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É pena por cá se fazerem sempre as mesmas merdas.......

Temos que ir ao estrangeiro para ouvir o que gostamos.





E se calhar as pessoas que moram noutro país sem ser Portugal dizem exactamente o mesmo que tu dizes em relação ao próprio país, e gostam dos festivais que cá se fazem.

A mania de nunca gostarmos do que é nacional... :wacko:

DJ Ganeisha


Gostar só por ser nacional....hmmm

Alem de que gostos não se discutem

Random Mode @ Beatport


Groove Technology Records


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Não penso que seja festival, apenas uma festa de um dia com o preço igual ao nosso, agora no que diz respeito á variedade... isso é outra coisa.


5 Areas distintas, aqui todos ficam contentes de certeza.

Ò Ganeisha mais Nacionalista do que eu sou é dificíl. Já se fizeram coisas muito boas e ainda se fazem algumas(muito poucas) porque normamlmente costuma ser sempre a mesma merda tal como eu disse ou não é verdade?!?!?!?

Festas - Almeirim ou Vagueira

Som - Skazis e companhia dos Bizarres

Ambiente - mamadices com fartura

E ainda tens o benefício de vir a pé para casa porque te roubaram o carro.

Será que nunca foste a uma destas cá??

Então diz-me quais são as festas que tu vais para eu ir lá pôr um pezinho.

Com o mal dos outros tou eu bem, se estou a viver em Portugal quero o melhor para o meu País ou não??



E Ruvi sei que este é só de um dia mas para mim é como se fosse um Festival.

A caminho de Antuerpia....... :lol:




a relva do visinho é sempre mais verde do que a nossa... :glare:

"Os sapos não foram feitos para serem engolidos"











É pena por cá se fazerem sempre as mesmas merdas.......

Temos que ir ao estrangeiro para ouvir o que gostamos.






sempre a mesma merda goavilas :angry: olha qd estiver ctg em vilas entao k te vou contar quem e verdadeiro :ph34r: SR. m"""""" k esta por detras deste festival. e depois vais ver qual e o verdadeiro espirito do goaforever k ele tem.

a felicidade vive não fora de nós,onde geralmente a procuramos.

mas sim dentro de nós,onde raramente a encontramos.....

Ò Ganeisha mais Nacionalista do que eu sou é dificíl. Já se fizeram coisas muito boas e ainda se fazem algumas(muito poucas) porque normamlmente costuma ser sempre a mesma merda tal como eu disse ou não é verdade?!?!?!?

Festas - Almeirim ou Vagueira

Som - Skazis e companhia dos Bizarres

Ambiente - mamadices com fartura

E ainda tens o benefício de vir a pé para casa porque te roubaram o carro.

Será que nunca foste a uma destas cá??

Então diz-me quais são as festas que tu vais para eu ir lá pôr um pezinho.

Com o mal dos outros tou eu bem, se estou a viver em Portugal quero o melhor para o meu País ou não??



E Ruvi sei que este é só de um dia mas para mim é como se fosse um Festival.

A caminho de Antuerpia....... :lol:





És tão adepto da música alternativa e do Goa Trance, vê lá se já reparaste nesta festa? -> 2nd Vision


Aparece !

Aí está mais uma edição... :glare:


Um pouco por toda a Europa já se começa a sentir a mudança... Aquela liberdade do "antigamente", começa aos poucos a desaparecer... Este é só mais um de muitos exemplos...





Já vou tarde mas...

Estive para te alertar de que era arriscado investires numa viagem à Bélgica para ir a uma festa...mas não quis estar a agoirar e além disso pareceu-me que esta tinha todas as condições para se realizar...


O ano passado quando fui à festa da Twisted encontrei-me com uma malta Belga que costuma organizar festas por lá e eles falaram-me que desde há uns anos para cá que a polícia declarou guerra total às festas de Goa e psytrance...


Para teres noção do grau de informação que eles recolheram sobre as mesmas, e sobre a estratégia que delinearam para as combater, deixo-te a tradução (via google tranlate, daí os erros...) do documento policial que me foi referido por essa malta, e que se encontra originalmente em Holandês @ http://www.hardcoreharmreducer.be/inhoudgo...tierapport.html :


Goa police report













Without the opmerkzaamheid of some colleagues who took the initiative to the phenomenon of the potential problem at the national GOA

Level at cards, we were perhaps never too late, or at least been aware of the existence of these. We wish this

Our thanks also to express condolences.


