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Homenagem a Dr. Albert Hofmann



Inspirada na revolucionária descoberta de Dr. Albert Hofmann e seu contributo para o enriquecimento da experiência humana ao dissolver as fronteiras do Tempo, do Espaço e da Alma.



Line Up


Creative Experience

Psyart live act, pt



Altering Perceptions

Blissful/Quantic Rec live act, pt



"Homenagem" VJ Bhima + Weedub + Creative Experience

Documentário AudioVisual, ao vivo

hofmann, sax, didjeribone, reggae, trance


Weedub Crew, ao vivo

sax & beat / reggae & dub


Teresa Gabriel, ao vivo

cantautora de espírito nómada e trovadoresco


Ambiens Indages, ao vivo

psicadelismo ambiental


Exposição sobre Dr. Albert Hofmann

Decoração por Synthetic Playground e Elektra

Massagem Tailandesa com Susana Ferro


Micro Site



Data: 11 OUT 08

Local: Tuatara Lounge

27, Rua do Centro Cultural, Lisboa

Metro Alvalade

Entrada: €7 Hofmann c/ 1 imperial

cheira me a boa reuniao , por issi so posso desejar muita sorte visto n poder estar presente por estar fora de Pt na altura

Pensam fazer-me uma homenagem...??? :gap: :gap:


Estou então completamente ao dispor para qualquer coisinha...



ahhh...afinal é ao Albert Hoffman....

q pena....


From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


Check this out!



Beo's Fantastic U.V. Art Work



Speaker's - Art Work by Nagual Creations





Free Mushroom Magazine Subscription



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Virus-Tekk Records.Dk

Mushroom Magazine On Line

The Real Pirate's!!! The World People Crew-South of France

e venha o evento!!!!! :):dancing::rolleyes:

rest in peace albert hofmann


: Fernando Hood :

Music Released


Live Acts:

Altering Perceptions


The Smiley Pixie


albums: "Free music for free people" ; "CHillout moods to urban grooves(soon)" Somethings Sacred (soon)"


other performances: VJ Set (video animation) & Dj Set (Psychedelic Trance, Progressive, Ambient & breakBeat)


Other Projects:

Compilação "Transatlantic CHillout" www.myspace.com/transatlanticchillout

Cosmic Fusion - Psychedelic Events in Ireland COSMIC FUSION - GALWAY IRELAND

Goagadar Psy-Culture Magazine http://www.goagadarmagazine.com

Pensam fazer-me uma homenagem...??? :gap: :gap:



hahahah Queriasssssssssss tuuu!! :smokinggun:

abrc amigo


: Fernando Hood :

Music Released


Live Acts:

Altering Perceptions


The Smiley Pixie


albums: "Free music for free people" ; "CHillout moods to urban grooves(soon)" Somethings Sacred (soon)"


other performances: VJ Set (video animation) & Dj Set (Psychedelic Trance, Progressive, Ambient & breakBeat)


Other Projects:

Compilação "Transatlantic CHillout" www.myspace.com/transatlanticchillout

Cosmic Fusion - Psychedelic Events in Ireland COSMIC FUSION - GALWAY IRELAND

Goagadar Psy-Culture Magazine http://www.goagadarmagazine.com

está quase!


: Fernando Hood :

Music Released


Live Acts:

Altering Perceptions


The Smiley Pixie


albums: "Free music for free people" ; "CHillout moods to urban grooves(soon)" Somethings Sacred (soon)"


other performances: VJ Set (video animation) & Dj Set (Psychedelic Trance, Progressive, Ambient & breakBeat)


Other Projects:

Compilação "Transatlantic CHillout" www.myspace.com/transatlanticchillout

Cosmic Fusion - Psychedelic Events in Ireland COSMIC FUSION - GALWAY IRELAND

Goagadar Psy-Culture Magazine http://www.goagadarmagazine.com

toda a info deste evento disponivel online brevemente :)


: Fernando Hood :

Music Released


Live Acts:

Altering Perceptions


The Smiley Pixie


albums: "Free music for free people" ; "CHillout moods to urban grooves(soon)" Somethings Sacred (soon)"


other performances: VJ Set (video animation) & Dj Set (Psychedelic Trance, Progressive, Ambient & breakBeat)


Other Projects:

Compilação "Transatlantic CHillout" www.myspace.com/transatlanticchillout

Cosmic Fusion - Psychedelic Events in Ireland COSMIC FUSION - GALWAY IRELAND

Goagadar Psy-Culture Magazine http://www.goagadarmagazine.com

TAmos juntos...

apareçam na festa que não se vão arrepender...

espero que esta causa junte os amigos e que todos saibam a importancia de Albert Hoffman na nossa sociedade...

Psyart, Quantic Chill e Tribus Urbanas apresentam


Homenagem a Hofmann



Todas as informações sobre a primeira homenagem anual em Portugal à vida e à investigação de Albert Hofmann muito brevemente.





