha bem fixe...uma boa reunião psicadélica. :)



Obrigado pelos comentários ao live :heart: ...novas musicas estão a ser produzidas, com o objectivo de criar sempre melhores viagens, com mais energia, e sempre ligadas de boa forma ás rotas deste movimento. :)


até já amigos!



Music is the best legal drug in the world.

Obrigado a todos pelo apoio :dance4:



flyer muito em breve :rolleyes: hanya (Ashram.prod) a dar-lhe bem nos graficos :smokinggun:


BoOm :dndrugs:


ora aqui esta ela!!!

Será um prazer participar nesta party, Family!!!

Abraços e buena sorte para a Looping sounds;)

muito boa sorte para a festa

grande a abraço


grande abraço a ti tambem Ermano :smokinggun: espero ver-te tambem na segunda ediçao ja que a primeira puxamos carroças os dois la na frente :dancing:



hehe deixo aki o mapa, pois a primeira vez k la fui andei perdido, para evitar estas situaçoes a kem kizer ir la dar um pulinho, e beber um bom binho hehe...


vou ver se vou la dar um golinho (pulinho) :smokinggun::smokinggun:

3ö :.SHANKAR is the name for SHIVA.: 3ö

3ö His dance is the rythm of the world, the beat of the heart, the cycle of day and night 3ö

Obg Nando por este convite!


Vou-lhe dar forte :bricks:


Ansioso por conhecer mta malta que à mto espero!


LOOPING rulezzzz :metal:












Alguem falou em binho ??? :tintol:

eu não curto esse gajo o Markkus... por isso não vou nem que me paguem :rofl:


O gajo tem uma maneira "esquisita de falar" aqui no fórem!!! :lol:












"A marcha é linda e não pára..."

Obg Nando por este convite!


Vou-lhe dar forte :bricks:


Ansioso por conhecer mta malta que à mto espero!


LOOPING rulezzzz :metal:












Alguem falou em binho ??? :tintol:




..::Vision Lock::..


SKULLS SYSTEM FREE FESTIVAL 28-30 MAIO http://elastiktribe.org/index.php?showtopic=21094



eu não curto esse gajo o Markkus... por isso não vou nem que me paguem :rofl:


O gajo tem uma maneira "esquisita de falar" aqui no fórem!!! :lol:











Eras menino para lá aparecer! Pago-te o copo que te devo do teu aniversario (que eu faltei!) :smokinggun:



hehe deixo aki o mapa, pois a primeira vez k la fui andei perdido, para evitar estas situaçoes a kem kizer ir la dar um pulinho, e beber um bom binho hehe...


vou ver se vou la dar um golinho (pulinho) :smokinggun::smokinggun:



Vou precisar da LOCALIZAÇAO EXACTA mas é para voltar para casa!


Ouvi dizer que o tintol lá da zona causa amnesia :drive:

mt boa sorte amigos sera com certeza uma grande party xD :dancing::yahoo:


um grande abraço Boom Shankar


VisualCreative (Bionicle Tribe Label Rec./ Namaha Records /Xavivara Agency)







Electronic Concept (Digital Compact rec/Geomagnetic rec/Psycore rec/Namaha rec)


FullOn Project


Nigth Project

Electronic Concept


Namaha Records

Cubase 5 Rocksss


alo alo!

Oh nandinhu olha lá .... é desta que o petisco vai ser o belo do javali?

Diz que sim diz que sim !!

Boa sorte , qlqr coisa contacta me ou nao ahahahhahaha




" Ninguém comete erro maior do que não fazer nada porque só pode fazer pouco. "

Edmundo Burke


"Os pormenores fazem a perfeição mas a perfeição não é um pormenor"

Michelangelo Buonarotti


"Para atrasar a morte vamos abrir a noite com musica de Jazz percorre la depois num barco de borracha celebrar o segredo enforcar a memoria descobrir de repente uma ilha que nasce dentro do teu vestido chamar lhe madrugada ...... adormecer contigo "

manas de casa 2006

alo alo!

Oh nandinhu olha lá .... é desta que o petisco vai ser o belo do javali?

Diz que sim diz que sim !!

Boa sorte , qlqr coisa contacta me ou nao ahahahhahaha






n pode ser uma saladinha..


..::Vision Lock::..


