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Amigo Paleta aqui tens um tópico que raramente vêm "intrusos" e que eu tenho a agradecer ao were bear por o ter criado.

O teu post para além de não ser "sopa" alguma, tem muito que se lhe diga...eu por exemplo revejo-me em grande parte do que tu descreves como sentimento e admiração por uma coisa que não só por ser velha em recordações e boas memórias é também diferente pela essência do estilo/vertente que tem o trance de antigamente, mas que de muito contemporâneo também tem. Existe bom som, toda a hora a ser feito por este Mundo fora. Seja ele que vertente foi. E para mim neste campo ou é psicadélico ou não é...seja ele Goa/psy ou chill, ou algo mais, interessa é ser viajante, transcendental, cósmico e térreo.

Eu por exemplo fui tocar nesta passagem de ano a Almeirim à festa da Magic Vibes e pensei antes muito pouco ou nada em relação ao que ia tocar. Ou seja fui com algum som que para mim era o melhor ou que mais gostava de ouvir naquele momento. Em relação aos outros?!?!? Epá, Havia pelo menos um gajo que me ameaçou logo nos primeiros minutos do set que me enviava uma garrafa na minha direcção. Coisa que eu não liguei muito derivado ao que ele demonstrava estar instável,contudo se me enviasse era gajo para lá ir abaixo acalmá-lo e tranquilizá-lo de uma forma educada. A partir desse momento, que foi curto, denotei que alguns se fizeram à "estrada" e abandonaram outros se fizeram à pista. Não estive preocupado com isso mas foi notório, fiz a viagem como queria que tivesse sido feita na altura, como se eu tiveesse na pista e lá com um ou outro prego, lá fui eu fazendo a festa á minha maneira.(tenho muita pena que o cd que eu mais gostava de ter passado pelo menos 2 faixas tenha ficado no rádio do carro). Coisas de dia 01/01 B). Se os outros gostaram?? Parece-me que sim....e ainda teve mais valor quando no final vÊm ter contigo e dizer que tinha acabado de proporcionar das melhores passagens de ano da vida ao ouvir um Goa do outro Mundo. Não fiz mais que aquilo que achei que devia fazer. Passar o meu som. Aquilo que me caracteriza como pessoa e não como Dj (porque isso eu não sou). Posso ser eclético e versátil em termos de conhecimento e aplicação músical para adaptações exteriores(como por exemplo actuar num bar multicultural), mas paixão só tenho uma e é o PSICADÉLICO seja ele de que forma fôr.... :dance2:



Por exemplo esta é uma que fiquei com remorços por ter deixado o cd no rádio do carro..... :)

Sem dúvida que parece nem ter sido feita por gente humana.... :dance2::yahoo::shok::bday::smokinggun::give_heart:











Paleta produz lá umas coisas daquelas que tu gostas que tou cá para te ouvir....e crescer como pessoa ao ouvir música que é das coisas que mais gosto de fazer.... :closedeyes:






Paleta, gostei do teu texto, nada melhor do que a sinceridade


em relação ao que dizes de toda a vida seres um prostituto por produzires dark por os putos gostarem ou passares full on para toda gente saltar...


eu diria que o melhor seria fazeres a musica que gostas sem preconceitos e sem te preocupares se alguém gosta...

qualquer acto de expressão artistica deve ser genuino e a musica tornar-se muito mais profunda quando alguém sente o que faz


eu aconselhava todas as pessoas que gostam de goa trance, a tentarem produzi-lo..


pessoas que oiçam muito o genero, de certeza que mais do que ninguém sabem o tipo de coisas que gostam no som e o que lhes agrada...


e quanto a dificuldade de la chegar, é uma questão de aprender, evoluir...

oh villas tenho que te oferecer um cd do artha...


ainda tenho aqui 2


ambos autografados :)



Boa, isso era bem esgalhado...pelo menos devo ser dos poucos Portugueses que o valoriza muito. é um senhor a fazer som sem dúvida. É capaz de ser o único que quase chega ao nível de Simon Posford.



Já agora por falar na festa que fui tocar também por lá se ouviu disto e com grande reacção do público...eu então estava em altas, pois nunca tinha ouvido num p.a. daqueles certas músicas. Já para não falar que nunca ouvi Ra ao vivo sendo ele um dos meus artistas de topo. Temos que ser nós a fazer uma festa. :rolleyes::dancing:








Eu acho que o equilíbrio está sempre no meio. Uma coisa é entender que se tomamos a decisão de tentar ganhar dinheiro com o que fazemos, temos que servir um público. Nesse caso é preciso estar a par da evolução técnica como do que é comercial.