Creative Experience

psyart live act, pt



Altering Perceptions

live act, pt



"Hommage Hofmann" VJ Punkie Smile + Weedub + Creative Experience

Documentário ao vivo

sax, reggae, transe, hofmann



sax & beat / reggae & dub


Teresa Gabriel, ao vivo

cantautora do mundo ideal


Ambiens Indages

psicadelismo ambiental



Micro Site:

muito brevemente


Data: 11 OUT 08

Local: Tuatara Lounge

27, Rua do Centro Cultural

Metro Alvalade

Entrada: muito brevemente





Homenagem a Albert Hofmann


Inspirada na revolucionária descoberta de Dr. Albert Hofmann e seu contributo para o enriquecimento da experiência humana ao dissolver as fronteiras do Tempo, do Espaço e da Alma.


Creative Experience

Psyart live act, pt



Altering Perceptions

Blissful/Quantic Rec live act, pt



"Homenagem" VJ Bhima + Weedub + Creative Experience

Documentário AudioVisual, ao vivo

hofmann, sax, didjeribone, reggae, trance


Weedub Crew, ao vivo

sax & beat / reggae & dub


Teresa Gabriel, ao vivo

cantautora de espírito nómada e trovadoresco


Ambiens Indages, ao vivo

psicadelismo ambiental


Exposição sobre Dr. Albert Hofmann


Micro Site



Data: 11 OUT 08

Local: Tuatara Lounge

27, Rua do Centro Cultural, Lisboa

Metro Alvalade

Entrada: €7 Hofmann c/ 1 imperial



Cá vão as últimas informações desta reunião tão especial e característica!




ta quaseeeeeee!


: Fernando Hood :

Music Released


Live Acts:

Altering Perceptions


The Smiley Pixie


albums: "Free music for free people" ; "CHillout moods to urban grooves(soon)" Somethings Sacred (soon)"


other performances: VJ Set (video animation) & Dj Set (Psychedelic Trance, Progressive, Ambient & breakBeat)


Other Projects:

Compilação "Transatlantic CHillout" www.myspace.com/transatlanticchillout

Cosmic Fusion - Psychedelic Events in Ireland COSMIC FUSION - GALWAY IRELAND

Goagadar Psy-Culture Magazine http://www.goagadarmagazine.com

Boa sorte para a festinha :)



Eu vou visitar a familía caldense q tanto amo... tenho pena de nao poder compareçer!*



Teresa :huglove:


ambiens :hug:


jonhy light :dancing:


E a todos os outros presentes tb um xi :throb: cheio de boas energias... divirtam-se*

Massagem Tailandesa por um preço moderador e a presença do decorador Synthetic Playground foram adicionados ao programa.


long live Hofmann! :give_heart:

massagem tailandesa.... :give_heart: nahmmii


: Fernando Hood :

Music Released


Live Acts:

Altering Perceptions


The Smiley Pixie


albums: "Free music for free people" ; "CHillout moods to urban grooves(soon)" Somethings Sacred (soon)"


other performances: VJ Set (video animation) & Dj Set (Psychedelic Trance, Progressive, Ambient & breakBeat)


Other Projects:

Compilação "Transatlantic CHillout" www.myspace.com/transatlanticchillout

Cosmic Fusion - Psychedelic Events in Ireland COSMIC FUSION - GALWAY IRELAND

Goagadar Psy-Culture Magazine http://www.goagadarmagazine.com

O flyer está bastante interessante!!!

Se conseguir dou lá um saltinho!!


Hoffman´s Legacy lives forever!!!






Só um pequeno pormenor a reter...


hofmann e não hoffman, no início estranhei mas depois entranhou-se...lol



Este pequeno vídeo é curioso... Hofmann e Goa Gil @ psyparty

È desta k vou ver Teresa Gabriel!! :give_heart:

e fazes mt bem!


: Fernando Hood :

Music Released


Live Acts:

Altering Perceptions


The Smiley Pixie


albums: "Free music for free people" ; "CHillout moods to urban grooves(soon)" Somethings Sacred (soon)"


other performances: VJ Set (video animation) & Dj Set (Psychedelic Trance, Progressive, Ambient & breakBeat)


Other Projects:

Compilação "Transatlantic CHillout" www.myspace.com/transatlanticchillout

Cosmic Fusion - Psychedelic Events in Ireland COSMIC FUSION - GALWAY IRELAND

Goagadar Psy-Culture Magazine http://www.goagadarmagazine.com

THe TiMe iS NoW!


ou antes... ToDaY !


como diz o K-Optic ... Hofmann Legacy Lives Forever!


Até já & drive safely!

é já hoje


: Fernando Hood :

Music Released


Live Acts:

Altering Perceptions


The Smiley Pixie


albums: "Free music for free people" ; "CHillout moods to urban grooves(soon)" Somethings Sacred (soon)"


other performances: VJ Set (video animation) & Dj Set (Psychedelic Trance, Progressive, Ambient & breakBeat)


Other Projects:

Compilação "Transatlantic CHillout" www.myspace.com/transatlanticchillout

Cosmic Fusion - Psychedelic Events in Ireland COSMIC FUSION - GALWAY IRELAND

Goagadar Psy-Culture Magazine http://www.goagadarmagazine.com

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