SKULLS SYSTEM FREE FESTIVAL 28-30 MAIO http://elastiktribe.org/index.php?showtopic=21094



alo alo!

Oh nandinhu olha lá .... é desta que o petisco vai ser o belo do javali?

Diz que sim diz que sim !!

Boa sorte , qlqr coisa contacta me ou nao ahahahhahaha






n pode ser uma saladinha..



ahahahaha xandi :girl_cray2::closedeyes: .....pronto tinhas que vir coiso ai !!!




" Ninguém comete erro maior do que não fazer nada porque só pode fazer pouco. "

Edmundo Burke


"Os pormenores fazem a perfeição mas a perfeição não é um pormenor"

Michelangelo Buonarotti


"Para atrasar a morte vamos abrir a noite com musica de Jazz percorre la depois num barco de borracha celebrar o segredo enforcar a memoria descobrir de repente uma ilha que nasce dentro do teu vestido chamar lhe madrugada ...... adormecer contigo "

manas de casa 2006

alo alo!

Oh nandinhu olha lá .... é desta que o petisco vai ser o belo do javali?

Diz que sim diz que sim !!

Boa sorte , qlqr coisa contacta me ou nao ahahahhahaha






n pode ser uma saladinha..

sim sim :smokinggun: a barbara pensa que um javali custa 5contos eheeheh se tiveres ai uns 40 continhos a gente come todos javali :rolleyes: paga barbara!!!i apareçe po festao :dance4:

A barbara leu que tu ias representar o javali tu devias faze lo, enquanto nao representares o javali nao me vou calar sabes disso :dancing:

... ve la se queres que eu faça uma vaquinha para comprar o javali aie

vamos la ver esta questao com seriedade sff





" Ninguém comete erro maior do que não fazer nada porque só pode fazer pouco. "

Edmundo Burke


"Os pormenores fazem a perfeição mas a perfeição não é um pormenor"

Michelangelo Buonarotti


"Para atrasar a morte vamos abrir a noite com musica de Jazz percorre la depois num barco de borracha celebrar o segredo enforcar a memoria descobrir de repente uma ilha que nasce dentro do teu vestido chamar lhe madrugada ...... adormecer contigo "

manas de casa 2006

Obrigado pelo convite Looping Sounds ;) Vai ser um prazer, e pelo que vejo é só bons artistas esta festa! Mais uma vez vou ter o prazer de ouvir o dj Saikotek e pela primeira vez ouvir o Markkus (estou curiosa :P ) Até lá e boa sorte com os preparativos!*


Sem dúvida Ganeisha, temos aqui um belo leque de artistas! :D

Lá nos encontraremos então amiga. Até lá! ;)



esperamos que tudo ande em ordem com os elastikos/as :rolleyes:



Aqui Fica O Flyer





um espeçial agradeçimento ao andre da Ashram Prod :rolleyes:



abraços a todos!!!!




obrigado amigo!

ainda bem q gostaste do flyer!

provavelmente vemo.nos pela festa!



obrigado meu puto :dancing: ja lhe dest!!! :smokinggun:

muita boa sorte amigos :rolleyes: vai ser mega festa sem duvida :dance4: :dance4: :dance4:

ve se apareçes bro i tras a tropa de elite la de vilar pinheiro!!!! :smokinggun: o gang ataca :dance4::vampire::dance4::vampire:

boa sorte amigos la estarei :smokinggun: k haja mtas iniciativas destas ca na zona looping sounds on high :dancing:

boa sorte amigos la estarei :smokinggun: k haja mtas iniciativas destas ca na zona looping sounds on high :dancing:

espero contar contigo la bro :rolleyes: i numas proximas tambem ;) tudo do boom vizinho!!! :smokinggun:

boa sorte amigos la estarei :smokinggun: k haja mtas iniciativas destas ca na zona looping sounds on high :dancing:


Yeeah siga bombar Fully ;) Estou a ver que vai ser outro convivio daqueles :rolleyes:

DJ Ganeisha


vai ser bonito vai...heheheh :)


também estou curioso para ouvir o set do Saikotek...ouvi falar mt bem! :)


até lá amigos



Music is the best legal drug in the world.

vai ser bonito vai...heheheh :)


também estou curioso para ouvir o set do Saikotek...ouvi falar mt bem! :)


até lá amigos

vai ser um prazer contar contigo amigo :rolleyes: espera-se uma grande noite :dance4:


boom a todos :give_heart:

  • 4 weeks later...



