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24 a 26 Jun 2005 - For People Not Profit...

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Dragonhunters Presents: Mystical Open Air Free Party



From Friday, 24 Jun 2005 18:00h to Sunday, 26 Jun 2005 20:00h




TRYAMBAKA (Ketuh Rec./Spectral Rec./Swing/Goa Moon)Portugal


WHICKED HAYO (Femina Mandragora Family)Belgium


MENTAL SPARK (Fragment Rec.)Belgium





Kore (Plastik Park)Mexico

Anestetic (Swing)Portugal

Fritz (Swing)Portugal

Device (Mystical Druids Society)Portugal

Crispod (Dragonhunters/Mystical Druids Society)France

Nelsun (Mystical Druids Society)Portugal

Oli (Trance 2 The Light)Ibiza

Ryko (Mental Spark)France

Taom (Mental Spark)Guadeloupe

Babou (Tribal Trance Meeting)Italy

Kustom (Dragonhunters)France

Nemesis (Transient Rec./Dacru)Belgium

Oonah (Spectral Rec/Rhakti Dei Festival)Belgium




Dj Ishtar Vs Dj R'deem(Purple Snow)Belgium


Chill: (starts at 18:00)


Indians, Thai, Bio Food, Creps, Chai and Irish cofee shop.

Saturday: Yoga, Tai Chi, Energy Massages...

Camp fire, Fire show...


Deco by Baboun's Tribe, Psychotheatre, Oil On Trip


Entry Fee: donation :D


--->Location: big open air place with forest

raph place (road description later)

This place is private so respect the nature please!


For more info send an e-mail to cris_bene@hotmail.com


Free camping possible for 3 days

2 dance floors


Children Area

je suis le noir.. le sombre collé à toi ton ombre.. je suis l’aboutissement de ta vie.. je suis ton pire ennemi..

se quiserem passear num sitio belo e participar numa boa causa... venham bater um pezinho ^_^




je suis le noir.. le sombre collé à toi ton ombre.. je suis l’aboutissement de ta vie.. je suis ton pire ennemi..

grande iniciativa. Gostava de ir, mas nao sei...


Boa sorte para o evento, pois eventos deste é de louvar.


Abraços .110.








MENOG'S Web Page online now

se quiserem passear num sitio belo e participar numa boa causa... venham bater um pezinho ^_^




Dizes isso como se fosse já aqui ao lado :lol:

"Só os que procuram o absurdo atingem o impossível."

boa onda a festa!

Boa sorte tryambaka B)


: Fernando Hood :

Music Released


Live Acts:

Altering Perceptions


The Smiley Pixie


albums: "Free music for free people" ; "CHillout moods to urban grooves(soon)" Somethings Sacred (soon)"


other performances: VJ Set (video animation) & Dj Set (Psychedelic Trance, Progressive, Ambient & breakBeat)


Other Projects:

Compilação "Transatlantic CHillout" www.myspace.com/transatlanticchillout

Cosmic Fusion - Psychedelic Events in Ireland COSMIC FUSION - GALWAY IRELAND

Goagadar Psy-Culture Magazine http://www.goagadarmagazine.com

  • 3 weeks later...

:D hello :D




assim é q é! :D os tugas a mostrarem o q valem!


tenho pena nao posso ir a todas! ;)


mas vai ser uma grande festinha!

boa sorte! .110.


c u soon

luv xXx

“Embora os problemas do mundo sejam cada vez mais complexos, as soluções permanecem embaraçosamente simples”.

Bill Mollison


aldeiadovale.com - Instituto de Agroecologia e Permacultura Portugal 

  • 2 weeks later...

:huh: á aki algum eco :huh:













MENOG'S Web Page online now

:huh: á aki algum eco :huh:






:><P: xunguita!!! :><P: :><P: :><P:

“Embora os problemas do mundo sejam cada vez mais complexos, as soluções permanecem embaraçosamente simples”.