Also, we wish our various correspondents of CSD's, GDA, AIK and Local Politiezones to thank for the information they have sent us in response to our first poll. In particular, we thank our colleagues during the follow-up always provided real-time information about current and future activities planned GOA.


When last we would like the members of our depots and our strategic analiste thanks for the research, and for the graphics support.


It was for us a very pleasant experience dealing with all these people from different services in a productive and collegial way to have worked. We can only hope that the current reform of the police in Belgium a similar cooperation in the future will positively influence.




A particular phenomenon that is the end of 2003 was signed in the presence of GOA trance party on the Belgian territory.

GOA parties are a kind of 'underground' trance parties which appears to be very tolerant towards the use of different types of drugs (cannabis, speed, LSD, mushrooms, ecstasy, cocaine).



A listing in the AIK newspaper (No. 12/2930) of Oudenaarde and reporting by GDA OUDENAARDE / Section Drugs

A notification of GDA ANTWERP / Section Drugs

An article in the involved 'MAKS' (Min Flemish Community, Education Dept) in November 2003

A report on an international meeting in Germany of StAR (Ständige Arbeitsgruppe Rauschgift)

We had decided to do a survey to all districts, in order to be able to form a picture of the problem.


GOA music has been described as "psychedelic trance / techno music. It can then make the distinction between "full on" and "progressive" GOA. A description of this distinction seems to us in the current context is not really necessary


For a better picture of this phenomenon we asked through AIK's us any information concerning GOA party to send what they did. Through this question to all AIK's reached us 2 goals: in the first instance, we obtained the available information that we then could operate a centralized way, and in the second instance, the politizones through AIK's awareness about the existence of this phenomenon.


From the information gathered, we learned of the existence of a German website (www.goatrance.de) on which such parties (including Belgium) would be announced. If we various partywebsites visited, we noticed that the phenomenon is around 2001 on an organized way to develop in Belgium.


They decided, with agreement of the Dirco and Dirjud of GHENT, by date of January 24, 2004 to visit the party called "A weird psychodelic gathering .." ACEC held in the building and organized by Femina Mandragora. The idea was forming a picture of this kind of party and the collection of a minimum amount of information, without having to go to interception. There we learned that the website for Belgian parties, www.psygarden.be.


After our visit it seemed to us worth it temporarily invest. There were agreements made with DAO, with the announcement to them overmaakten and they instonden for further dispatch to the Dirco programs and AIK.


Our investment remained limited to:

Complying with the dialogue of the websites

The discovery of planned parties, and try to locate them

The information of the PZ via DAO and AIK's

The gathering of feedback from the units as a result of any inspection or raids

Supporting the units to information


Our task was time the locations of these GOA's trying out and transmit them to the respective districts, so that any police could take place.

As a strategy, we assume that the GOA from their mystical, 'secret' character must meet, which aantrekkelijkheidsfactor they seem to have on most youngsters will expire. As such, the "customer" shrink, to the point where the organizers of such parties no longer financially from the cost. Thus, we hope eventually slow uitdovingsproces of this phenomenon.


What's GOA?

GOA: where east meets west

GOA is not an acronym but refers to a city on the west coast of India (a former Portuguese colony), where from the sixties' 60 and 70 young Westerners (hippies) met to escape the prevailing consumerism.


This first foreign visitors had a very identifiable culture, and music played a major kernrol in. There arose a new culture which openly with entheogene resources could be experimented, and this till the 80s. They were also an attempt to create a society where the best elements of the West and the East combined.


GOA was also the first place in the world where there is a kind of large-scale electronic music (techno) was rotated during the traditional vollemaanfeesten combined with LSD and ecstasy. There is therefore a clear connection with the so-called "Full Moon" parties.


Under pressure from the United States came a stricter drugwetgeving to stand, so the local police the westerners were seen as easy prey for extortion. This has GOA slightly in popularity do Losses verblijfsoord.



The guru of the current scene GOA is a certain "GOA GIL, a overjaarse hippie from San Francisco (USA). His real name is Gil LEVEY, but he is also known by his Hindu name "Swami Mangalanand Saraswati".



This man left the United States of America in 1969 and traveled overland from Europe to India. In India he traveled from temple to temple to him at the age of 18 in the mountains of KASHMIR his guru found that his precepts of the Hindu religion aanleerde.