Devido a mau tempo i chuvas fortes a azenha ficou inundada i tevemos de alterar o local do evento para o subsolo club em ovar :rolleyes: tambem nesse dia vamos ter a fenix club a bombar :vampire:


:dance4: :dance4: :dance4:





Olá A Looping Sounds Prod Tem o Prazer de Convidar mais uma vez a tropa para esta session [Psychedelic] no subsolo club i na Fénix club situado ao lado da praia com uma vista fantástica para o mar ;) i claro estes bons artistas para transmitir o bom espírito trance! Contamos com a tua presença para mais uma festa em grande;)

Preço do Evento: 5€ um club i para os dois 7.5€ ;)


[ Psychedelic Part 2]


Psychedelic area






Live Act



Bunker Jack [Animatech Records]



Bunker Jack is Kiko. Kiko is a 25 years old Sound Technician from Portugal (Oporto), and he is making Psychedelic Trance and Chill Out/Down Tempo since 2002 under other nick name "ODYSSEY" . The project BUNKER JACK was born in 2007, with the purpose of create some energetic travels flowing around pure Psychedelic Trance. Hope you like it!





www.myspace.com/Bunker Jack





Ganeisha [Nexus Media/magnetik agency]


Dj Ganeisha is Raquel Espanhol, from Portugal. Music came quite soon in her life, because her father was and still is a dj, so she has been living surrounded by music all her life and she learned soon how to work with music equipment and to real listen good music :dance4:


hwww.myspace.com/djane ganeisha


Dj Set


Kafar [samaveda/Nutek Rec]



Pedro Bento, aka Kafar, was born in 1980 in Portugal. In 1998 he started listening Trance Music and in 2001 began his career as a dj under the name of Kafar. His djset can only be described as hard kicks and strong melodies, perfect for sunshine. Since then he already played in many parties and festivals with names like Psysex, Digital Talk, Phatmatix, Ptx,Rastaliens, Mekkanikka, Andromeda, Painkiller, CPU, Bliss and more!!! :rolleyes:

www.myspace.com/dj kafar



Saikotek [Looping Sounds Prod/Karkeija Crew]



André Costa aka Saikotek born in 1986 in Vila do Conde (Portugal). He always liked electronic music and had the dream of being Dj. In the year 2000, he listen to his first music of Psychedelic Trance and stay fascinated with the envolvent and magic sounds of this type of music. At the year 2004 he decided to learn more about Djing with some friends and soon he start to play in some parties. Sometime later he became a member of Looping Sounds Prod and later he also joined to Karkeija Krew. His dj sets are very powerful and psychedelic, perfect for the beginning of a good morning.[Psychadelic Dj-Set] :crazy_pilot:




Dj Markkus [Looping Sounds Prod]




Dj Markkus, is Marco Oliveira born in a small town in the North of Portugal. The start of his psychedelic road was back there in the late nineties when the psy movement started to grow in Portugal Since that time he knew that he wanted to stay there forever. The addiction began... and nobody told him there was no remedy. After this amazing experience, he begin to explore this new electronic wave, and above all, he met lots of friends in parties, so week after week, the dance floor was the meeting point for this new circle of friends!!! B)


myspace.com/ Dj Markkus


Demon Madness[Looping Sounds Prod]


LOPINHOS aka DEMON MADNESS born in Portugal to 02/12/1986 and starts to get involved with electronic music for 18 years. The measure that was confronted with the electronic music and its exits the night Lopinhos to 20 years of age then start to take the first steps in DJing. He played on some partys with friends! Now signed by the label Looping Sounds Prod :drunk:




Dark Area























line up por concluir [logo a noite toda a restante info estara aqui ;) area dark night :vampire:



Preço De Entrada [ [5€ no subsolo ou na fenix][para as duas 7.5€ ;)]


Decor [Vision Lock Deco] AkA Belhote


Info Line: 911102175///Psynando00@hotmail.com


Faz a Tua Viagem Em [ www.viamichelin.com ]





Sentido Lisboa/Porto - Em Aveiro, apanhar A29 em Estarreja, saida em Ovar Norte. Depois, seguir indicações Dolce Vita Ovar / Furadouro. ( cerca de 5 a 7 minutos de viagem após entrar em Ovar Norte )