Onde quero chegar, Paleta, é que de certeza que o teu trabalho pode coexistir com o teu hobbie. Como trabalho, passas aquilo que os outros curtem (mas está de acordo com os teus gostos também). E no teu tempo livre produzias uma mesmo ao teu estilo. Ou até mesmo um álbum. Se o hobbie sair da gaveta fixe, se não, existem muitos sites onde simplesmente podes espalhar a mensagem à borla. Com um hobbie no fim ao cabo não deves ter expectativas, logo também nada a perder.


Goavilas, e quando é que compras um par de cdj's? dasse!


Eu a última vez que toquei foi no aniversário do alienxperience :P Como era festa de chill out, vai goa downtempo. Em Roma sê romano.





Já que falaram á dias deste gajo quero dar a conhecer a melhor música dele para mim e uma das melhores de 2010.

Simples mas com tudo o que uma boa música de trance deve ter para a "viagem".

Sempre em crescendo, profunda, envolvência, variação de ritmos, cósmica e ao mesmo tempo terrestre....aos 2.24m parte para a verdadeira história depois de um belo prenúncio.

Muito boa....,contudo das outras dele, acho que falta muita coisa ainda para estarem ao nível desta.










sem duvida este EP esta simplesmente fabuloso, do melhor que eu ouvi ultimamente!

é disto que gosto e procuro neste tipo de musica, e foi isto que me fez apaixonar por este tipo de musica, toda a envolvencia mistica, viajante, galática, que nos altera de forma radical o estado de espirito, que nos eleva de varias formas, depndendo de pessoa para pessoa..completamente transcendental e enriquecedora!!

Grande abraço pra voces!=)=)





Antares - Exodus







The Exodus

09:19 105 bpm




07:59 141 bpm



Aurum Solis

10:41 146 bpm



The 4th Dimension

08:39 146 bpm



Dreaming Universe

09:14 145 bpm



Mount Meru

10:41 143 bpm



Astral Plane

09:30 144 bpm



Sun Sanctuary

08:36 125 bpm



Release Date : Mar 3, 2011

Total time : 74:39

Style : Spiritual Goa Trance

Mastering : Tim Schuldt @ 4CN-Studios

Artwork : Simon Felix

Cat no : SUNCD21

Barcode : 5 060147 126853

Format : CD

Copies pressed : 1000



Antares, aka Simon Felix, is an 18 year old Belgian melodic goa trance talent! He showcased his talent before on some compilations and is now ready to blow you away with his magical storytelling debut-album called Exodus!


His music can be best described as pure sensitive spiritual goa-trance with an acidic edge. His fairytale starts with Exodus, which is a slow and deep downtempo intro track. It is followed by the progressively building morning monster Mysticism. After that the energy rises and Aurum Solis is a great uplifting goa-trance track. In the 4th Dimension and Dreaming Universe we get loads of acid 303’s on top of the goa-trance melodies which results in twisted dancefloor monsters... After that we go back into the floating style with Mount Meru and specially Astral Plane that are pure morning trance gems. The album ends in beauty with a soft downtempo track called Sun Sacntuary!


Lovers of melodic goa-trance will feel pure joy while listening this album and we at Suntrip think this artists fits perfect in the row of our other spiritual goa trance producers such as RA or Khetzal!

Este menino dá-lhe muita bem.....

Boas melodias, bons ritmos, Boa transparência na acidez de algumas músicas que nos dão boas vibrações em grandes construções musicais com principio meio e fim. Um goa (not to cheesy) bem dançavel. Só de pensar na margem de progressão que ainda poderá ter... é de pôr as mãos na cabeça... :bb::o


Para mim a 3 e a última (8) "downtempo" estão geniais.... ;):dance2:





E mais nada, quem se expressa assim não é gago... :closedeyes:

Por acaso até sou xD

Venha mas é ela... :)

E aqui está ela! Estou mesmo contente por tê-lo feito... (bué flashbacks) Digitalizei-a o melhor que pude - Tive que abrir a cassete pois para além dela já estar mal gravada, a fita estava toda enrolada e vincada, depois enrolei-a com uma caneta bic, a fita entretanto ainda se partiu mas conseguia colar. Não sei precisar que ano é isto mas deve ser +/- por volta de 98.

Loops infinitamente progressivos hehe, mas na altura eram tudo menos chatos - foi aqui que tudo começou para mim xD e é sempre bom preservar estas coisas para mostrar aos netos ^^

Sempre foi o meu sonho descobrir que produziu estes sons. Existe algum fórum\tópico sobre identificação de malhas?

Podes ouvi-las aqui: (Not Goa)














E pessoal, obrigado pelas vossas opiniões. Mas o pior é que o tempo não chega para quando se ama tanto estilo diferente mas vai-se tentando.