Eventually, he rightly GOA, where he used rhythmic music for his religion across. The music was accompanied by psychedelic rock & roll (from the San Francisco Haight Ashbury Movement) to jazz and reggae.


GOA GIL is a Sadhu, a holy man, and is alsdusdanig member of the Juna Akara, the largest fraternity of Sadhus in India. He shows a genuine spiritual authority, and he even sits in the Maha Kumbla Mela. There we read the following:


"The Kumbha Mela is the largest and oldest gathering of humans known to man and the most sacred festival in Hinduism."


According to GOA GIL music is a weapon in touch with the cosmic universe. A "party" is perceived as a religious ritual that a mass people together in a social, harmonious environment. It is a way to achieve a higher level of awareness. The rhythmic beats are compared with "tribal rituals" of an ancient past. The "trance" occurs only after hours of dancing at eenzelde rhythm. To this effect is faster and more intense experience, we used LSD. GOA GIL sees this as a facilitator for a better understanding in the real world. He compares this with a deep form of meditation to yoga, or the Shaman (medicijnman) to the Indianenstam who entheogene resources used to visions to call in order to find solutions to their problems. But the use of LSD is not an end in itself, and therefore not indispensable.


Around 1980, he came into contact with the first experimental electronic dance music from Europe, because travelers him this sampletapes brought to their visit to GOA. After a time he possessed about as much material that he was able to fill all nights with this kind of music. From about 1983 dance men for hours on the so-called "GOA trance, which since then has been supported by flashing paintings and blacklights. The basis of this music was so outside India, but were put there for typical characteristics and nuances in processed, which they spoke of "GOA trance.


GOA trance is described as a kind of psychedelic dance music. "Psychedelic trance" music is a computer-generated 4 / 4 beat, beat with an average speed of 130 to 150 beats per minute.


The party's traditional GOA take between 10 to 20 hours, and are rotated by a DJ. The DJ should this time the dancing group to a higher level of consciousness by placing building climaxes and the subtle play of the frequency of beats. The fact that all these people can stay as long as dancing on the same rhythm, is the trance effect at a given moment has been brought. For the GOA - isten it is a proof that this is a religious experience that allows people almost superhuman performance resign. The GOA party is almost always an outdoor phenomenon, which occurs in a natural environment. They are often on a mystical connection with nature as a full moon, which occupies a central place in this quasi religious meetings.


DJ GOA GIL would now center around the 50, and it would still play every weekend DJ sets of rarely less than 18 hours a piece.


GOA - isten experienced the whole scene around the party as a sort of philosophy of life, a way of life. This philosophy is based on a number of core values, namely "PEACE, LOVE, UNITY, RESPECT" (PLUR).


Such GOA experience is a form of anti-structure moving sale at materialist form of society. Even their costumes (flashing drawings, pictures that the anti-structure Representation,…) is such that they do not fit within the representative society, but only to be worn during the party.


Belgian party's GOA

We note that the Belgian GOA scene only a faint derivate of the original philosophy of "GOA trance. Some outward characteristics such as the flashing highlights in the hair and the clothes, dreadlocks and the 'language' and a verbatim. Alzo try to identify them as members of the international GOA scene.


The Belgian GOA - isten explained the emphasis we think mainly in drug use for the ones, and the financial gain for the others (organizers, DJ's,…). Most visitors can be cataloged under the more "alternative" type. Wearing a 'dread-locks and long hair is very common among them. The ritual, religious aspect is something that we ignore the current Belgian scene. But they make use of this Hindu proverbs to be somewhat obscure. One example is the word "namaste" what we used to make a welcome, and which literally means "I am bending for the divinity who represents you."


The visitors are a lot younger than the traditional GOA parties, where the average age between 25 and 29 years.


According to information from various parties, there appears to be a very international audience to come to such events. This is to include the license plates of vehicles parked in the vicinity (Dutch, French, Germans,…).


The location of the parties is usually announced at the last minute (via Internet, SMS, when you purchase a card in advance, and who handed out flyers at previous parties!…). There is always a mystical atmosphere surrounding the location of the party. There may, this is one of the factors affecting the young people are attracted to this type of parties. The rooms themselves are coated with fluorescent paintings and fluorescent works of art that hang from the ceiling.


In contrast to traditional GOA party, we see that the party's in Belgium mainly indoor organized. This is most likely due to the difference in climate with us.



The age of visitors fluctuates between 14 to 30 years. The presence of minors, combined with drug use, publicly at least, a problematic situation.