Sentido Porto /Lisboa - Em Gaia, apanhar A44 sentido Espinho / Ovar. Depois, novamente, saida em Ovar Norte, e por fim, seguir indicações Dolce Vita Ovar / Furadouro. ( Conforme acima referido )


Subsolo Club/Fenix Club

Av. dos Descobrimentos 602




:rolleyes:Obrigado i Contamos Com o Bom Espirito Nesta Grande Session :rolleyes:


Tenho muita pena de a Azenha ter inundado devido ao mau tempo que se fez sentir durante umas semanas! Aquele sitio é muito bom e então se tivesse assim o solinho que tem estado estes dias, melhor ainda! Mas enfim, há males que vêm por bem... :D Bota pro underground!!! ;)

Tenho muita pena de a Azenha ter inundado devido ao mau tempo que se fez sentir durante umas semanas! Aquele sitio é muito bom e então se tivesse assim o solinho que tem estado estes dias, melhor ainda! Mas enfim, há males que vêm por bem... :D Bota pro underground!!! ;)


por acaso tenho pena de ainda nao ser desta que conheço a Azenha, ouvi falar mt bem do place, mas haverão mais oportunidades pa conhecer akilo...

Agora cmo diz o Saikotek vai ser mesmo pó Underground... :)


venha a festaa...:smokinggun:



Music is the best legal drug in the world.

Tenho muita pena de a Azenha ter inundado devido ao mau tempo que se fez sentir durante umas semanas! Aquele sitio é muito bom e então se tivesse assim o solinho que tem estado estes dias, melhor ainda! Mas enfim, há males que vêm por bem... :D Bota pro underground!!! ;)


por acaso tenho pena de ainda nao ser desta que conheço a Azenha, ouvi falar mt bem do place, mas haverão mais oportunidades pa conhecer akilo...

Agora cmo diz o Saikotek vai ser mesmo pó Underground... :)


venha a festaa...:smokinggun:

eheheheh mais uma festa cheia de boa musica i bubadeira pela frente!!!! :vampire:

infos ja a seguir ;)



Olá A Looping Sounds Prod Tem o Prazer de Convidar mais uma vez a tropa para esta session [Psychedelic] no subsolo club i na Fénix club situado ao lado da praia com uma vista fantástica para o mar ;) i claro estes bons artistas para transmitir o bom espírito trance! Contamos com a tua presença para mais uma festa em grande;)

Preço do Evento: 5€ um club i para os dois 7.5€ ;)


[ Psychedelic Part 2]


Psychedelic area






Live Act



Bunker Jack [Animatech Records]



Bunker Jack is Kiko. Kiko is a 25 years old Sound Technician from Portugal (Oporto), and he is making Psychedelic Trance and Chill Out/Down Tempo since 2002 under other nick name "ODYSSEY" . The project BUNKER JACK was born in 2007, with the purpose of create some energetic travels flowing around pure Psychedelic Trance. Hope you like it!





www.myspace.com/Bunker Jack





Ganeisha [Nexus Media/magnetik agency]


Dj Ganeisha is Raquel Espanhol, from Portugal. Music came quite soon in her life, because her father was and still is a dj, so she has been living surrounded by music all her life and she learned soon how to work with music equipment and to real listen good music :dance4:


hwww.myspace.com/djane ganeisha


Dj Set


Kafar [samaveda/Nutek Rec]



Pedro Bento, aka Kafar, was born in 1980 in Portugal. In 1998 he started listening Trance Music and in 2001 began his career as a dj under the name of Kafar. His djset can only be described as hard kicks and strong melodies, perfect for sunshine. Since then he already played in many parties and festivals with names like Psysex, Digital Talk, Phatmatix, Ptx,Rastaliens, Mekkanikka, Andromeda, Painkiller, CPU, Bliss and more!!! :rolleyes:

www.myspace.com/dj kafar



Saikotek [Looping Sounds Prod/Karkeija Crew]



André Costa aka Saikotek born in 1986 in Vila do Conde (Portugal). He always liked electronic music and had the dream of being Dj. In the year 2000, he listen to his first music of Psychedelic Trance and stay fascinated with the envolvent and magic sounds of this type of music. At the year 2004 he decided to learn more about Djing with some friends and soon he start to play in some parties. Sometime later he became a member of Looping Sounds Prod and later he also joined to Karkeija Krew. His dj sets are very powerful and psychedelic, perfect for the beginning of a good morning.[Psychadelic Dj-Set] :crazy_pilot:




Dj Markkus [Looping Sounds Prod]




Dj Markkus, is Marco Oliveira born in a small town in the North of Portugal. The start of his psychedelic road was back there in the late nineties when the psy movement started to grow in Portugal Since that time he knew that he wanted to stay there forever. The addiction began... and nobody told him there was no remedy. After this amazing experience, he begin to explore this new electronic wave, and above all, he met lots of friends in parties, so week after week, the dance floor was the meeting point for this new circle of friends!!! B)


myspace.com/ Dj Markkus


Demon Madness[Looping Sounds Prod]


LOPINHOS aka DEMON MADNESS born in Portugal to 02/12/1986 and starts to get involved with electronic music for 18 years. The measure that was confronted with the electronic music and its exits the night Lopinhos to 20 years of age then start to take the first steps in DJing. He played on some partys with friends! Now signed by the label Looping Sounds Prod :drunk:




Dark Area


Live act`s



k_lapso [iCCrecords /Fungi records] :vampire:



Miguel Graca, born in 1979, Portugal, is the name behind the K-Lapso project. His style is dark psychedelic with powerful grooves and bombastic basslines. This album is full with dark matter and electronic vibes. He started liking electronic music when he was introduced to techno, around his 20's, then he started djing at several clubs with various national and international techno DJs like A. Time passed and techno started to loose popularity in Portugal, till one day a friend invited him to a psychedelic party near them. One thing lead to another - he liked so much the style that in the next week he was already playing it in a club! As time goes by he started to evolve his trance style inspired by known artists like Iron Madness, Paranoize or Silent Horror.





Mekanical Mind aka Mulondark :vampire:






Illow [urbanantidote rec/audiosex rec] :vampire:



João Rodrigues aka Illow born in 82 , at this moment he lives in Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal) , where he is finishing his graduation of computer engineering. He start to discover psytrance in 2003 , and question himself how the artists did the music , so he gain the interest for producing psychadelic trance music. His firs step was trying to know how to do a sequenciation with a software,so he decided to try as first software Reason…but now with more experience on the production he use Nuendo 3 wich is happy with nowadays. We can listen in Illow tracks few influences , as industrial , hi-tech , dark ambiences , psychadelic and energetic.







DarkBlood [Karkeija crew] :metal:



Overtripdose[Looping sounds prod] :guns:











Preço De Entrada [ [5€ no subsolo ou na fenix][para as duas 7.5€ ;)]



Decor [Vision Lock Deco] AkA Belhote



Info Line: 911102175///Psynando00@hotmail.com



Faz a Tua Viagem Em [ www.viamichelin.com ]






Sentido Lisboa/Porto - Em Aveiro, apanhar A29 em Estarreja, saida em Ovar Norte. Depois, seguir indicações Dolce Vita Ovar / Furadouro. ( cerca de 5 a 7 minutos de viagem após entrar em Ovar Norte )



Sentido Porto /Lisboa - Em Gaia, apanhar A44 sentido Espinho / Ovar. Depois, novamente, saida em Ovar Norte, e por fim, seguir indicações Dolce Vita Ovar / Furadouro. ( Conforme acima referido )



Subsolo Club/Fenix Club

Av. dos Descobrimentos 602




:rolleyes:Obrigado i Contamos Com o Bom Espirito Nesta Grande Session :rolleyes:


Looping Sounds boa sorte ai para a festa!!!




Mekanical Mind aka Mulondark vais destruir o barraco ha malta


Bounto Hi5

Cerebrus Myspace





Live : Bounto aka Cerebrus


(Secret Mood)

ora boas :smokinggun: aqui esta o flyer i desculpem alguma coisa quanto a mudança de club.







ate ja amigos/as :dancing:

ta-se a compor a ramboia... :vampire::dancing:


..::Vision Lock::..