Pessoalmente o que mais gosto de ouvir em casa e de misturar para além de goa é algo numa onda de "forest progressivo" com ácidos bem húmidos e sempre com um feeling oldschool.

Já no que toca a produzir a conversa é outra, pois não consigo produzir aquilo que mais gosto de ouvir, é o que sai... :( E nesse aspecto tenho que admitir que sou muito molengão por não tentar criar os estilos que mais gosto, e em vez disso, produzo música que para mim, é tecnicamente mais fácil de produzir. Pois é, acabo por seguir certas formulas que eu próprio as tento combater. Não é que eu não goste daquilo produzo mas se fosse a uma festa preferia ouvir outros estilos... Que paradoxo não? xD

Podem ouvir algum trabalho meu e ver o quanto ando perdido a nível de produção

FIM de :offtopic:


Quanto a Goa.. eu produzir Goa está muito para além das minhas capacidades musicais mas gosto imenso do misturar Goa, e embora não tenha jeito nenhum para misturar batidas Goa, aqui fica uma selecção de muito amor. As minhas selecções nunca são Goa puro, são sempre comerciais, mas por isso mesmo considero que seja uma sonoridade que até pode atrair alguns fullónicos para o goa.

Tive foi que encurtar a coisa pois já ia em 2 horas e tal de set e reduzi para 00:52. Tentei tirar as mais conhecidas conhecidos como Afgins e companhia. As que não entraram ficam para para a próxima


01 Aerosis - Anasazi

02 Nolax - Lonely Sunday

03 Sound Field - Mentally Confused

04 Party Droids - Biogenesis Blaster

05 Liquid_flow - Black Valley

06 Persistent Aura - Julia's Wings

07 Rama - Illumination


Listen \ Download


\\ E quanto à festa eu já organizei algumas festas e a próxima está agendada para 1 Setembro 2012 mas ando a fomentar a ideia de começar a fazer festas goa entre a minha família (Psyfactory) e pouco a pouco a vontade começa a crescer e a ideia começa a ganhar vida. Mas convidar artistas internacionais para já está fora dos planos

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Paleta gostei de ler estes teus ultimos posts em muitos aspectos parecia que era eu a pensar ...

posso dizer que acompanhei a transicao do "goa" para o "psy" e as multiplas subvertentes posteriores ... bem nao vou dizer mt mais ...


Aki ficam umas malha de um dos 1ºs cds que comprei ... que mostra como andava a "cena" a dar mais pro "psy" em 98 ...


Va_-_Forever Psychedelic (Matsuri Productions 1998)







Forever Psychedelic :dirol:






Antares - Exodus







The Exodus

09:19 105 bpm




07:59 141 bpm



Aurum Solis

10:41 146 bpm



The 4th Dimension

08:39 146 bpm



Dreaming Universe

09:14 145 bpm



Mount Meru

10:41 143 bpm



Astral Plane

09:30 144 bpm



Sun Sanctuary

08:36 125 bpm



Release Date : Mar 3, 2011

Total time : 74:39

Style : Spiritual Goa Trance

Mastering : Tim Schuldt @ 4CN-Studios

Artwork : Simon Felix

Cat no : SUNCD21

Barcode : 5 060147 126853

Format : CD

Copies pressed : 1000



Antares, aka Simon Felix, is an 18 year old Belgian melodic goa trance talent! He showcased his talent before on some compilations and is now ready to blow you away with his magical storytelling debut-album called Exodus!


His music can be best described as pure sensitive spiritual goa-trance with an acidic edge. His fairytale starts with Exodus, which is a slow and deep downtempo intro track. It is followed by the progressively building morning monster Mysticism. After that the energy rises and Aurum Solis is a great uplifting goa-trance track. In the 4th Dimension and Dreaming Universe we get loads of acid 303’s on top of the goa-trance melodies which results in twisted dancefloor monsters... After that we go back into the floating style with Mount Meru and specially Astral Plane that are pure morning trance gems. The album ends in beauty with a soft downtempo track called Sun Sacntuary!


Lovers of melodic goa-trance will feel pure joy while listening this album and we at Suntrip think this artists fits perfect in the row of our other spiritual goa trance producers such as RA or Khetzal!


Muito fixe este álbum, a música "The 4th Dimension" é qualquer coisa... :)



1. Transfiguration (Anti-Gravity mix)

2. Lost in a crystal sphere

3. Psyramid (Live mix)

4. Tabernacle

5. When the universe was created

6. Southern Oracle

7. Ataraxia

8. Lost in paradise

9. Mysteries of the women


Lost Buddha is a Goatrance project by Filipe Santos on which he worked in the years 2004-2007.