Bill Mollison


aldeiadovale.com - Instituto de Agroecologia e Permacultura Portugal 

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

party update full info







Live -TRYAMBAKA (Ketuh Rec./Spectral Rec./Swing/Goa Moon).portugal


-MIND DISTORTION SYSTEM (mystical druids society / fragment rec./magroove rec).portugal


-MENTAL SPARK (fragment rec).belgium


-D_MANIACS (ecliptica,swing).portugal


-WHICKED HAYO (femina mandragora family).belgium




-kore (plastik park).mexico


-kaa (transient rec-lebanon)france


-anestetic (swing).portugal/south africa


-fritz (swing).portugal


-device (mystical druids society).portugal


-crispod (dragonhunters,mystical druids society).france


-nel-sun (mystical druids society / fargment rec).portugal


-oli (trance 2 the light).ibiza


-ryko (mental spark,fragment rec).france


-taom (mental spark, fragment rec).guadeloupe


-babou (tribal trance meeting,).italy


-shin chan vs duende (animamundi).belgium


-kustom (dragonhunters,fragment rec).france


-nemesis (transient rec,dacru).belgium


-oonah (spectral rec,rhakti dei festival).belgium


-bio vrelle (mystical mystery )



-yoda . germany




-dj ishtar vs dj r'deem(purple snow).belgium


Chill chill start at 18hoo

indians , thai , bio food


chai and irish cofee shop

saturday: yoga , tai chi , energy massages...more tbc

camp fire , fire show


deco by baboun's tribe , psychotheatre , oil on trip


KOMABOX LIVE VJ (nerves.net).france


Location big open air place with forest

raph place

road description later

this place it's private so respect the nature please





Bem, mais uma Festoch na Gália...

Tryambaca cativou os Franceses e agora vai pelos Belgas... :)

Companheiros, divirtam-se por mim, que nao posso ir a esta... ;)

Metier obliges...



From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


Check this out!



Beo's Fantastic U.V. Art Work



Speaker's - Art Work by Nagual Creations





Free Mushroom Magazine Subscription



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Virus-Tekk Records.Dk

Mushroom Magazine On Line

The Real Pirate's!!! The World People Crew-South of France

Gostaria muito, mas nao posso...

Esse fim de semana, vamo trazer a Triptich, aki a Barna e estou um pouco

ocupado...como sempre....

Mas acredite q preferiria estar lá com voçes!!! :dance::dance::dance:

Bem mas oportunidades nao faltaram...


Awfwiderzein!!! :hitler:

From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


Check this out!



Beo's Fantastic U.V. Art Work



Speaker's - Art Work by Nagual Creations





Free Mushroom Magazine Subscription



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My Msn Spaces

Virus-Tekk Records.Dk

Mushroom Magazine On Line

The Real Pirate's!!! The World People Crew-South of France

Tou bastante ansioso por esta festa, ainda por cima quando se vai tokar com outros amigos e mesmo perfeito, lá nos veremos!!!

A ver se nao aconteçe como na ida a Perpignan....


Será muito bom, sim senhor, a malta dos Dragon é muito fixe... :rolleyes:

Bem...preparem-se para o publico Belga...é muito entusiasta...e realmente qdo estao de festa... estao de festa...


Um abraço D...


From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


Check this out!



Beo's Fantastic U.V. Art Work



Speaker's - Art Work by Nagual Creations





Free Mushroom Magazine Subscription



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Virus-Tekk Records.Dk

Mushroom Magazine On Line

The Real Pirate's!!! The World People Crew-South of France

.110. Realmente vai mesmo ser uma grande festa.

Pois e com muita pena minha que nao possa ir porque estou a trabalhar ainda nessa altura.

Boa sorte para todos e divirtam sse a grande.

.110. .110. .110.






***Caminhar com bom tempo, numa terra bonita, sem pressa, e ter por fim da caminhada um objectivo agradável: eis, de todas as maneiras de viver, aquela que mais me agrada!!***

  • 2 weeks later...

A decidir-me ainda... :wacko: Até quando?! :lol:


Ontem disse que não ia :) ...hoje já quero estar lá de corpo e alma. :dance: ´


Haja tempo...saúde...etc e tal.. :hammer:

Nada é permanente, salvo a mudança!

E também $$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!


From Portugal with Love!!

Paulo Hoffman

P.L.U.R. and all of that Crap...

Virustekk Record's / Denmark


In Trance since 1996!!!!!


Check this out!



Beo's Fantastic U.V. Art Work



Speaker's - Art Work by Nagual Creations





Free Mushroom Magazine Subscription



Visit My Website

Visit My Facebook Page

My Msn Spaces

Virus-Tekk Records.Dk

Mushroom Magazine On Line

The Real Pirate's!!! The World People Crew-South of France

Boa sorte, meus queridos amigos. ;)

Bio_vrelle, depois conta-nos tudo. :baby:

Traz mtas fotos. Espero que te divirtas ao máximo, que todas as expectativas que criaste sejam correspondidas. :P


Boas viagens!! :dance: .110.

Nada é permanente, salvo a mudança!

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