Security and organization

Sometimes they are working with an observation in the deep. These are a type portiers that visitors can warn of possibly politiebezoek. Most likely, they no betasting of the body, making it binnensmokkelen of all things easier.


At the entrance to the hall itself is usually not a check of identity, nor aftasting of the body. This would be totally contrary to the spirit of the visitors, who are against control. One consequence is that the organizers of the absence of minors can not guarantee.


The admission is usually fully issued, in which a flouriscerende strip at the wrist and get a stamp that lights up with UV light. In most cases, there indicated that access is only possible by buying a card in advance, or by the possession of a flyer. But it happens regularly that they themselves can grant access by paying at the door.



It is noticeable that the DJ's usually from various countries of Europe. This shows once again the Pan-European character and the large scale of it. For a list of examples of DJs who regularly attend the Belgian scene, see Appendix 3.



There is quite a lot of alcohol consumed (vnl beer). Depending on the organization, the prices of drankbonnetjes remarkably cheap eg 5 € for 4 refreshments.

Bedenking: The inclusion of moisture is important to dehydration as a result of ecstasy or amphetamine to avoid. Will the drinks so cheaply? The rumor doing the rounds is that there are certain parties will be offered free water.



The means used are as follows: auto, bicycle, on foot (local visitors) or by public transport. There may be a combined "meetingpoint" agreed with those who do not have their own transport it with others can meerijden. The meetingpoints may be discussed via the website by PM'en (= sending personal messages).


GOA: The organization in Belgium

The localization of GOA's party in 2003: in space

From the information that we currently have and from the open sources information, we see on the basis of data from 2003 that most of the activities take place in the Dutch-speaking region of Belgium.


A determination that we also can make from our analysis is that the frequency of the party's highest GOA in which provinces where there are outlets (see above). There may this means that the organizers involved in the sale (owners, employees,…), or that in any case a good cooperation between the organizing structure and verkoopsstructuur.


This finding indicates once again to the fact that there is an organized structure behind the GOA scene.


The localization of GOA's party in 2003: in time

Most GOA's party will take place at the weekend, particularly on Friday and Saturday.

If we look at the data time-go than it is on that during the month of August of 2003 relatively few parties have taken place despite the suitable weather conditions for outdoorparty.


A possible explanation for this may be that there is already a wide range of ordinary festivals (Dranouter, Werchter,…), which the organizers from financial interest shift their activities to a period where there are by definition less commercial festivals.



We note that the dealers on the party itself mainly stop at the dance floor and the chill-out room. They are striking because of their less active dansgedrag, and by scanning the area to potential customers.


In addition, it is also that young girls involved in dealing. A thought that we are able to make is this: Are women / girls perhaps because they used less as dadergroep be considered for this crime or because they are less noticeable in terms of shape, for example?


There may be various categories of dealers. Namely those drugs in delivering large scale, and those who distribute it among the visitors themselves, a sort of "pawns". The first category takes less risk because they others' hands "work to be performed. Chances are, however, that the first category is a supervisory capacity, so that their "pawns" in the eye may hold.



Depending on the organization, there may be places on the next cards are purchased in advance:

KAIROO RECORDS - (Long Schipstraat 94, Mechelen)

SHANTI SHOP - (Donkersteeg 25, Ghent)

SHANTI SHOP - (St Jorisstraat 13-15, Aalst)

SHANTI BAZAAR - (Jezusstraat 10, Antwerp)

RITUALS or LIFE (Dorpsstraat 43, Hasselt)


Most of these stores have their own website on the Internet.







Parties and police interventions

During the period 01 January 2004 to 15 April 2004 were our 52 parties announced via DAO to the DirCo and AIK's:



15 to GENT








3 not locatable


Two parties were spontaneously canceled:

1 by explosion of a generator on the localization of the party. (Fire)

1 for unknown reason.


Five others were canceled by active preventive intervention of the police and / or the mayor (problems with fire safety, noise, not in order with the application,…). This too HULSHOUT, PUTTE and three parties to GENT


In six cases, the local police conducted a police intervention in the form of a discreet surveillance in public, a control in the depth or in the form of an raids as such.


In total, these 320 persons have been identified, including 11 foreigners. It was against 80 persons transcript. Most records (at least 70). Were drafted because drugbezit


Following this police intervention, the following seizures made:

LOKEREN: There were 16 reports prepared because drugbezit.

110 persons were checked. In this case it was a control in the deep.