It was then updated in sound and later productions were released under the alias Amithaba Buddha. The first release was Metamorphosis on the Suntrip Records Compilation Apsara in 2005. Some free releases followed.

A full length album was planned to be released on Suntrip Records, but it never materialized. Later, all data files were lost and it seemed there would never be a Lost Buddha album. But a Liveact backup CD was found which contained the original files, and so Phototropic Records is very proud to finally present Lost Buddhas Untold Stories.

Expect some very spiritual, beautiful and powerful music, whose traces can still be found in Filipes later projects.





Mais um que está para sair. :closedeyes:




01 Magnetic Fields

02 Trancemission

03 They Will Communicate

04 For A Better World

05 Tropical Sunset

06 Mysterious Fantasy

07 Beyond Lightspeed

08 Close Encounter

09 Delirium


Artifact303 is Romanian artist Zsolt Peter, one of the biggest and brightest rising stars of the melodic goa-trance genre...!


He managed to get this very strong reputation because he released some absolutely superb melodic dance floor killers on compilations last few years. Suntrip lovers will remember Feelings and Energy Waves for sure!

Now, after 2 years of hard work, we are proud to announce his highly wanted debut-album called “Back to Space”!


What makes “Back to Space” so unique is the fact that Artifact303 manages to blend fantastic melodies, lots of layers, a great story and brain-stretching climaxes perfectly together... Once you close your eyes and you listen to the music you end up in a hurricane of effects and melodies, putting a smile on your face! :)


His talent is showcased during 9 tracks on this album, ranging from more acidic Goa-trance to more bright euphoric madness! Expect one slower surprise in between as well...


Lovers of superpsychedelic Goa-trance, the Filteria style, should not miss this piece of art!


Like usual this album is crystal-clear mastered by Tim Schuldt!




  • 1 month later...



Curti a maneira como ele inseriu o Goa no set. É a prova que com algum jeito e boa vontade se consegue introduzir Goa nas festas dos dias de hoje




01 - Planet Number 12 (138 BPM)

02 - Human History (141 BPM)

03 - Annunaki (141 BPM)

04 - Wars Of The Gods (141 BPM)

05 - Scientific Mechanism (140 BPM)

06 - Time And Gravity (138 BPM)

07 - Inspired Brains (141 BPM)


Trinodia (Daniel Eldström) is back with another Goa trance release, Human History, his second on Underground Alien Factory Records. This time he has taken his music to another level with epic melodies and spacey soundscapes that will send your mind on a journey. The album consists of seven unreleased tracks that will take you on a trip into human history with a twist. Once more, follow the melodies and the beats into the world of Trinodia’s music! Mastering by Keamia and cover art by Richpa.


Free on Ektoplazm

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...




01. HK47

02. Navigating Through The Stars

03. Invasion

04. Without Boundaries

05. UFO’s In Orbit

06. Astral Consiousness (Feat. Goalien)

07. Orbital Bombardment

08. Proton Torpedo (Feat. Soundbuster)

09. Turbolift



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  • 3 weeks later...

Outra bomba que vai sair entretanto.




Cronomi Records are proud to present "The Portal" - debut album from Danish artist PortaMento. While this is his first album release, PortaMento (aka Jesper Hahn) is a seasoned producer, who started making tunes as early as 1997 - inspired by the big acts from the golden days of Goa. After having honed his skills for a couple of years, he found himself emerging on a scene where most everyone else had left the party. Despite this, he stuck to his own style, and became one of the top underground artists.The music, while influenced by the Goa of the late 90's, has a distinct deep, dark flow blended with psychedelic acidlines, atmospheres and multiple leads in complex arrangements. It is fast without being flimsy, melodic without being cheesy and smooth flowing without being repetitive. Each track has a story to tell if you listen closely. But don't take our word for it - The Portal is right there - see for yourself what's on the other side.


CD Track List:


01 White Dwarf

02 48 Hours

03 The Portal

04 Monkshroom

05 Injected Spawn

06 Biosphere

07 Vitamin E

08 A Grain Of Sand

09 Controlled Experiment



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Outra bomba que vai sair entretanto.




Cronomi Records are proud to present "The Portal" - debut album from Danish artist PortaMento. While this is his first album release, PortaMento (aka Jesper Hahn) is a seasoned producer, who started making tunes as early as 1997 - inspired by the big acts from the golden days of Goa. After having honed his skills for a couple of years, he found himself emerging on a scene where most everyone else had left the party. Despite this, he stuck to his own style, and became one of the top underground artists.The music, while influenced by the Goa of the late 90's, has a distinct deep, dark flow blended with psychedelic acidlines, atmospheres and multiple leads in complex arrangements. It is fast without being flimsy, melodic without being cheesy and smooth flowing without being repetitive. Each track has a story to tell if you listen closely. But don't take our word for it - The Portal is right there - see for yourself what's on the other side.