SKULLS SYSTEM FREE FESTIVAL 28-30 MAIO http://elastiktribe.org/index.php?showtopic=21094








preço de entrada: 7.5€ [ 2 areas ] dark-area/Psychedelic-area



siga pa ramboia!!! :dancing::rolleyes:

txii man pronto. ta putana armadex nobamente lolol boa sorte seus malaikussssssssssss . e nao se deitem ao mar no fim da festa que as aguas sao frias nessas paragessssss .

atençao :smokinggun:



vai ser a primeira vez que o nosso amigo João Rodrigues de gaia vai fazer a sua actuaçao para o publico...espera-se uma grande noite de ambos os club`s i um trabalho exelente destes artistas ;)



Illow [urbanantidote rec/audiosex rec] :vampire::rolleyes::smokinggun::dance4::dancing:



João Rodrigues aka Illow born in 82 , at this moment he lives in Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal) , where he is finishing his graduation of computer engineering. He start to discover psytrance in 2003 , and question himself how the artists did the music , so he gain the interest for producing psychadelic trance music. His firs step was trying to know how to do a sequenciation with a software,so he decided to try as first software Reason…but now with more experience on the production he use Nuendo 3 wich is happy with nowadays. We can listen in Illow tracks few influences , as industrial , hi-tech , dark ambiences , psychadelic and energetic.




Boa festa amigo PSYNANDO ;)








até sabado.........




Olá A Looping Sounds Prod Tem o Prazer de Convidar mais uma vez a tropa para esta session [Psychedelic] no subsolo club i na Fénix club situado ao lado da praia com uma vista fantástica para o mar ;) i claro estes bons artistas para transmitir o bom espírito trance! Contamos com a tua presença para mais uma festa em grande;)







[ Psychedelic Part 2]


Psychedelic area






Live Act



Bunker Jack [Animatech Records]



Bunker Jack is Kiko. Kiko is a 25 years old Sound Technician from Portugal (Oporto), and he is making Psychedelic Trance and Chill Out/Down Tempo since 2002 under other nick name "ODYSSEY" . The project BUNKER JACK was born in 2007, with the purpose of create some energetic travels flowing around pure Psychedelic Trance. Hope you like it!





www.myspace.com/Bunker Jack





Ganeisha [Nexus Media/magnetik agency]


Dj Ganeisha is Raquel Espanhol, from Portugal. Music came quite soon in her life, because her father was and still is a dj, so she has been living surrounded by music all her life and she learned soon how to work with music equipment and to real listen good music :dance4:


hwww.myspace.com/djane ganeisha


Dj Set


Kafar [samaveda/Nutek Rec]



Pedro Bento, aka Kafar, was born in 1980 in Portugal. In 1998 he started listening Trance Music and in 2001 began his career as a dj under the name of Kafar. His djset can only be described as hard kicks and strong melodies, perfect for sunshine. Since then he already played in many parties and festivals with names like Psysex, Digital Talk, Phatmatix, Ptx,Rastaliens, Mekkanikka, Andromeda, Painkiller, CPU, Bliss and more!!! :rolleyes:

www.myspace.com/dj kafar



Saikotek [Looping Sounds Prod/Karkeija Crew]



André Costa aka Saikotek born in 1986 in Vila do Conde (Portugal). He always liked electronic music and had the dream of being Dj. In the year 2000, he listen to his first music of Psychedelic Trance and stay fascinated with the envolvent and magic sounds of this type of music. At the year 2004 he decided to learn more about Djing with some friends and soon he start to play in some parties. Sometime later he became a member of Looping Sounds Prod and later he also joined to Karkeija Krew. His dj sets are very powerful and psychedelic, perfect for the beginning of a good morning.[Psychadelic Dj-Set] :crazy_pilot:




Dj Markkus [Looping Sounds Prod]




Dj Markkus, is Marco Oliveira born in a small town in the North of Portugal. The start of his psychedelic road was back there in the late nineties when the psy movement started to grow in Portugal Since that time he knew that he wanted to stay there forever. The addiction began... and nobody told him there was no remedy. After this amazing experience, he begin to explore this new electronic wave, and above all, he met lots of friends in parties, so week after week, the dance floor was the meeting point for this new circle of friends!!! B)


myspace.com/ Dj Markkus


Demon Madness[Looping Sounds Prod]


LOPINHOS aka DEMON MADNESS born in Portugal to 02/12/1986 and starts to get involved with electronic music for 18 years. The measure that was confronted with the electronic music and its exits the night Lopinhos to 20 years of age then start to take the first steps in DJing. He played on some partys with friends! Now signed by the label Looping Sounds Prod :drunk:




Dark Area






Live act`s



k_lapso [iCCrecords /Fungi records] :vampire:



Miguel Graca, born in 1979, Portugal, is the name behind the K-Lapso project. His style is dark psychedelic with powerful grooves and bombastic basslines. This album is full with dark matter and electronic vibes. He started liking electronic music when he was introduced to techno, around his 20's, then he started djing at several clubs with various national and international techno DJs like A. Time passed and techno started to loose popularity in Portugal, till one day a friend invited him to a psychedelic party near them. One thing lead to another - he liked so much the style that in the next week he was already playing it in a club! As time goes by he started to evolve his trance style inspired by known artists like Iron Madness, Paranoize or Silent Horror.





Mekanical Mind aka Mulondark[Xaviara Agençy/Ashram Prod] :vampire:






Illow [urbanantidote rec/audiosex rec] :vampire:



João Rodrigues aka Illow born in 82 , at this moment he lives in Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal) , where he is finishing his graduation of computer engineering. He start to discover psytrance in 2003 , and question himself how the artists did the music , so he gain the interest for producing psychadelic trance music. His firs step was trying to know how to do a sequenciation with a software,so he decided to try as first software Reason…but now with more experience on the production he use Nuendo 3 wich is happy with nowadays. We can listen in Illow tracks few influences , as industrial , hi-tech , dark ambiences , psychadelic and energetic.







DarkBlood [Karkeija crew] :metal:



Overtripdose[Looping sounds prod] :guns:







Preço De Entrada [7.5€ 2 areas] ;)]



Decor [Vision Lock Deco] AkA Belhote



Info Line: 911102175///Psynando00@hotmail.com



Faz a Tua Viagem Em [ www.viamichelin.com ]






Sentido Lisboa/Porto - Em Aveiro, apanhar A29 em Estarreja, saida em Ovar Norte. Depois, seguir indicações Dolce Vita Ovar / Furadouro. (cerca de 5 a 7 minutos de viagem após entrar em Ovar Norte)



Sentido Porto /Lisboa - Em Gaia, apanhar A44 sentido Espinho / Ovar. Depois, novamente, saida em Ovar Norte, e por fim, seguir indicações Dolce Vita Ovar / Furadouro. (Conforme acima referido)



Subsolo Club/Fenix Club

Av. dos Descobrimentos 602




:rolleyes:Obrigado i Contamos Com o Bom Espirito Nesta Grande Session :rolleyes:


como poderia eu nao desejar boa sorte a todos(as)


divirtam-se amigos sera mega killer

eheh boa festinha com duas areas para variar e da para todos os gostos espero poder ir a mais uma festa da looping sounds que tanto nos supreende pla positiva mas inda nao tenho a certeza se poderei comparecer :closedeyes: contudo boa sorte a todos os intervenientes e espero k corra tudo pelo mehor

ate la :dance2::dance2::tintol:

Boa sorte a todos os intervenientes..


Como é ja amanha e como surgio 1convite de ultima hora, talvez me apanhem la. Aproveito para saudar alguns amigos k concerteza irei encontrar!


Ate la...

"DancinG EnergY LiviNG LOVE in CosmiC AwARneSS"


boa party amigos :hug:




Especialmente ao overtripdose, pq é akele irmao do meu coraçao e pq nao vou poder estar lá p ouvi-lo, mas gosto muito dos sets bem escurinhos dele, e ensinou me muito* :give_heart:



E tb ao Saikotek, este miudo da-lhe mm bué, adoro os sets dele! :) mesmo ao meu estilo! E altas mixes... tb toca alto prog de x em qd! :hug:



Afilhado Psynando porte-se mal! :evil:




Bunker Jack, alto live mesmo :throb:



Ganeisha, dá-lhe miuda linda :dance4:




Kafar, keep up the good work! :party:



kiss kiss* muninos*

Boa sorte para todos, em especial ao Bunker Killer Jack!!!


Já agora aproveitop para fazer a correcção


Bunker Jack (Animatech/D-djance/Samaveda)




:crazy: See you All at the Dance Floor XD :smili:


Dj TRL WOorpz



INFO, BOOKINGS & MORE: nunohello@gmail.com

:dancing:BOA SORTE pra FESTINHA :dancing:






Dj ____ OUT CHILL ____ @



Barto ____ ELEMENTS UNIVERSE ___ @





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