A note here is that the booty was relatively lean. This indicates possibly in an active distribution of drugs on the party itself.

AALST: Next cases were seized: 1 nunchaku, 1 traangasbus, 39 pirated CDs

ANTWERP: More specifically in the port: SPN Antwerp provided for a private police of 12 people. The organization had an internal security system equipped with 5 people.

There were ultimately 127 identifications (98 male and 29 female visitors) of which 27 in possession of drugs were found including 2 minors from just under 18 years old.

Next types of drugs were confiscated: marijuana, hashish, joint, xtc, guarana, ephedrine, mushrooms (psilo's).

KOERSEL: 20 many people in possession of drugs found

After sweeping also found another 40 small dossissen drugs of all kinds (marijuana, space-cake, speed, xtc,…)

LEUVEN: 2 dealers found with 103 LSD trips and 10 MDMA tablets.

PUTTE / HEIST ON DEN BERG: discreetly monitoring by agents in public. An audit at the entrance, with superficial fouilles, from the organization itself ensured that no inconvenience. There were a few doses discarded marijuana and a homemade waterpijp found.


Summary of facts and persons known

For one to understand the kind of people that the party GOA's visit, we have a diepergaande analysis done on the basis of the information we have obtained as a result of the five interventions as has been explained.


It is the controlled person in five GOA parties in the period at the end of January until the end of March.


It was during this period 309 GOA party gangers of Belgian nationality checked, of which 162 persons (52.2%) were known in the ANG.


Of these 162 well-known people, there were 118 people (73%) known for druggelateerde crimes with a total of 243 facts, with the following breakdown by type were:

53 facts for use

119 facts for possession

39 Facts for imports and exports

30 facts on Trade

2 facts to encourage and facilitate use


Of the known persons, there were 74 (46%) known for other, non-drug-related crimes with a total of 169 offenses all one of the crimes included in the following list:

Ordinary theft

Robbery with aggravating circumstances

Weapons and ammunition


Succeed and injuries


Threats of violence


Forgery writings

Abuse of trust


Use of false or forged documents


It stood at 9 persons an active CSB signaling.



From the feedback we have received as a result of the six interventions were carried out following the result in seizures of narcotic drugs:


Marijuana: ± 150 grams

Hash: ± 20 grams

LSD: 104 pieces

Joints: 2 pieces

Speed: ± 50 grams

Ecstasy / MDMA: ± 100 pills

Space cake: 2 pieces

Capsules: 6 pieces (guarana, ephedrine,??)

Psilo's: ± 370 grams

Paddo - "tea": ± 1 liter

Cocaine: ± 0.5 grams


What especially striking is not so much the quantity of seizures, but rather diversity of the available resources. There is the fact that every police intervention, a positive result for the presence of narcotics.



On February 20, 2004 was THE GROOF Johan by the correctional court in Mechelen as follows convicted of organizing a GOA-party in 2003:

A. Corr. Narcotic drugs, to have facilitated or encouraged to use to have, en cannabinoiden,

B. Corr. Psychotrope resources, to have facilitated or encouraged to use to have, en amphetamines (speed) and MDMA (Ecstasy)

C. Corr. No liability insurance in case of fire and explosion

D. Corr. Environment: combating noise-electric amplified music in public and private institutions

E. Corr. Libel carrier to agent of the public power

F. Corr. Nachtlawaai

G. Violation municipal police heist in den berg

For a, b, c, d, e, f, g: 5 m with postponement 3 years and 1000.00 eur or 90 days with postponement 3 year 3 / 4 e.


As far as we know, this is a first conviction for organizing a GOA-party. It is therefore an important precedent in the conduct of the competent authorities (mayors, police,…) and a warning signal to the people (organizers, participants ...).


We condemn such an important indication to the GOA phenomenon more to bring to the attention of the police.




Here are the provisional list of planned Goa-party programs for 2004.



At all times, new parties notified. This list should be updated regularly.

Some places have not yet been determined and have yet to be listed, others will remain confidential and only be found on flyers, via GSM,…


Note that almost every weekend a party planned for the remainder of the year 2004. But this is only the tip of the iceberg.


Most parties are only a few days in advance announced on the websites. It is also very likely that parties are organized where much less publicity to be given.





On the Internet there are a number of websites that will provide back GOA parties announce operation where visitors can give their views on one or another forum. This can be found sometimes obvious indications of drug use. We found even in a forum with the title "health" of one of these sites with a section entitled "How to pass a drugtest?", In which they give each other tips to a urinetest to distort or to the garden.