CD Track List:


01 White Dwarf

02 48 Hours

03 The Portal

04 Monkshroom

05 Injected Spawn

06 Biosphere

07 Vitamin E

08 A Grain Of Sand

09 Controlled Experiment




Já saiu. :)

  • 1 month later...

Outra maravilha para os apreciadores... :)




1. Creative Processing Unit (Feat. Rama)

2. Attractor

3. Colliding Galaxies

4. Concrescence

5. Iztam-Yeh (Feat. Agneton)

6. Hypnosis

7. Whitehead's Ontology

8. Figs Past Easter

9. Hurricane


Sita Records finishes off summer with another top-notch release by one of its prominent label artists, Persistent Aura's debut album 'Grand Julian'.

Throughout time Ewoud Vandenberghen alias Persistent Aura developed his own very distinguished and amazingly playful style of Psychedelic Trance, which gave him the opportunity to feature his music on numerous parties and festivals in Belgium as well as a bunch of renowned Newschool Goa labels.

Grand Julian presents the latest fruit of his artistic labour. 9 carefully-crafted tracks, balancing on the edge between Goa and Nitzhonot ready to tie their web of hyperfast fractalmelodies and hypnotizing sounds around your mind!

An obligatory buy for all lovers of Newschool Goa and Nitzhogoa!



E este? Oh Goavillas olha só para isto...e FREE!!!




01 - Ultraphoric Spacevibes (142 BPM)

02 - Eternal Circle (143 BPM)

03 - Beautiful Hallucinations (142 BPM)

04 - Ignition (141 BPM)

05 - When We All Come Together (142 BPM)

06 - Ultimatum (145 BPM)

07 - Perpetual Sunrise (144 BPM)

08 - Spacey Kebab (138 BPM)

09 - Destination Paradise (129 BPM)


Microcosm was an old school Goa trance project formed by Norwegian musicians Fredrik Larsen and Georg Simonsen in the late 1990s. Their debut album, Higher Levels, was never meant to be released, but thanks to the efforts of a close friend, it is now possible to experience the wondrous majesty of these lost classics. Microcosm’s sound embraces the original conception of “full-on”, combining layered melodies, acid-drenched, cosmic atmospheres, and peak-time energy. Behind the music, there is also a cautionary tale of dreams, obsession, and excess, all in the pursuit of accessing the higher levels of trance for which this album is named. Engineered by Karlsen and mastered by Jay (Southwild) @ Trailer Park Studios, Toronto.

Released under a Creative Commons licence for noncommercial usage. Please note that the sound quality of this release is very rough at times, with noise clearly audible on some songs. Due to the circumstances under which the project ended it was not possible to obtain better source material for mastering.



Outro... :)




1. Horus

2. Dna Blocking Agents

3. Message from space

4. Bellatrix

5. Hades Of Gates

6. Beyond Galaxies

7. Phobos Two

8. Dark Nebula

9. Zedessa


Interplanetary space, the space around the Sun and planets of the Solar System.

The volume of this space is an almost pure vacuum. However, is not completely empty, and is filled with cosmic rays, gas, plasma and dust, small meteors, and several dozen types of organic molecules. Inside this chaotic silence, something evil is lurking and observing.

Ebed Records strikes back and presents the 3rd album of Zed Reactor including 9 pure Goa and nitzhogoa party cyclones for every psychedelic mind, offering you the cosmic pulses of the interplanetary entities hideouts, straight to your senses. A trance cocktail of sounds, powerful melodies and devastating beats from a one man-band with unique style. The dark side of music.



  • 2 weeks later...

E mais outro ainda...O Goa está de volta em força.




1. Pathfinder

2. Metamorphic Resonance

3. Dansul Ielelor (Neurosect Edit 2011)

4. Valley of the kings

5. Above the skies

6. Distant Signals

7. Afterglow

8. Approaching Nibiru (Eleusyn rmx)

9. Deep Descent

10. If there is nothing


Get ready to be propelled into E-Mantra's universe!

E-Mantra, aka Emanuel Carpus, from Romania is one of the biggest stars of the modern melodic Goa-trance movement. Two years ago he released his highly acclaimed debut album 'Arcana' on Suntrip Records, and was immediately called to play everywhere, including Antaris project 2011, and we are now ready for a magical follow-up!

Twisted, hypnotic, even ominous at times and yet filled with magical melodies, describing E-Mantra's unique style is hard. Making both Goa-trance and Ambient he showcases the best of the best on Pathfinder!

The album starts with 'Pathfinder' and 'Metamorphic Resonance', two deep entrancing tracks with a straight drive, which slide gently into dancefloor madness, with acidic twirls covered up by sweet enchanting melodies.

In the second part of the album, melodies take the lead to give the tracks a highly hypnotic shape. A trippy remix of the anthem 'Dansul Ielelor' is followed by 'Valley of the Kings', a hymn to euphoric eastern melodies, while 'Distant Signals' and 'Afterglow' make you dive into the deep mental side of E-Mantra. The turmoil of madness completes with a relentless acidic remix of 'Approaching Nibiru'!

The album closes on two deep, floating vibrant ambient masterpieces!

If you are wondering how the E-Mantra sound evolved in the last two years, this is your chance!



  • 3 weeks later...



01 - Crossing Mind - The Last Breath (96 BPM)

02 - Ezcape - Space Flight (140 BPM)

03 - SETI Project - Endorphin (144 BPM)

04 - Celestial Intelligence - The Power Of Mind (141 BPM)

05 - Lunar Dawn - The Run (140 BPM)

06 - Sinhu - Free Space (140 BPM)

07 - Ephedra - Acid Rain (142 BPM)

08 - BlackStarrFinale - Consequences (146 BPM)

09 - Nolax - Teonanacatl (145 BPM)

10 - Toï Doï - Spiral Dive (2011 Remix) (147 BPM)








01 - Crossing Mind - The Last Breath (96 BPM)

02 - Ezcape - Space Flight (140 BPM)

03 - SETI Project - Endorphin (144 BPM)

04 - Celestial Intelligence - The Power Of Mind (141 BPM)

05 - Lunar Dawn - The Run (140 BPM)

06 - Sinhu - Free Space (140 BPM)

07 - Ephedra - Acid Rain (142 BPM)

08 - BlackStarrFinale - Consequences (146 BPM)

09 - Nolax - Teonanacatl (145 BPM)

10 - Toï Doï - Spiral Dive (2011 Remix) (147 BPM)






Nice. ;)


Gosto da cover.

  • 2 weeks later...

Dimensional Gateway 2





Part 1

01 - PharaOm & Leyra - Intro(spection) (137 BPM)

02 - Aerosis - Zen Hyperbabble (146 BPM)

03 - Cybernetika - Eclipsis (Cycle Mix) (151 BPM)

04 - Daimon - Edge Of Darkness (140 BPM)

05 - Psychowave - Pataxo Ayonat (147 BPM)

06 - Deimos - Funkscape 2.0 (140 BPM)

07 - Erot - Binary Perception (80 BPM)


Part 2

01 - Screw Loose - Mentally Unfit (145 BPM)

02 - Cosmic Silence - Electric Manna (143 BPM)

03 - Nova Fractal - Reality Of Life (145 BPM)

04 - Radical Distortion - Goa Station (140 BPM)

05 - Trinodia - Lasers And Demons (142 BPM)

06 - BlackStarrFinale - Classic Attack (146 BPM)

07 - Mindsphere - Presence (107 BPM)



After exactly one year, Neogoa‘s first compilation (voted the best compilation of 2010) gets a sequel: Dimensional Gateway 2. Over 120 minutes of high-quality Goa trance and psytrance music from all over the world is presented on this compilation alongside printable cover artwork and high-resolution wallpapers and posters. The style of the first part of this compilation can be described as darker and more experimental while the second part focuses more on melodic side of Goa trance. All tracks were carefully selected by label head Richpa, while mastering was done by Igor Čeranić at Deimos Soundlabs and cover artwork design by Ivan Parić at Neogoa Design.




  • 3 months later...

Este vai ser mesmo à antiga, já tive o prazer de ouvir e está muito bom.




1. Fead Huck


2. Goa Trance Mission


3. Opening New Dimensions


4. Terrestrial Planet Finder


5. Tokyo Old School


6. Trance India Express (rmx)


7. Satellite


8. Vega (Space Elves rmx)



After years of working on the album Dimensional Records is proud to present you the first album release of Space Elves!

On the very verge of the new golden era, four spiritual entities had landed on a small planet called Earth and taken human forms. On their quest of learning about the Earth's culture and civilization, they grew up separated upon this world. From their first human steps the boys showed incredible mental abilities.

One of these soul joint abilities surfaced just with the start of the new millennium, exactly when the four Elven mates finally made contact to accomplish their mission on Earth. Thus, on 21 January star year 2009, according to Earth stellar calendar, four Elven mates, leaded by Imba, united and revealed their Space Elven's alien identity through a unique message to the world of music recorded by the elves, which they are still creating.