The most interesting sites are:




There are still lots of others (see among Annex 5), but these provide a good overview of the planned activities and links.



In the alternative environments, it is not unusual for a backpack or buidelzak to contribute. Given there is often no control at the entrance, it is very easy to have a stock narcotic drugs to hide, for personal use or for resale. The backpack can be safely placed in a corner, and in any transactions will be only the necessary amount taken out. In any raids as such has no dealershoeveelheden on bag.


It is also not uncommon for the pictures attract visitors during the event (digital and wegwerpfototoestellen). There is still no entry. This can be of interest for future observations.



There is indeed such a thing as a GOA scene present in Belgium. This GOA scene consists of a subculture of young people whose values and actions are based on a philosophy of life that traditionally heavily implicated in Hinduism.


The Belgian scene seems to us that just a little too opportunistic, and puts the focus on the celebrations while this was originally just a means to achieve a harmonious, religiebeleving to come.


The phenomenon is not unusual in terms of use of drugs, because it also acts in discotheques, dancings, festivals and other social issues, but it special is the collusive nature. The fact that the parties themselves weekly move and that the location only a few days before being released, makes it difficult for the police to these monitoring and control to be exercised.


The combination of the above elements, avoiding the organizers:

A possible police intervention or because it is not conscience, or because it is too late to have a security system to organize because of lack of capacity that the police are familiar with the phenomenon because it is viewed from the local level only sporadically voorvalt in the zone that these parties are perceived as a "nuisance", given the non alijd in the same place, unlike discos, for example,


The GOA culture tends to strongly anti-structure, meaning that it is marketing to both external control (police, government, etc.) and internal (access control, portiers, etc.) and that it is apparently difficult to register in the usual social structure. This is all the more from the results of controlled persons in the first quarter of 2004, in which more than 50% was seen in earlier drugsfeiten. A clear signal characterized by normoverschrijdend behavior!


However, it is difficult to estimate the number of people who "member" of the GOA scene in Belgium, but we do appreciate that it is a relatively solid group. There is no pyramidal hierarchy to recognize


To speak of a specific organization, which seems somewhat premature. However, there is talk of a clear organizing structure, where initiatives to be taken for such parties to take place and for which there is active advertising. This is done in accordance with our earlier with a view to some form of financial gain.


Another hypothesis is that the GOA's party should be set up, so to a fairly protected market for narcotics available. Dealers can then easily their 'stuff' sales.


The secret locations and the creation of a sort of subculture ensure that outsiders more difficult to integrate into the environment, making it his own without too much interference could swing. Another effect of the mystical atmosphere around GOA, is that young people may just feel so attracted to the environment, but out of curiosity, the need for somewhere to hear whether the youthful thirst for "otherwise".


It is striking that most GOA parties (or party programs that qualify as GOA's) mainly in the north of Belgium. This is one of two reasons. Either it is a phenomenon that is happening primarily in Flanders and Brussels, or we have the organization in Wallonia has not yet been able to identify.


The southern Belgium is plagued by more rave parties. The difference between Rave parties and GOA party's sitting in the audience, in our opinion, the kind of music and the locations.


We note that since our succession for some evolution has taken place within the GOA scene. Following our announcements have already been several police, which we have a strong deterrent effect shall occur within the environment.


More and more are listed on the flyers and on the Internet that majority must be allowed to gain entry and that the "drugs" should home. The fora on the Internet notes they are losing enthusiasm and even mild forms of mistrust of each other following the regular police in recent months. (See Annex 4)


Finally, we note that the phenomenon of the GOA parties in the first instance an administrative problem. This we decide from the fact that there is usually an administrative (re) action resulted from the notices sent by us. We betaamt therefore that further follow-up is done from the administrative police. Moreover, the fact that the practical approach is always at the local level will be located, in consultation with the administrative authorities.




Pois... À pouco tempo, qd esteve cá o Bitkit e o Norion, tive oportunidade de trocar umas impressões com eles... E eles falavam assim com alguma nostalgia dos tempos em que por lá as coisas eram diferentes... Até estavam espantados com a nossa serra de Sintra, e com a quantidade de espaços bonitos para festas, assim como a possibilidade de se fazerem free-parties, não só em Sintra, mas um pouco por todo o país, coisa que lá já é impossível...

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