  • 4 weeks later...

Olhem quem está de volta... :)




1. Black Eyes

2. Human

3. Manumision

4. City Lights

5. Take the Positive

6. Inspiring Life

7. Fast Clouds

8. A Light in the Sky

9. The big Click



  • 5 months later...

Muito fixe. :)




01. InnerSpace - Mental Stream

02. InnerSpace - Rising

03. InnerSpace - Deepflight

04. InnerSpace - The Ground

05. InnerSpace - Below

06. InnerSpace - Surface

07. InnerSpace - InnerSpace

08. InnerSpace - Lost City


You've discovered Innerspace aka Jörg Schemczyk from Cologne in our Shaltu compilation with a superb hypnotic 11-minute long mind twister. Suntrip now proudly presents his debut album in the same spirit :)

"InnerSpace" has the perfect name, for, it gets you to explore the deepest areas of your soul.



  • 4 weeks later...

E outro em dose dupla. ;)





1. Shape of Imagination

2. World is Yours

3. Cosmos Evolution

4. All Alone

5. Ornamentation

6. In To Reality

7. Spirits of Devotion

8. Patience for Heaven

9. Circled


1. Painful Stories

2. Mindrama

3. We Have a Dream

4. Wasted Years

5. Operation Side

6. To Infinity

7. Inner Cyclone

8. Fusion


Are you a fan of mystic, dreamy, hypnotic Goa trance filled with eastern melodies and magical moments? Search no further! 'Patience For Heaven' is exactly what you are looking for.

Mindsphere, aka Ali Akgun, worked 5 years on this unique two cd album. The first cd is the new album 'Patience for Heaven' filled with floating, yet powerful, Goa trance. His storytelling throughout the tracks is stunning and the warmth and positive feeling of his music will give you a fantastic experience!

The second cd is another story. 'Inner Cyclone' was only released online with weak mastering in 2007. Because this full power masterpiece deserved better, we made the decision to re-release this Goa trance stormer in good quality, mastered and on cd!

Like one of the reviewers said 'real classic, great music, old school Goa trance right from the source'.



  • 4 weeks later...




Artista: Crossing Mind

Titlo do Album: The Inner Shift

Release Date: Abril 2012

Location: France

Label: Suntrip Records (SUNCD25)

Genre: Goa Trance




01. The Unenlightened Perspectives (09:12)

02. Solarnium (09:11)

03. Modulated Self Reminders (09:29)

04. Magnetic Fields Of Life (08:48)

05. Elastic Harmonies (09:51)

06. No Way Wrong (2011 Remix) (09:22)

07. Plutonia (09:29)

08.1 Optronic Circles (Inner Shift Remix) (08:19)

08.2 Interlude (Hidden Track) (02:15)





4:20 pm Work for a cause, not for applause !

  • 1 month later...

Muito fixe este álbum de Goa Trance.




1. Trough our senses


2. Autopsy


3. Perplexed


4. Reality of life


5. Back to future (Nova Fractal rmx)


6. Perception


7. Connect


8. Common Cold


9. Blindsight


10. Cellar Door (Nova Fractal Sunrise rmx)



Ovnimoon Records Proudly presents the debut full length album by Nova Fractal fresh from the Croatian European hot bed of astounding electronic dance music.

This album is simultaneously a futuristic psychedelic trance voyage and a retro Goa trance adventure all in one. Modern polished production and engineering are expertly applied to the classic artistic expression of the foundation to our vast and diverse music genre known as Trance. Together with Nova Fractal's collaborators, Sky Technology and PharaOm and combined with the expert professional mastering by label head Ovnimoon aka Hector Stuardo in his studio nestled deep in the Chilean Rainforest jungles, this album is the perfect launch pad for a deep space adventure. Exploring the outer rim we are treated to a lush tour through vivid fractal explosions and multidimensional time-space portals unlocking the mysteries of the spectrums while harnessing the dual nature of the light wave particle we are able to open hitherto locked and other wise inaccessible regions of primitive DNA, the root that all life springs from. Nova Fractal is newborn Croatian psychedelic and Goa trance project, founded by Renato BrniAe from Slavonski Brod. Also look for his side project 'Main Sequence Star'.



  • 2 months later...

Grande power à moda antiga... ;)




01 Trancegalactic Voyage

02 Cosmic Butterflies

03 Mantra Trance

04 Colours Of The Night Sky

05 Flashing

06 Sounds From Tomorrow

07 Transparent Emotions

08 Teleportation

09 Spirits Dream


Sita Rec dives into spring season with the long-awaited debut album of one of their most prosperous and uprising inhouse artists, JBC Arkadii. Hailing from the faraway realms of Ussuriysk, Russia, situated on the crossroad between eastern and western influences, Arkadii Tronets gathered his inspiration to craft a unique style of Nitzhogoa, with a finely tuned ear for production quality. This ultimately resulted in "Sounds From Tomorrow", an anthology of his most melodic and memorable tracks he patiently wrote during the past years. So tune in, buckle up and prepare yourself for a flight into deep space, towards a new home of ever-expanding universes and never-fading stars.



  • Like 2
  • 2 weeks later...




One of the biggest legends of goa-trance, Dimension 5, is back! More than ten years after their latest album, they are ready to kick ass with a new mindblowing experience: TransAddendum!


Dimension 5 – Transdimensional is, even today, one of the most acclaimed and best known cds from the melodic goa-trance scene! Their follow up, second phase was a huge hit too, but since then, it was silent for 10 years… until now! Their new album “TransAddendum” features music that was made in the 90s, but never made it onto cd for some reason… Time to release them so people realize, again, that old is gold!


The album starts with Altair, a rather dreamy and deep trance track, followed by Zarkon, the original, more acidic remix of a track released on Phantasm Records.

The next 4 tracks are fantastic, typical Dimension 5 dancefloor stormers! A strong kick, a nice groove, lots of acid-sounds, hypnotic melodies and lots of psychedelic effects! The last 2 tracks are more in the “Second Phaze” style… Deeper and more trancy, but great nevertheless!


Are you ready to dive into the 5th Dimension? Go for it!


demos aqui ------->>>http://www.suntripre...se/cat/SUNCD27/





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  • 3 weeks later...



1. Magnetic Field

2. Step of the elephant

3. The spirit of the east

4. Space Sail

5. Wanderers of the desert

6. Reactive Acid

7. Airavata

8. Desert Wind

9. Neptune

10. Cosmo Elephant


Goa Records proudly presents Tavi aka Tibeev Rinat Rafaelevich from Russia featuring his debut full length out of this world time travelling adventure that takes you from the distant past to the far-flung future.

Time changes all things. Our dearly beloved genre known as Goa Trance has blossomed and mutated over the years becoming Psytrance, Progressive, and even Fullon, but seldom do pioneers of the early sound manage to influence our modern producers to this degree.

Tavi transcends the boundaries of this time line and pulls out a nearly forgotten book from our well-loved library, the book of Goa Trance. When you hear the word only a few still remember the magic and mystery that this word implies. It's not just the melodic structure or the innovative sounds, but the spirit that is evoked when you listen, feel, and dance to this classic yet modern futuristic sound.

Taking a Shiva Drop might not be such a bad idea when you encounter Tavi's engaging and addictive symphonic synthesis of future and past combined. Cutting edge production mixed with amazingly true to form sonic adventures composed to inspire chakra tuning and psychedelic harmonic alignments.

Take a trip with us to the edge of the known universe and beyond!



  • 2 weeks later...

Mais um álbum do "nosso" Filipe Santos, muito fixe para quem gosta do género. ;)




1. Squid (In the Nautilus Mix)

2. Wishing Machine

3. Bazaar of dreams

4. Hold us, Mother Gaia

5. Cotton Candy (Dreaming Mix)

6. Hypno-Baby

7. Power of Celtic (Pans Labyrinth rmx)

8. A new hope (Pans Ice Cream rmx)

9. It's a magical garden

10. Zathura (Throw the Dice!)


Phototropic Records presents the second part of Pandemoniums story.

The first album, Muinomednap, was about the darker sides of this project. The second album concentrates on the bright and fun side of Pandemonium.

So expect a lot of fresh crazyness, brought to you in a storytelling mode, filled with complex and inspiring tales that never get old.



  • 3 weeks later...

É DaRk mas é Goa... :D




1. Singularity

2. Memory Point

3. Modulium

4. Athena Research

5. Phaze 3

6. Large UFO Lazer

7. Find The Lemon Shark

8. Ytiralugnis

9. Magical Paradise


This story begins in 1995. At the age of 12, DaRk makes her first musical compositions. To date several cassettes, Mini Discs and CD's have been produced by DaRk. Her inspiration has no limits. In 2010 DaRk decided to start producing a psychedelic album. The final result in 2013 is an album you will find to be very melodic and retro.



  • 4 years later...
  • 1 month later...

Ubar Tmar - Another Transform [ep]




  • 1. Another transform 07:18
  • 2. Transformer Synthesizer (96' Live Mix) 07:39
  • 3. Mutant Life Forms 10:14


4:20 pm Work for a cause, not for applause !

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

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